Culmination Ceremony at the Festival of Moons

The Festival of Moons is a week-long event held every year at the Circle of Blossoms, an Ancient Geographical point of significance to the Ancient moon Druids of Evermyst. The Festival of Moons is a gathering of the local people who pay their respects to the moon druids who maintain the circle of Blossoms and the surrounding countryside. The Festival starts with a Gathering Fair and feasts put on in honor of the moon druids, There is Music, Entertainment, and Trading as hundreds gather and camp around the Circle of Blossoms.   For the final Three Nights at the end of the week-long festival, the Moon druids perform what is called the Culmination Ceremony exactly at Midnight when the two Moons Zinus and Olea in the Evermyst Night Skies are at their fullest. The First Night of the Culmination Ceremony is performed by the newest and youngest Moon Druids of the order it involves elaborate ritualistic dance accompanied by music played by the elder Moon Druids. The Dance is a sight to see as these Newer Moon Druids are often performing this as a ritual for the first time only having practiced it in private with an elder mentor. During the Dance, the new Moon Druids call upon the Goddess Ovra to take possession of one of them and dance with them. The Dance will last until only one druid still stands dancing and it is believed that Ovra's Essence has taken over that druid to complete the dance the final Standing Druid is now accepted into a higher rank among the Moon Druids. To the spectator, it is amazing as one or more dancers will seem to have become possessed and dance more vibrantly or fluidic than the rest and it may just be a sudden change in how they were dancing minutes before but all the dancers in the Culminations Ceremony dance till they eventually drop. Observers will notice that the last Dancer drops as the Moons Meet their Eclipse Apex being a perfect eclipse on the third and final night.  
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  On the Second Night of the Culmination Ceremony now the higher-ranking druids perform the culmination dance as the Moons begin their move to eclipse the second night the dances take on a more possessed and some say erotic form as they call for Ovra to partake in the dance with them. By the second night, many of the attendees and the Druids had drank much wine and or smoked many different things. The Elders play music till the last of the Higher-ranking druids drops from dancing. If one of these high-ranking druids is the last to drop he is accepted into a Higher rank circle within the Moon druid order. If more than one still dances and drops at the apex of the eclipse then no Druid Advances that year.   On the Final Night, all the Druids partake in the Culmination Ceremony. The Dancing on the third night is the most elaborate and erotic of the Culmination Ceremony many of the Druids dance with little to no clothing and are high on drink and smoke. No One knows who the Goddess Ovra's Soul will Ocupy and dance with as the dance nears the culmination non druid attendees will take to the circle and dance until all the druid's drop should an attendee who is not a druid be the last to drop from exhaustion or show signs of Ovra's Spirit in their Dance they will be Invited to Join the Order of the Moon Druids.  
I have seen and even danced a few seductive dances in my travels.
But you have never been seduced until you have seen the last Moon Druid Maiden
Dancing at the Cumination Ceremony of the Moon Festival.

~ Aranis Silverwood Bard & Courtier

During each night the Culmination Dance ceremonies dancing start around a bonfire at the center of the Circle of Blossoms just as the sun sets so the druids dance for nearly 6 hours till the Eclipse around the Midnight hour and the final Dancer collapses from exhaustion.   Scholars and theologies have different opinions on the Moon Druids Festival of Moons and its Culmination Ceremony some see it as a beautiful display of passion and worship others think it's just a Festival to invite and excuse debaucherous acts. What is known is that many come to attend and see the festival and many who worship Ovra believe that children conceived during the Festival of Moons will earn the Blessing of Ovra herself.


The Culmination Ceremony has taken place at the Circle of Blossoms as early as the year 480 when the first moon Druids gathered on this site. Around 980 the Festival changed and became open to some of the local human tribes that worshiped Ovra will also attend. As the stories and legends about the Festival began to grow and the human tribes became more prolific the Three-Day Culmination Turned into the Festival of the Moons around the year 1485 and began to last 7 days as Travellers Gathered from all over the countryside and set up camp. It was still seen as a time to gather and seek answers from the Moon Druids and hear their predictions and prophecies for the coming year. As the festival grew more popular among many of the human tribes the legend grew and so did the festival becoming something of a spectacle event to the curious and adventurous .


The Ceremony is a Culmination to Worship the Moon Goddess Ovra in conjunction with the Lunar Eclipse or Evermysts Moons Zinus and Olea. It symbolizes the strongest connection timeĀ  between the People of the world and the Goddess Ovra it is a ritual of Bonding

Components and tools

During the Culmination Ritual, many will be adorned in flowers, the Moon Druids' robes are split at the sides to allow easier leg movement during the dance and often the the robes are loosely tied as to fall off during the Dancing Ceremony (This is believed to Invite the Goddess Ovra's Soul to dance with you). Sufficient firewood to keep a bonfire burning for more than 6 hours from sunset till well past midnight. Wine and Narcotic forms of Tobacco are abundant and consumed during the whole festival and partaken of before the beginning of the Cumination ceremony each of the three nights.


The Moon Druids are the Key participants but people come from miles around to observe the festival and partake of the activities leading up to the Culminations Ceremony.


The Festival of Moons Takes place on the Lunar Calendar when Evermyst Two Moons are at their fullest and they eclipse three days consecutively with the third day being a perfect lunar eclipse.
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Aug 25, 2024 21:53 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

I'd work on this a bit to make it more compelling - it's got an interesting premise, but it needs to be compressed and some styling applied to make it stand out more! I really liked having a map, but it wasn't clear how it related to the article. All around though, this was a good start!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Aug 29, 2024 16:43 by Chris Burson

Thanks, Just a Budding writer so I will most definitely work on it I am a map maker first so those often inspire the story for my fantasy RPGs Evermyst is more of a source world for those that want to make use of the seeds and stories for their own Fantasy RPG adventures.

Aug 31, 2024 03:53 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

Sounds awesome! I liked the map a whole lot - Judging I don't see a lot of that in SC since it takes so long and everyone is trying to get all the different prompts done. if you want to see some great maps Chrispy_0 and TJ Rewin do great ones!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Sep 2, 2024 19:41 by Chris Burson

I will have to check them out.