
Written by Crafty_Dm

Dominating the center of Evermyst the great continent of Arimar it has been foretold that this was the birthplace of the humanoid life this is so documented in the writings of at least four of the known races to inhabit the lands Humans Dominating the center of Evermyst the great continent of Arimar it has been foretold that this was the birthplace of the humanoid life this is so documented in the writings of at least four of the known races to inhabit the lands Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Gnome. Halflings who call these lands home sing and tell tales of how their kind sprang from the same soil that is Arimar. Arimar reaches East to the Emerald Ocean and the smaller straight known as the Lunar Depths. To the south is the Evermyst Sea a bustle of ship and trade activity. On the western coast is the ocean referred to as the Western Depths. To its north, a vast uncharted frozen wasteland beyond the Frostrill Mountains and its Sea Referred to as the Frozen Tides an enormous stretch of Glacier Ice beyond the known Northern lands.   Arimar has 8 significant Mountain ranges 3 these ranges dominate the center of the continent and can come together to divide the lands into 4 smaller regions. The Northern and Southern Frostrill Mountains cap the continent meet and join the Stoneshard Peaks on the western central and the Morburough Highlands on the Eastern center. Arimar is by far the Largest Continent in Evermyst man, Elf, Dwarf, and Gnome. Halflings who call these lands home sing and tell tales of how their kind sprang from the same soil that is Arimar. Arimar reaches East to the Emerald Ocean and the smaller straight known as the Lunar Depths. To the south is the Evermyst Sea a bustle of ship and trade activity. On the western coast is the ocean referred to as the Western Depths. To its north, a vast uncharted frozen wasteland beyond the Frostrill Mountains and its Sea Referred to as the Frozen Tides an enormous stretch of Glacier Ice beyond the known Northern lands.   Arimar has 8 significant Mountain ranges 3 of these ranges dominate the center of the continent and can come together to divide the lands into 4 smaller regions. The Northern and Southern Frostrill Mountains cap the continent meet and join the Stoneshard Peaks on the western central and the Morburough Highlands on the Eastern center. Arimar is by far the Largest Continent in Evermyst.

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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