lumulutang na bahay

Built First out of Necessity by Ilongo Fishermen the lumulutang na bahay or "Floating House" was an Inginuitive way for fishermen to spend longer times at sea in more comfortable than in open air Dugouts or Bonka Boats. The Ilongo People found they could build small shelters out of Boyant Logs, Bamboo, and Grafted Floating pods of a Deep Sea Kelp found in the waters of the Emerald Ocean and Forgotten Sea. These Kelp pods combined with the Boyant wood would not only keep the small shelters afloat but the Grafted Kelp would grow and develop a small ecosystem in the waters below the floating houses attracting an abundance of fish and sea life making them even more Ideal for Fishermen.   The Lumulutang na bahay would ride the currents among the Islands of the Ilongo People and fishermen could stay on them for Months gathering Fresh fish and trading them with the Ilongo Islanders that they passed in exchange for materials and provisions they needed to remain out at sea. The Ilongo Fishermen would often bring out to their lumulutang na bahay Druids that would use their powers to speak with Sea turtles or Dolphins and obtain their aid to pull the floating houses to safe locations if they could not pull the houses themselves with their Dugouts and Bonka boats.  
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The earliest lumulutang na bahay were simple one-room structures intended to stay afloat for just one fishing season with the Ilongo Fishermen abandoning them at sea to break up and sink beneath the waves but as the Ilongo people got more proficient in making this lumulutang na bahay they found ways to make them float longer and have stronger living microenvironments below them. The Ilongos would bring them into shallow waters and work on transferring the cultured growths below them to newer floating houses or repairing existing ones. Soon fishermen started lashing several houses together making small floating villages on the sea and some have become thriving communities. What was once a temporary structure now had more importance and permanency at least for several fishing seasons in the Ilongo people's eyes and an essential working structure to their ocean harvesting economy.   Most of these lumulutang na bahay or floating houses can be seen around Mawiti Atol or floating among the other islands belonging to the Ilongo People.

Purpose / Function

The lumulutang na bahay serve as Floating Fisheries and housing for Ilongo Fishermen. Some are even teathered together to form small fishing communities among the Atols and Islands of the Ilongo People.

Contents & Furnishings

Inside a lumulutang na bahay you will find hammocks for sleeping, a simple cooking fire table, baskets, fish traps, fishing nets, and tools, a communal dinner table, along with fish processing table, Ladders, Drying racks to sun dry fish, Food, water and supplies usually from a nearby Island. and lastly Personal gear of the resident fishermen and some Dugout Outrigger or Bonka Boats.

Hazards & Traps

The Sea life below in the floating seaweed will be diverse there is a potential for Sharks, Large Octopai, Grouper fish, Large Kelp Crabs and even Giant Barracudda.


The Buildings are made of  Bamboo and the Gmelina tree which can reach maturity within 5 years and in the most popular woods for building these lumulutang na bahay or floating houses. Construction does not use nails the whole house is lashed with strong vines and wooden pin construction that is surprisingly durable. Houses are designed to provide shelter for 8 to 12 fishermen. Some are single-story while others are two-story with enough room to store at least enough fresh water and food for One month. The walls, and floors are often woven Bamboo or Bannig Grass with grass roofs.


The Only primary defenses these lumulutang na bahay may have are fishing spears, and harpoons, along with any weapons the Ilongo Fishermen may carry and a warning gong to alert the home residents or nearby allies.
lumulutang na bahay 'Floating House"
Alternative Names
Floating House
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
These lumulutang na bahay attract sea life so attempting to catch fish should be easier on or near one of these but because there are more fish there may also be a better chance of attracting Oceanic predators.
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The Ilongo People
Ethnicity | Sep 5, 2024

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