Maevras Black

Maevras Black

The Birth of Maevras Black was somewhat of a mystery his parents who were unknown to him and others left him at the steps of Uldor Fourwillows Tower in late October of 2042. Uldor was a wizard of Some renown in the Vaelside Thicket known for his compassion and desire to help the less fortunate. One of Uldors Fourwillow's servants found Maevras Black with a note pinned to his bassinet proclaiming his name and date of birth but no mention of his parent's name. Uldor was a Compassionate and knowledgable man who sensed something special about the Child took him in and had one of his Scullary Maids raise him. At the Age of 10, Maevras became an Apprentice under Uldor Fourwillows and started learning the Arcane Arts.   Maevras Black soon became Aspiring Wizard of the Arcane Arts from an Early Age Maevras Demonstrated an aptitude for the Arcane Arts. Maevras Black had a passion for learning any applications of Arcane magics he could, by the age of 22 he had completed his apprenticeship under Uldor Fourwillow in 2056 faster than Uldors three other apprentices. Uldor had been selected to serve as a regent to one of the High Council Wizards of the Draelarian Dynasty so Uldor appointed Maevras Black to oversee his tower in Vaelside Thicket and continue the teachings of his tree apprentices. Maevras Did so and two of the three apprentices completed their training but quickly left to serve Uldor Fourwillow in Magehill City in 2061. The Third Apprentice Unfortunately met an untimely Death speculations are that it was at the hand or desire of Maevras Black Himself but any record of this has been lost in the Scorching.   With the Apprentices now gone Maevras turned to researching more powerful magics his obsessions about dark magics began to become a concern for not only his former mentor Uldor Fourwillow but some on the Council of High Mages. In 2063, Uldor was set to be Appointed to the council of High Mages but he met an untimely death at the hands of his two apprentices who had joined him. The Two apprentices fled and were later caught and executed by Maevras Black and some of his guards in the Vaelside Thicket in 2064. Speculations swirled about their execution with the Council of High Mages but now evidence even through Divinations and Augrys could not find a culprit or motive or pin any links to Maevras Black.   Despite some arguments the Next in line to become a member of the High Council of Mages Maevras the Black became a High Council Mage in 2065. Speculations and Accusations would occasionally surface that Maevras Black was delving too closely or even practicing forbidden Arcane Magics. The Speculations usually got quashed or dismissed until some major Upheaval in 2080 when people of the Vealside Thicket were found dead in unusual ways believed to be related to sacrificial dark magics and Maevras Black was becoming quite reclusive. Mage High Council members and even some of Maevras's servants began to notice how unhealthy and Gaunt he was starting to look.   In 2081 He was called before the High Council of Mages to Attest to his now-evident Neglect of the care and well-being of the people of the Vaelside thicket that he ruled over. Runaway servants testified and Visiting High Council Members gave their accounts of suspicious events it erupted when the High Council of Mages voted 9 to 3 to Denounce Maevras the black as a practitioner of Dark and Demonic Magics.   What happened next is only on record in the Annals of the Draelarian Dynasty High Court hall of records but, it is said before he could be seized by the High Court Guards Maevras Teleported away in a Black cloud of Flies while the Two Wizards who voted in his favor Xavier Breedlove and Lazir Grim Cast Arcane bolts at the unsuspecting Council members before fleeing themselves. This resulted in the beginning of what was later called the Scorch Wars.   Maevras Black retreated to the old Tower of his former Mentor Uldor Fourwillows but over the last decade, he had considerably improved its defenses and raised his small army for the next several years he fought and kept at bay the forces of the Drelarian Dynasty and the High Council. When it seemed like his forces were weakening legend has it he made pleas or offerings to the God Lubris the lord of Pestilence and his calls were answered Demonic forces and Hoards of diseased fanatics joined under his banner But the forces of the high council had now defeated his two companions Xavier Breedlove and Lazir Grim. The High Council had discovered these two had been placed under powerful geas magics and began to close in on the territory around Maevras Blacks Keep near the end of 2093.   The Forces of the Drelarian dynasty and the high council began to lay siege on the Keep of Maevras Black. Soldiers clashed with Demonic Minions and his diseased legion defending the keep when defeat was looking apparent for Maevras some believe he called upon the God Lubris one more time to deliver him a victory at any cost others believe this is when the gods sent down a mentor striking the keep and destroying all life more several miles around the keep and setting the Vaelside Thicket ablaze in the cataclysmic event known as the scorching and giving this conflict the name known as the Scorch Wars.   What remains in the place of the keep is a massive crater and the Vaelside Thicket no longer exists from the year-long conflagration that followed. What is known is the lands have become referred to as the Scorched barrens and across the land massive fissures and cracks have emerged with hot gases and steam spewing from them. The Remaining Forces of the high council and the Drelarian Dynasty had to fight back waves and waves of demonic forces coming from the crater and these fissures made the scorch wars last until 2131.    During all that time and witnessing the ultimate destruction of the Keep and the Vaelside Thicket all have assumed that Maevras Black had finally been destroyed yet there are a few crazed individuals who say Maevras now serves the God Lubris in the underworld and still sends demonic forces and heliborne warriors to the surface from time to time looking for revenge.
by Bing AI Image Creator
Current Status
Date of Birth
Date of Death
2042 2094 52 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown ~ Abandoned at Birth
Circumstances of Death
The Scorching ~ Cataclysmic Event
Vaelside Thicket
Place of Death
Vaelside Thicket (Scorched Barrens)
Dark Brown
Long Black thinning hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 0"
162 lbs
Lubris God of Pestilance (Bansihed God)

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Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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