The Scorch War Military Conflict in Evermyst | World Anvil

The Scorch War

It has been over 500 years since the Scorch War raged on the Continent of Elabor. A division In the Drelarian Dynasy's High Council of mages erupted into war when High Counselor Maevras Black was accused of tampering with forbidden magics by the Grand High Counselor Agaonaxx the Grey during an annual gathering of the High Council. Charges of Herrasy were leveled against Maevras black at this gathering and Nine of the 12 Mages on the High Council Voted to ban Maevras Black from the council. Two other Mages from the High Council Xavier Breedlove and Lazar Gim Sided with Maevras Black stormed out of the meeting vowing not to surrender their seats at the council and rulership over their lands. The Three Mages Retreated in Anger to the Vaelside Thicket a dense cypress pine forest where their holdings resided. This Land was situated in the lowland valley East of Charglen Rise and west of the Southern Isthmus. The Vaelside Thicket no longer exists and the Lands there are now called the Scorched Barrens and the site of the Scorch War.   This War started as mere skirmishes within the Vaelside Thicket as the High Council tried to seize lands and Oust the Three Rebelios Council Members conflicts raged for nearly 12 years in this fashion resulting in many forest fires and serious damage to Vaelside Thickets natural flora and fauna. several years into the war the Council had learned that Maevras Black Had made a Pact with one of the Demon Princes of Hell and had placed Xavier Breedlove and Lazar Grim under his control with Powerful Dark Geas Magics. As the War Raged into the 13th year conflicts were now between Humans and demonic Minions from hell itself as Maevras called upon this demon prince to bolster his forces.   In a desperate surge by the Army of the Council, their assault pushed within siege distance of Maevras's Stronghold and as the forces laid siege the Waring Armies of both sides were struck with a cataclysmic blow from a Meteor falling from the skies. To this day it is speculation if this meteor was part of some prophecy or the result of Powerful Demonic Magics. What is known is both armies were obliterated and the Vaelside Thicket burned for nearly another year until it was no more. The Remaining High Council Wizards and what was left of the surrounding citizenry used their magics to hold back the Fires to the edges of the surrounding foothills.  
  Over the coming years, waves of Demonic forces would come out of the cracks in the crater ground that was the impact site of the meteor Forrays of Expeditionary forces traversed Deep into the Subterranean tunnels at the center of this crater in hope of finding and destroying these forces and the potential portal from which they came to protect the people and lands above. It was a Group of Adventurers led by Counselor Alistar the White that ventured one final time into the depths and disabled a great portal leading to the planes of Hell Thus ending the Scorched war in 2131.   Rumors and sightings still abound about the Scorched Barrens of Demonic Beasts and Entities stalking the lands and Tunnels below. Are they just surviving stragglers or is there more than one portal? No one knows but the massive surges of demonic troops has not been seen for 500 years.

The Conflict


The Declaration and Charges of Magical Hearacy by the High Council of Wizards of the Drealarian Dynasty against one of its members Maevras Black is considered by many scholars and, historians as the Prelude to the Scorched War.    Historical Speculations believe Maevras Black used Dark magic Pacts and Magical Manipulations of Geas Magic to garner more power and influence within the High Council of Wizards. Almost all of the documentation corroborating this has been destroyed in the Cataclysm of 2093 or is buried deep within the subterranean passages below the Scorched Barrens Crater.


Battlefields were throughout the Vaelwood Thicket and surrounding hills aptly declared the Scorched Barrens.


Since the Scorch War and the Cataclysm of 2093 the Scorched barrens have been a hostile environment and the Breeding grounds for a Disease known as the Warp Plague.


  • The burning and gradual extinction of Flaura and Fauna of the Vaelwood Thicket.
  • Constant upheaval and Conflict of the peoples in and around the Vaelwood Thicket and Surrounding Foothills.


  • Destruction of the Vaelwood Thicket and subsequent creation of the Scorched Barrens Wasteland.
  • Opening of Potential Portals To the Gates of Hell.
  • Infestation of the Scorched Barrens with Demonic and Hellish Abominations.

Historical Significance


The emergence of Half-devils among the populace of Evermyst and Elabor In particular.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date

Cover image: by Night Cafe AI


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