Prismfowl Duck Species in Evermyst | World Anvil

Prismfowl Duck

In the woodland waters of the Elven kingdom of Rya Nalore between the Elwynae River and Glimmer Run rivers a most exquisite form of waterfowl makes its home. The Elves of this region consider them a good omen should they choose to nest near an Elven Spring or catch sight of some if they are traveling along the rivers. It is highly frowned upon by the elves of the region that these creatures be hunted for food but if you speak to human poachers that have procured some of these creatures they say it is an exquisite delicacy to be eaten and the risk of execution or imprisonment by the elves certainly makes the meat from the Prismfowl duck expensive and highly prized in upper-class circles. It is also rumored that these creatures have a special defensive magical ability to blind or stun any creatures or beings attempting to grasp or pick them up while conscious or alive.   The Mandarin duck is considered one of the most beautiful duck species due to its fascinating plumage. It is also a symbol and love and fidelity, and good fortune among the elven people.

Basic Information


The male Prismfowl has a white crescent above his eye and a red/orange face with whiskers. His bill is red. The rest of his plumage is red, orange, brown, green, and purple in color. During the breeding season, the males also have a sail of feathers over their backs. The female prismfowl have a Black or Dark Green crescent above the eyes and a red/orange face with whiskers. Her Bill will be more orange. The rest of his plumage is red, orange, brown, green, and purple in color.

Genetics and Reproduction

Prismfowl ducks have a very elaborate courtship. They form pairs at the beginning of the mating season and then start to look for a nest. The male will accompany the female on this nest hunt. The ducks build their nests in a hole in a tree, which can be up to 30-40 feet above the ground. The female lays between nine and twelve eggs. Incubation lasts approximately four weeks, and the eggs all hatch within a few hours of each other. The mother will coax them out of the nest by calling to them from the ground. The chicks will free-fall to the ground from the nest before the move to the feeding grounds. Surprisingly the chicks generally make this journey unscathed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchling (Till 6 Weeks), Young (2-11 Months), Adult (1-15 years)

Ecology and Habitats

These birds inhabit pools, lakes, rivers, fast-flowing streams, marshes, and swamps surrounded by dense deciduous forests. In particular, they are prolific in the elven Territories of Arimar and Avilar.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Seeds, acorns, small fruit, insects, snails, and small fish.

Biological Cycle

While the male prismfowl duck stays around for the incubation period, once the eggs have hatched, he leaves the female to rear the chicks. During this time, he molts and sheds his colorful plumage. The male also sheds his primary flight feathers during this time and so he is unable to fly. With his bright plumage gone, the male is brown and grey in color like the female, which helps him blend in with his environment and hide from possible predators.


Prismfowl ducks have magical defensive features about them. When the Duck is attacked it can release a Magical pulse that momentarily blinds or stuns its attackers giving the Prismfowl time to escape or possibly fly away. The Males Lose this ability during the molting season but once their colorful feathers return they have it again. Prismfowl Ducks can unleash this magical pulse typically 2-3 times in a day before it is exhausted.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Prismfowl Ducks Mate with 1-2 Partners over a lifetime only takes a second partner if its first one has died. These ducks are vary social and will commonly be seen together in Flights or Flocks of Several couples.


Some of the Ducks have been domesticated typically by Elvish Druids or High nobles for their gardens and grounds. On occasion one may be gifted to a person of another race if they are strongly allied to the elves and embrace their ideals and are certain they would not hurt or exploit the Prismfowl duck.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Meat from these ducks is most Succulent with its brilliant plumage being very stylish and even used in the practice of some magics for these reasons these Prismfowl ducks are often poached and sold in black markets for considerable money. Usually to some unscrupulous Noble or Merchant.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Typically in ponds or springs within the Elven Territories along Everdale Run, Elwynae River, and the Glimmer Run in Rya Nalore. Along the Arborsea Rill, Elias River and Oshlume Rivers of Elvorai.

Average Intelligence

Average Animal Intelligence.
Prismfowl Ducks
Prismfowl by Craftydm
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
Fly, Swim, Walk
12-15 years
Conservation Status
This species of duck is under the protection of the Elven People of Rya Nalore and Elvorai. To Hunt, these ducks is a crime against the elven people often met with imprisonment and even death for repeated poaching.
Average Height
1' foot
Average Weight
1-3 Pounds
Average Length
10-13" Inchest
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Night Cafe AI


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