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*MIA* Amos Daloes

*Amos is currently in hell* Amos, is a 5’8” male who weighs in at roughly 175 lbs. Muted red Skin . Jet black eyes with no discernible pupil. Undercut Hair, off to one side. Stubs of horns that have been cut down,

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My last

*This paper was found half frozen in ice, in the high alpine outside of Uthodurn. It seems to be half burnt*   This parchment shall serve as my last Will and Testament. I Amos Daleos do so leave these words to whom ever may find them. The events of the last few weeks have proven neigh impossible to properly relay all that has happened. Asmodeus Red has been recruited by the armies of hell to fight in some up and coming conflict. Both Hansen and I have tagged along, as we train to fight some type of cosmic entity. We believe it was the same entity that Aldered prayed too. Perhaps there is some type of connection between him and Red and this conflict. For now we spend our days drilling among the creates of the 7th layer of hell. Preparing for war.   I have managed to send this letter back to where we left the material world. If anyone finds it. Please deliver this letter to Vespera Achlys Othalam of Deostock.   Vespera, I am sorry about the events of the last few weeks. We never got the time to sit down and really talk about your changes, mine and where this leaves us. With luck we will meet again some day. I leave my Inn and any worldly possessions to you back in town. Stay safe.   Amos

The Void

*This entry was hastily written down on a scrap of paper that had been soiled by blood.*   The Wedding was a Trap!   We are held up in some type of dungeon deep underground and have been under attack by guards and creatures at every turn. Worst Still. Aeldred is gone! I need to write this down so that my mind does not forget these details as it could prove to be important.   Somehow he had become the conduit for something.. otherworldly or evil? Perhaps this had to do with the creature that killed Avon. We watch him pick up the body of a guard recently slayen and then his maw seemed to unhinge, black testicles springing forth and enveloping the head of the guard. Asmodaus Red sprung to action and assumed it was something of evil intent and wrapped him self around Aeldred. Before I could even utter a word of caution, Red started to chant. Then it was as if the folds of reality itself just opened up and swallowed Aeldred. I am having trouble recalling how it exactly appeared but suffice to say. Space and time seemed to rip open and he was gone.   Now we are but three, in a place i am not sure we can make it out of alive.  

King for a Day!

I Have been elected King!!   We had a strange dragonborn princess show up in town with a document outlining a marriage contact with the town of deastock (or deerstock to the locals). After some debate back and forth we decided that her patition for a marriage with the king of deastock to be truthful. Which only left us with one problem. We dont have a king.   As it turns out, the part was keen to sacrifice me to this marriage and thus elect me king of the town. Although i feel as if this position carries no power or esteem as I'm still living in a warehouse. This whole turn of events seems strange but the princess is obviously a powerful magic user and that can only bode well for me.   I have been having troubles with coming to turns with Vesperias new.. changes in life. We have always had a good question but her dabbling in necromantic energies has left her with a foul stench and she has taken on the transformation of an arm turning into a tentacle. Given my own pre disposition to turning into.. well what ever i am, i shouldn't judge. But its been hard.   For now, I continue to attempt to grow my business at the meat market and I am considering opening some type of pub to go along with the market. This town has been missing a good place to enjoy a pint. More importantly i need more influence in this town and bringing the guilds to my door might be useful.   Now to get ready for this wedding, and i wonder if i will get a coronation.  

Scrambled egg brain

I am struggling to put words to emotions over the last few days. I continue to battle with this beast inside me.. the lust for meat and flesh and the drive to try and keep some semblance of sanity.   Exploring this underground laboratory has taken a great tole on our party. We have lost Avon, a prominent member of our group died to a creature i have never encountered before. It had tentacles coming from his face and seemed to yearn with a consciousness that was unlike anything i ever encountered before. I reached out and tapped into his mind only to feel as if i was connecting with thousands of minds, all unique yet similar.. it was overpowering and the sense that in trying to collect this lens we were.. stopping or delaying some plot.   Vespera has also befell some thing horrible within this dungeon.. her arm has some how been replaced with a tentical.   Strangely we also encountered a forested area underground that had a talking.. raven type creature. whom appeared to be tending the animals of the forest. Yet upon retrieving the lens the whole forested area seemed to have disappeared.   I am still trying to get the last feelings of Avons death out of my head. It will continue to haunt me for some time.

It Lives!!

It.. Lives?   The Creature on the table, made from parts and pieces from other bodies... upon flipping the lever, it came alive! Thankfully due to some fast thinking and quick foot work. We managed to hobble the creature before it could do us great harm.   This lab is strange, far different then the rest of the sunken temple.. showing signs of use and research being undertaken. I have no doubt who ever utilizes this space is slinking around this underground labyrinth somewhere.   I cannot refute that i am also getting increasingly hungry. It has been a day since i last ate...


A real werewolf... our group has actually attracted a real werewolf. While deep in this sunken temple we came across another.. wolf who goes by the name of Hanson. He seems to have been tracking me.   I have not had much time to really ask him why however i Some times catch him eyeing me a cross these dimly lit rooms as that we find ourselves travel through in this long forgotten temple. I don't know what his motives are, but one thing is for certain. The dynamics of this party now have shifted to embrace a more... wild side.

The Cloud

It's been hard to keep my mind focused these last few days. What ever is happening to me, these... transformations.. seem to be corrupting my soul, or perhaps my mind? On top of all that, the basic magics i have come to rely on have become unstable. Occasionally upon casting a spell, someone, something, or well all of us will blink from our realm and appear somewhere or sometime else. Currently I am sitting with Percival on a cloud bank in.. some place I should know but cant recall.   We were only a moment ago in a temple of some type deep under a swamp. Fellow competitors at our back and these fish creatures in front of us. I had raised my hand in an attempt to lash one of the creatures when... a pop.. and i am here.   I must endevor to stop this from happening. And i am getting oh so hungry. I can smell Percival, his scent is attacking my nostrils and I need to be focusing on escaping from this place. Not some motivation for a meal which would most likely end up with me as a shish kabob.   I must get back to my attempts to escape.

Three Pheasants

My stomach just aches. I stole 3 pheasants from a hunter and devoured them all, but I'm still hungry.   It's so dark out. We are laying in a cave near the creator of what once was the library and i can feel the rain drops threatening to fall.   I just snapped at Antwan, I don't know whats going on. He shoved me off my bed and stole my bedroll. It took all my .... not to crash the cavern down on him.. why am I so angry? He yelled at me for stealing this bed roll! I don't know why I am having these dreams.   If i see that hunter again... He was up on the hill side.. He knows were here.   My stomach feels like its eating itself. I'm shivering and its not even that cold!   *The pages of the book seem to show signs of rain drops that had dried on the paper*  

A feeling of forboding

I don't know what is going on with me. We are taking a few minutes to rest and recoup after dealing with that business within the tower to Melora. (really.. its a light house). I.. need to record this just in case i forget more of what happened.   So there we were, deep in the tower of Melora, Percy, Aldred and Vespera were dealing with plant zombies in the base as Antwan, Avon and myself were up at the top of the circular staircase. The battle seemed to be going downhill quickly, and I watched Avon leap down hundreds of feet to try and help out. Feeling useless and in a panic I climbed the ladder to the top of the light house, Thinking maybe there would be something to help further up. What i stumbled upon, was far worse then I expected.   The room at the top of the lighthouse was bathed in dim sickening light which emanated the beacon at the heart of all this. The vines from below seemed to flow up through cracks in the floor and walls, in a beautiful show of the power of nature. They all made their way to the central beacon, where I could see a Dagger of some type had been jammed into the crystal beacon. A foul energy seemed to pulsate from this dagger and it was clear that this could be the key to dealing with the vines. I then heard a muffled moan, and as my attention turned to the point of the sound, I could see a man.. elf.. someone. They were bound by vines and hanging upside down, their arms lashed to their side and a thick vine snaking around their neck and across their mouth like a gag.   My attention switched back to the din of battle below me, I knew I had to do something. So I out stretched my hand, attempting to grab the dagger. If I could just remove it, I thought all this would be over. Concentrating with great effort, I was able to cause the dagger to gradually remove itself from its entrapment and come hurtling towards my hand. I had done it! But what came next still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. A shutter rippled through the room, it was if all the vines had recoiled at the pain of the dagger being. Off in the shadowy distance, rising from the mass of greenery came a twisted form of something large in a vaguely humanoid shape but roughly 10 feet tall. I knew that I was dead if i stayed on that ladder, so I did the only thing I could think of. Climbing for my life, I made my way into the chamber. In my hasty movement I had lost sight of this creature, and then my world was rocked. Two massive appendages slammed into the ground just inches from my head, how it missed me I will never know.   In sheer panic I did the only thing I could think to do, drawing my dagger and thrusting it deep into the belly of the aggressive vegetation. A flash of memory hit me, about a phrase I had read long ago, deep in the library of my father’s house. Closing my eyes I yelled out “Be Still!” and then in a flash, I lost contact with my dagger. The vegetation shifted again to lash out and I ran for my life across the room. When I looked back, the creature had been Locked in space, the dagger stuck in its mid-section and holding it fast. Unfortunately, this also trapped it above the only access to this part of the lighthouse, and when Percy came to help, he was quickly smashed back down the ladder. Taking advantage of Percy’s brief distraction. I freed the body hanging from the ceiling who I then believed to be the wizard Yusa. Ripping him free of the offending vines, he and I quickly reduced the create to a pile of charred ash. Just in time for the rest of our group to come climbing up into the chamber.   What transpired next was a brief questioning of the man who claimed to be Yussa. But my companions quickly deduced that this was not in fact actually Yussa!   From here on out my memory seems to be foggy. I.. remember taking the cursed dagger back and driving it deep within this charlatans foot. The blade piercing his skin, driving deep and pinning his foot to the floor. But a most unexpected thing happened, It started as a sinking feeling in the pit of my belly, that grew to a bout of nausea. I managed to, mostly hide it from the group but even now a few hours later it still seems to stick with me.   I believe we met with Yussa at some point.. but this fever has crept upon me and I think I just need to rest for a little while. I must also study this dagger from the lighthouse more, I keep it with me now. If I recall more, I shall write it down.

The bigger they are.

*You see a hastily scribbled journal note   I DID it! Can you believe it! No of course you can't your a book. That old spell I found in my fathers basement, it actually worked. I'll have to tell Ignatius all about this when he gets out of prison. Hold on. *The script trails off in an inky scribble*   We're deep inside a lighthouse and I am currently hiding next to a massive magical vine outcropping. These plant based... undead? keep attacking us and Antwan just took a hit right to the face. Which had to have hurt! So most curiously I was able to focus on a few of them and then reciting the words of that ancient text, gravity seemed to drastically increase. Almost all of these, plant creatures were pulled to the ground incredibly roughly. Wait.   *The page shows signs of a scorch mark*   I just had to send a firebolt off to hit one of these bastards in the face. Saving Avon, although he would never admit to it. This new gravitational magic seems to be incredibly powerful. I will have to continue my research into it. Now on wards to the top of the lighthouse!   *A piece of vine has been pressed into this page*

Seek out chasity

Looking back on the events of the last few days, its hard to make sense of it. As I sit here on a dock in the port of Nicodranus, I find myself struggling to remember clearly what has transpired.   Ignatius and I have been what I can only describe as bending the fabric of reality. One moment we we’re deep within a temple on some tropical island within the Menagerie Coast, and the next minute I am floating in the air within.. some fluffy clouds? That crazy old kook Ignatius, floating from cloud to cloud. Then, Poof! a bright flash of light and we found ourselves on a rowboat, in the middle of the ocean with what I believe was the island we previously were on in the distance behind us. Then it erupted, towering plumes of smoke and fire escaping from its peak. Ignatius created some type of propelling force through a use of a spell and spurred us onward as rocks and ash plummeted down around us. Within an hour of travel, we made it to a port, which I found out soon was Nicodranas. Although I had never been to this city, it will be one I never will forget. The towns folk here seem to enjoy painting their homes in bright colors, which along with the sand stoned color brick, really gives a warm feeling to this town. Far nicer on the eyes then home.   After some searching around the port arears there was no signs of the rest of our party and when I asked Ignatius about it, the old windbag started to talk about how his toe nail fungus would create an absolutely wonderful spread for toast. I could only assume that our party, had perished in the eruption, Vespera included.   We spent the next day and a half around the Ports of Nicodranas. Ignatius questioned me on a few occasions, I believe he was trying to ascertain what happened in the temple. These conversations always seem to circle back to the books i had read deep in the basement of my Father’s estate. I remember one of the books that piqued my interest, spoke of the ability to manipulate gravity. Among some of the wild musings of Ignatius, he did mention something about this type of spell being of particular interest to the Kryn Dynasty.   I had just about given up hope of ever seeing our traveling companions again. If fact I was standing by a wanted board on the edge of the quay, perusing through the Ads of parties looking for new companions when, low and behind the bedraggled figures of Avon, Antwan and Vespera made their way rowing into the harbor. I quickly tucked the paper tabs of the wanted ads deep into my pocket and made for the edge of the dock.   After a quick hello we focused on the pressing matters at hand, or in this case the rivet pressing into Antwans chest cavity. I attempted to do my best to seal up the wound in his chest wall. Which I will say seemed to work very well. I may just have to consider a career in medicine in the future.   I was quickly filled in on the fantastical story of a large serpent at the temple and the subsequent collapse of the island in volcanic activity. It seems that the rest of the party has remained behind on a captured sailing ship.   Over the next few hours, we had seen to Antwan being properly medicated, and then we attempted to gain an audience with some powerful wizard. I believe he had some connection with this mystical library who this group is a part of. I really must take a moment and say that I don’t think I really grasp the concepts of what this group stands for or what its purpose is, but at least this old bugger (Ignatius) has been able to give me some pointers on controlling my magic.   Sometime transpired (really who can count, one day someone should invent some type of device that keeps track of it) And we found out that Percival and Aeldred who had remained on the ship had now been arrested and detained by the local authority.   So now you’re up to date. Antwan and I are sitting on a porch outside the Withered Bird inn having a pint, trying to plan to gather some information on where they could have taken them. I think were about to pick up and head off to the Lavish Chateau to ask around. Our server here, a wonderful dwarf women ( I think? They had a beard) suggested we should go there and ask for a woman named Chasity who would be able to show us everything we wanted to find. Whatever that means.   Well until next time.    

Church Fires and Sandy Beaches

12th of Kythona - The Crater   I've found her!!! I cannot begin to proclaim how excited i am to write that. After so many years.   But I cannot.. Fully explain the happenings of the last few hours.   I am sitting on a sand beach next to the ocean, and I am attempting to write this down as a record, in the chance I have gone mad and my mind slips away.   I must start in Deastock. As I walked in the town, I was waylaid with some.. journalist who persisted to ask me all manors of questions. In fearing that she was actually not who she claimed she was, I did my best to lead her astray in answering her questions about myself. Then an a great fire erupted from a church at the end of the street. I was about to make my way out of town in due haste to avoid unwanted attention when I saw her. It was Vespera! for some reason she was in town on her own accord.. we recognized each other and among all the chaos of the fire in the background we managed to remake our acquaintance.   The events from here on out take a turn for the weird. We made haste to a place she described only as the library, from what I understand. It seemed to be an suppository for information and some type of hidden group. But as we approached there seemed to be a large crack and flash of light, and all we could find was a crater where the building was standing before? Or so they say..   We were met by a host of characters who seemed panicked by the events that had just transpired.   And then a large discharge of magical energy and poof. We find our selves on this beach. I can only guess we are somewhere on the menagerie coast due to the tropical beach i now set my toes in.   Vespera has come a long way in her studies, i witnessed her use the body of some poor sailor to create a scythe. I could only imagine to one who had not spent time muddling and reading through ancient texts on necromagics that this process would be quiet unsettling. How she managed to get the blood of her hands in this place i shall never know.   Echo seems to have located a temple inland from the beach. I believe we shall be making a trip that way soon. There is something about this place that just leaves me unsettled. The arcane energies swirl around us still.

On the road to Deastok

10th of Kythona, on the road.   It has been a few days since I have had a chance to write in here. Last night was another night of unrest. I woke in a sweat this morning. These damnable dreams have been haunting me since I left Zadash. It's been 5 days on the road and I can still see my family, the images of their bodies twisted and contorted, seared in to my mind. I feel as if i cannot escape that which haunts me. The memories of what has transpired, like A shadow that seems to be just out of the edge of my eyesight.. something in the dark that is there every time I close my eyes. I have attempted to stay off the road in my travels south to Trostenwald, which was the last place I had heard of Vespera and her family traveling too. And my brother.. I have not a clue where to search for him, perhaps after i find her.       ----------------------------------------------------------------   12th of Kythona, Trostenwald   After spending two days searching Trostenwald I had a chance run in with a Troubadour at tavern who has heard some rumor of the Othalam Family. I pack my bags to make my way north for the town of Deastok. My hopes of finding Vespera are high, I shall endevor to continue to avoid the main roads. I cannot help but feel whomever killed my family might be still looking for me.

Amos's backstory

Alto Tiefling   Physical appearance:   Amos, is a 5’8” male who weighs in at roughly 175 lbs. His skin tone is a muted red which at first glance gives away the fact that he is not human. Upon closer inspection you see that his eyes are as black as jet, with no discernable pupil. His hair was kept in an undercut fashion, shorter on the left and longer on the right. His face was typically very human looking with a slightly more angular and pronounced jaw line. Atop his head you would find two roughly filed stumps of horns, the surrounding skin full of scars and damage from attempts to remove what was left of them from his head. His fashion choices typically had him wearing heavier long sleeve tunics, and pants that might help to hide that he wasn’t human. Occasionally one might see the flick of a pointed tail surface from beneath his cloak, although he went to great lengths to keep this hidden.   A questionable begining   Growing up in the city of Zadash, within the Dwendalian Empire, was never an easy task for Amos. All his life he had been forced to live away from public eyes, residing within the estate he grew up in or out at his family’s country property when it was possible to sneak him away from the city.   To properly understand Amos, we need to look back at the series of events that brought him into this world. Growing up, one of the major players in his life was his Grandfather, Sir. Simon Daloes. Sir Daloes was a wealthy merchant lord who lived and conducted his business within the Silken Terrace district of Zadash. To the public eye he controlled a large trading empire which mainly handled the exchange of products from the Menagerie Coast and then filtered them up through Nicodranas to be distributed through the Marrow Valley. Sir Daloes was a proud man, proper and enjoyed his station within the tri spire of Zadash. He kept court with some of the most powerful families of Zadash, but non were closer then Lord Gideon Othalam.   Lord Guideon had approached Sir Daloes years ago with a business proposition. You see, Gideon Othalam had become interested in increasing his knowledge and understanding ancient magics and it just to happened that Simon Daloes had made a business around finding rare and exotics goods to trade and then facilitated their safe movement around the continent. It did not take long before the two secretly start investigating and acquiring a treasure trove of forbidden and illegal knowledges in the hopes of achieving a greater understanding of this world and the rolls they could play within it.   Through an unfortunate series of events, Sir Daloes came to make a trade deal with a rather questionable traveler who traveled the Licidian Ocean. What he thought would be a lucrative deal soon turned out to be far darker then he had anticipated. After an unsuccessful attempt to back paddle his way out of this questionable trade arrangement, Sir Daloes had his only daughter, Evelyn Daloes, stolen from him during a midnight raid on their country estate. The search continued for weeks but eventually all hope of her return seemed to dry up.   Nine months later however, a tired and much thinner Evelyn showed up on the front steps of the Daloes estate with a surprise clutched to her chest. The youth was named Amos Daloes after his great great grandfather, but it quickly became apparent that the child was anything but ordinary. His physical features stood out as not human and Sir Daloes quickly became aware at the unfortunate negative attention that this cast on his families good name and their formal business. Much to Evelyns disapproval, the decision was made for Amos to be raised and kept within confines of the Daloes manner. To add insult to injury, two years after his birth a younger brother was born, who was named Flume. The two brothers could not have had too more different lives. Flume was raised as the perfect gentleman, educated with the best teachers and afforded all the niceties of his station. He was expected to be able to represent the family in its business dealings and replace Sir Simon when that time came.   Amos on the other hand, continued to live within the shadows. He was kept away from the public eye, and educated in the darker sides of the family business. His grandfathers shame in his infernal appearance was never forgotten. Many times, through his youth Amos was subjected to trials and experimental procedures to attempt to hide his infernal. These acts left his body with physical scars and he suffered from deep mental scars as well.   An unlikely friend     Throughout Amos’s early childhood days were a mixture of education by his private tutors, and play by himself within the manors yard and many hallways and rooms. His own family had little time for him, between his grandfathers reluctance to accept him because of his heritage and questionable conception and his mothers duties within the city pulling her away from the house often, he never had much in the way of friends.   Sir Daloes, would from time to time invite Lord Gideon Othalam over to visit the estate. Lord Gideon would bring with him his Granddaughter Vespera, they would allow her to play with young Amos because of their unique upbringing. She was strange like him, almost as if she had a darkness about her and she seemed naturally talented with the arcane arts. But if Amos had learned anything from his time with his grandfather, he knew better then to ask why she was so different then their human families. He continued to play with her when they could and found comfort and companionship with her which for a time made the world seem less lonely.   As they grew up it seemed as if their studies with the magical arts seemed to pace each other, although her powers seem to come more naturally to her. Amos was forced to spend long hours under the watchful eye of his teachers pouring over tombs of ancient texts, so that his understanding might increase and match what came so naturally to her.   Their friendship continued until they both were in their mid teens. Until one day the Othalams stopped coming around for visits. Upon asking his mother what happened to Vespera, all that she would say is that they were forced to leave on business and that his grandfather stayed in touch with her grandfather occasionally.       A Tragic End   Around the time that Amos turned 21, his world came crashing down around him. As he matured, his independence blossomed and with that his want to explore life outside the estate. Using his arcane abilities, he would sneak out at night to explore more of Zadash, making sure to avoid the guards.   Upon returning to the estate one night he found the back door broken from his hinges. What followed next would haunt him for the rest of his days. Throughout the lower halls of the estate he came across body after body. All the servants appeared to have been put to the sword, and where any signs of conflict existed, the level of destruction was far greater. Upon climbing the stairs to the upper levels he came across his mothers corpse. Slayen in her bed and left in a puddle of her own lifes blood. With anger and fear coursing through him, Amos stormed to his grandfathers office. As he past through the threshold he found his grandfather, a sword buried up to its hilt in his chest, and the old man clinging to life. Once his grandfather saw him he could only manage to level his finger towards Amos and in a strained hiss, managed to say “Othalam” letting his voice trail off into his death.   Search as he might, he never found his brother within the confines of those halls, nor did he find whom every might have enacted such a bloody act. With the fear of having the guards blame him for this atrocity because of his heritage, Amos took what little gold he had managed to hide away and made haste for the only place he knew he might be safe, following the suggestion of his grandfather he saught out the Othalams estate.   Within the Othalams lands he came across a caretaker who had heard tails that the family had joined some type of a cult far to the north. With an approximate idea of the location of the Othalams now, Amos made out access the empire to try and find his own friend Vespera.    
This article has no secrets.


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