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*MIA* Amos Daloes

*Amos is currently in hell*   Amos, is a 5’8” male who weighs in at roughly 175 lbs. Muted red Skin . Jet black eyes with no discernible pupil. Undercut Hair, off to one side. Stubs of horns that have been cut down,

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Sat 11th Feb 2023 04:33

My last

by *MIA* Amos Daloes

*This paper was found half frozen in ice, in the high alpine outside of Uthodurn. It seems to be half burnt*
This parchment shall serve as my last Will and Testament. I Amos Daleos do so leave these words to whom ever may find them. The events of the last few weeks have proven neigh impossible to properly relay all that has happened. Asmodeus Red has been recruited by the armies of hell to fight in some up and coming conflict. Both Hansen and I have tagged along, as we train to fight some type of cosmic entity. We believe it was the same entity that Aldered prayed too. Perhaps there is some type of connection between him and Red and this conflict. For now we spend our days drilling among the creates of the 7th layer of hell. Preparing for war.
I have managed to send this letter back to where we left the material world. If anyone finds it. Please deliver this letter to Vespera Achlys Othalam of Deostock.
Vespera, I am sorry about the events of the last few weeks. We never got the time to sit down and really talk about your changes, mine and where this leaves us. With luck we will meet again some day. I leave my Inn and any worldly possessions to you back in town. Stay safe.

*MIA* Amos's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Amos's backstory
    10 May 2022 03:59:39
  2. On the road to Deastok
    22 May 2022 05:00:01
  3. Church Fires and Sandy Beaches
    24 May 2022 09:25:07
  4. Seek out chasity
    04 Jul 2022 12:36:02
  5. The bigger they are.
    11 Jul 2022 12:25:43
  6. A feeling of forboding
    19 Jul 2022 11:58:19
  7. Three Pheasants
    20 Jul 2022 11:02:13
  8. The Cloud
    30 Oct 2022 06:00:04
  9. Woof
    07 Nov 2022 01:17:57
  10. It Lives!!
    17 Nov 2022 01:30:07
  11. Scrambled egg brain
    22 Dec 2022 11:04:49
  12. King for a Day!
    23 Dec 2022 05:55:46
  13. The Void
    19 Jan 2023 03:00:18
  14. My last
    11 Feb 2023 04:33:11

The major events and journals in *MIA* Amos's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 30 - Emerging from Yussa's tower

03:42 am - 08.11.2023

Session 30 - Emerging from Yussa's tower

03:42 am - 08.11.2023

Session 25 - Return to Deastock?

03:57 am - 06.03.2023

Session 25 - Return to Deastock?

02:12 am - 06.03.2023

Session 24 - The Big City

04:20 am - 24.02.2023

Session 24 - The Big City

12:46 am - 24.02.2023

My last

*This paper was found half frozen in ice, in the high alpine outside of Uthodurn. It seems to be half burnt* This parchment shall serve as my last Will and Testament. I Amos Daleos do so leave these words to whom ever may find them. The events of the ...

04:32 pm - 11.02.2023

Its hot.. Really hot.. In the 7th layer of hell.

03:50 pm - 11.02.2023

Session 22a - The Journey North

03:17 am - 07.02.2023

Session 22a - The Journey North

03:01 am - 07.02.2023

Session 23b - The Choice

02:43 am - 06.02.2023

Session 23b - The Choice

02:43 am - 06.02.2023

Session 21a - The Chaos in Zadash

03:48 am - 23.01.2023

Session 21a - The Chaos in Zadash

12:40 am - 23.01.2023

Session 22b - The Fatal Fight

10:33 pm - 22.01.2023

Session 22b - The Fatal Fight

06:22 pm - 22.01.2023

The Void

*This entry was hastily written down on a scrap of paper that had been soiled by blood.* The Wedding was a Trap! We are held up in some type of dungeon deep underground and have been under attack by guards and creatures at every turn. Worst Still....

03:00 pm - 19.01.2023

Session 21 - b The Princess' Lair.

04:28 am - 16.01.2023

Session 21 - b The Princess' Lair.

12:42 am - 16.01.2023

King for a Day!

I Have been elected King!! We had a strange dragonborn princess show up in town with a document outlining a marriage contact with the town of deastock (or deerstock to the locals). After some debate back and forth we decided that her patition for a ma...

05:55 pm - 23.12.2022

Session 20b - the Wedding

05:41 am - 21.12.2022

Session 20b - the Wedding

01:40 am - 21.12.2022

Session 20a - Northward to the Capital

04:05 am - 20.12.2022

Session 20a - Northward to the Capital

04:05 am - 20.12.2022

Session 19 - De-Stressing in town.

04:00 am - 12.12.2022

Session 19 - De-Stressing in town.

12:53 am - 12.12.2022

Session 18 - New Town Who Dis

04:42 am - 05.12.2022

Session 18 - New Town Who Dis

04:42 am - 05.12.2022

Scrambled egg brain

Vespera arm tentical Avon died, brain sucked by mind-flayer Amos had a mental connection with the mind Flayers when Avon died. The forest with a kenku Emotionally struggling with avons death This is a place holder and reminder only. To b...

12:52 pm - 29.11.2022

Session 17 - The Temple End

04:36 am - 28.11.2022

Session 17 - The Temple End

12:04 am - 28.11.2022

Session 16 - The Sunken Temple Continued

10:46 pm - 16.11.2022

It Lives!!

It.. Lives? The Creature on the table, made from parts and pieces from other bodies... upon flipping the lever, it came alive! Thankfully due to some fast thinking and quick foot work. We managed to hobble the creature before it could do us great harm...

09:45 pm - 16.11.2022

Session 16 - The Sunken Temple Continued

01:30 am - 07.11.2022


A real werewolf... our group has actually attracted a real werewolf. While deep in this sunken temple we came across another.. wolf who goes by the name of Hanson. He seems to have been tracking me. I have not had much time to really ask him why. Some ti...

10:05 pm - 06.11.2022

Session 15 - The Sunken Temple

03:50 am - 31.10.2022

Session 15 - The Sunken Temple

12:18 am - 31.10.2022

The Cloud

So here i am. Sitting on a cloud. What the Hell!? I really need to figure out these spells. One moment ago i was deep in some watery crypt beneath a swamp, all the signs pointing in a positive direction that we were going to win this competition.. Well ...

02:35 am - 29.10.2022

Session 14 - Into the Depths

03:11 am - 24.10.2022

Session 14 - Into the Depths

11:50 pm - 23.10.2022

Session 13 - The Final Challenge

02:54 am - 03.10.2022

Session 13 - The Final Challenge

11:21 pm - 02.10.2022

Session 12 - The Festival Concludes

03:06 am - 12.09.2022

Session 12 - The Festival Concludes

02:05 am - 12.09.2022

Session 11 - Festival Continued

02:55 am - 31.08.2022

Session 11 - Festival Continued

12:34 am - 31.08.2022

Session 10 - The Festival

02:46 am - 24.08.2022

Session 10 - The Festival

12:11 am - 24.08.2022

Three Pheasants

My stomach just aches. I stole 3 pheasants from a hunter and devoured them all, but I'm still hungry. It's so dark out. We are laying in a cave near the creator of what once was the library and i can feel the rain drops threatening to fall. I j...

03:15 am - 20.07.2022

Session 9 - Yussa's Tower

02:29 am - 20.07.2022

Session 9 - Yussa's Tower

11:28 pm - 19.07.2022

A feeling of forboding

I don't know what is going on with me. We are taking a few minutes to rest and recoup after dealing with that business within the tower to Melora. (really.. its a light house). I.. need to record this just in case i forget more of what happened. So th...

11:47 am - 19.07.2022

Session 8 - Literally Inside Melora

02:47 am - 13.07.2022

Session 8 - Literally Inside Melora

11:23 pm - 12.07.2022

The bigger they are.

*You see a hastily scribbled journal note I DID it! Can you believe it! No of course you can't your a book. That old spell I found in my fathers basement, it actually worked. I'll have to tell Ignatius all about this when he gets out of prison. Hol...

12:25 pm - 11.07.2022

Session 7 - Jail Bird Voyeurs

04:24 pm - 10.07.2022

Session 7 - Jail Bird Voyeurs

11:49 pm - 05.07.2022

Seek out chasity

Looking back on the events of the last few days, its hard to make sense of it. As I sit here on a dock in the port of Nicodranus, I find myself struggling to remember clearly what has transpired. Ignatius and I have been what I can only describe as be...

12:35 am - 04.07.2022

Session 6: Nicodranas "The Escape"

03:29 am - 29.06.2022

Session 6: Nicodranas "The Escape"

12:02 am - 29.06.2022

Session 5: Lost at Sea

03:10 am - 22.06.2022

Session 5: Lost at Sea

11:09 pm - 21.06.2022

Session 3: The Fate of Urukayxl

01:22 am - 21.06.2022

Session 3: The Fate of Urukayxl

11:21 pm - 31.05.2022

Session 3: The Snake People's Temple

03:19 am - 25.05.2022

Session 3: The Snake People's Temple

11:16 pm - 24.05.2022

Church Fires and Sandy Beaches

12th of Kythona - The Crater I've found her!!! I cannot begin to proclaim how excited i am to write that. After so many years. But I cannot.. Fully explain the happenings of the last few hours. I am sitting on a sand beach next to the ocean, ...

08:17 am - 23.05.2022

On the road to Deastok

12th of Kythona, on the road. Another night of unrest. I woke in a sweat this morning. These damnable dreams have been haunting me since I left Zadash. I can still see my family, the images of their bodies twisted and contorted, seared in to my mind. I...

09:32 am - 22.05.2022

Session 2: Where the F%*# are we?

02:27 am - 18.05.2022

Session 2: Where the F%*# are we?

11:14 pm - 17.05.2022

Session 1: Arrival on the Island

07:35 pm - 11.05.2022

Session 1: Arrival on the Island

11:17 pm - 10.05.2022

Amos's backstory

Alto Tiefling Physical appearance: Amos, is a 5’8” male who weighs in at roughly 175 lbs. His skin tone is a muted red which at first glance gives away the fact that he is not human. Upon closer inspection you see that his eyes are as black as ...

03:51 am - 10.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of *MIA* Amos.

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Other Characters by DevonTheGreat