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Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Identifying Characteristics


Special abilities

Divine Magic

Apparel & Accessories

A black robe and hood with a hat over a beaked white mask. Crow feathers adorn his robe.

Specialized Equipment

His beaked doctor mask is capable of spreading an overdose of the medication that protects him from the pestilence, it causes delusions

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lorixis was a child born to a family of modest means and was destined for a boring life as a farmer, like his father and his father before him. The family was well respected throughout the village as their rather large plot of land brought in much of the village's food. Additionally, Lorixis' mother, Meryl, was a successful healer and herbalist. This peaceful life was not to last however.   At the age of twelve, Lorixis' family would be fractured by death and sorrow. His two younger borthers, Lio and Oth came down with a mysterious plague that swept though the small village where he lived. His mother attempted to care for his brothers and the others afflicted with the illness. But her close proximity to them caused the plague to spread to her as well. Nearly a quarter of the village would be dead within the tenday, including both Lorixis' brothers and his mother. Lorixis' Father, Stren, was crippled by grief and simply refused to move on. He no longer cared to keep their farm running. Without Lorixis' mother around, his father saw little reason to even attempt to use the knowledge she left behind to continue her work. The family's previously bountiful fields fallowed and the two remaining members fell into abject poverty.   Lorixis could not stand his fathers inaction, and their relationship which had been previously close, soured. Lorixis saw his father's reaction to the events of weakness. Lorixis could not let the grief he felt for the passing of his brothers and mother consume him. No, all he allowed their deaths to consume him with was determination. He stole the only coin he and his father possessed, his mother's journal, and her collection of herbs and set out for the city of Amon.   On the journey, Lorixis read all of his mothers' journal religiously. For any and all faith he had in any of the divine had been shattered by the plague which had claimed his family. Once he reached the great city he was able to worm his way into the heart of a local healer named Tealur. Tealur was able to suppliment Lorixis' fledgiling knowledge of herbs and elixers with fact based medical knowledge. For the next ten year, Lorixis would flurish as a gifted healers apprentice until Tealur deemed him competent enough to no longer require his tutelage.     Lorixis soon set out into the wilds of Exandrea. He moved from village to village curing maladies and sicknesses for those who could not afford the services of clerics. His next twenty years were spent with this duty. Yet the plague which had devastated his childhood would soon return. For the next few years Lorixis would attempt to put his medical knowledge to try and cure this pestilence but all of his efforts were naught. With each death, Lorixis could not prevent he grew colder and more detached to those around him. His previous frequent visitations to those afflicted became less and less with each passing day.     Lorixis soon became obsessed with the concept of pestilence. He studied the way it spread, the way it killed, the way it consumed. He began experimenting on the people who was there to treat. The fact that they never survived his experimentation was just proof for him why he needed to continue. The pestilence was strong, but he would find a cure. He was sure of it.     As his studies progressed, he began to have terrible nightmares. He was racked with pain upon the mornings. Both physical and mental. But with pain, came progress. He found that his mind was filled with forbidden knowledge. He now felt more connected to the world then ever before. His will was supreme and all the natural world bent to it. He would use this newfound connection to stop the pestilence that he could see everywhere, whether real or imagined, by any means necessary...

Gender Identity

Makes no difference as far as the pestilence is concerned




Learned medicine from his mother's journal, and then a healer named Tealur in the city of Westruun, finally the Cobalt Reserve accepted him as a member due to his unusual knowledge, which impressed Ioun.


Scholar of the Cobalt Soul

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of the greatest healers alive

Failures & Embarrassments

Has not stopped the pestilence

Mental Trauma

Many would classify Lorixis as crazy, he would diagnose himself as adequately concerned about the pestilence

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent, a brilliant linguist and healer

Morality & Philosophy

Heal the sick and dying if I am able. Do no harm to one of my patients.

Personality Characteristics


Destroy the pestilence

Likes & Dislikes

Likes healing the sick, hates sickness

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, methodical


Rarely worries about his hygiene, his garb protects him from the sickness. Occasionally goes to a bathhouse and pays to be scrubbed clean.


Religious Views

Doesn't much care for the gods


... the pestilence



Teacher (Important)

Towards Pinna Gravesford



Pinna Gravesford

Student (Vital)

Towards Lorixis




Lorixis is Pinna's master, she is bound to him as a familiar. His hold over her was broken, and Pinna can willingly unbind herself from Lorixis at any time. She has chosen not to, as she is learning a lot.

Legal Status

Apprentice and Student


Professor (Important)

Towards Jaily Gellard



Jaily Gellard

Student (Important)

Towards Lorixis




Jaily is a Cobalt Soul Apprentice Scholar, tasked to research the giant threat under Lorixis.

Ulrich Kenval III

Apprentice (Important)

Towards Lorixis




Teacher (Important)

Towards Ulrich Kenval III



Year of Birth
775 PD 68 Years old
Hilltop, a small village to the northeast of Westruun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It's okay, I am a doctor"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Giant, Goblin, Infernal

Articles under Lorixis


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