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Chapter 2 On the Road

General Summary

The party returned to Drynna and headed back to the Whispering Dove inn and TDC gave Perrie the frozen head of the Moon Mistress. Everyone had some drinks and then headed to bed.   While Horen Vol was in his trance he had a vision of his grandfather the Storm Barron. In this vision the Storm Barron touched Horen forehead and told him that although he couldn't be there with him at that moment he could lend him some of his powers to help him resolve his current circumstance.   When he awoke he rejoined the group and traveled with them to the Sunrise Lodge where The Diamond Curse fell asleep while waiting for the council to see them all because of her early morning drinking session. Garrick Clearspring decided to use this opportunity to draw on her face and lucky for him she was so gone that she didn't even feel the slightest tap of the quill. Once in the council chambers the group met Marlis Khisto the elder of the council and apparently the owner of the house the group busted into. The group apolagized to her for this and she accepted it. They were all paid 150gp for slaying the Moon Mistress.   The Diamond Curse could tell that the council members and some of her party members were giving her strange looks so she ran off to the bathroom to look at her face in the mirror after the meeting but Garrick seeing this hiding his use of his magic made it disappear before she could look.   The group then split up to shop around with their newly earned coin. The Diamond Curse first went to a small orphanage and donated 50 of her gold. Garrick and Hygar Steelhelm traveled to Meadows Grove a herbalist in town to gather some potions. Waldo Waldron Earthwanderer crafted some medicine and collected fieces where he got the name Shit Priest from the group. Everyone met up at the Black Smith's where many members of the party slivered their weapons. Then Horen and Garrick agreed to a sparring session so Horen could test out what his grandfather had gifted him. So the group traveled out to a field in the country and they both prepared to cast their spells.   However, just as the fight was about to begin, The Diamond Curse sneak attacked Garrick by kicking him in the back of his goat leg. Horen, seeing another attacker, used a purple lightning bolt attack that he had never used before, causing his tattoos to glow purple. Garrick created a lightning sword and struck The Diamond Curse with it, knocking her down. She tried to leave the fight, but Horen fey stepped in front of her, telling her that she couldn't leave now that she had entered the fight. She then stabbed Horen twice, and the fight ended with Garrick shooting two ice knives, one hitting Horen and one hitting The Diamond Curse, knocking them both out. Garrick healed The Diamond Curse and Waldo healed Horen. As Horen and Garrick congratulated each other on a well-fought fight, The Diamond Curse didn't seem to be in a jovial mood and instead appeared to be feeling a bit betrayed as she made her way back to the Whispering Dove Inn. Nearby farmers scratched their heads, wondering about what had just happened.   TDC arrived to The Whispering Dove first and had time to think as she numbed her physical and emotional pain with boos so when the group arrived she apolagized to both Garrick and Horen although Horen didn't feel like their was anything to apologize for and thought that TDC could have done worse.   The group then headed to bed but Horen awoke first having to only be in his trance for two hours and saw what appeared to be a cloaked figure peaking in on someone's window and dropping down. Horen quickly jumped out of his tree he was camping in a gave chase while trying to stay hidden from the figure. The chase then went from the streets to the roof tops but Horen lost the figure as they jumped off the roof and down to ground level and when Horen rushed to the side of that roof to look down the figure was gone.   Shortly after that and Horen telling the group about his experience the group walked back to the Sunrise Lodge to inform them that the group would soon be leaving for Westruun which is when the council asked the group what their name was and they replied after a quick huddle that it was Shadow Hunters.   The group then started their journey to Westruun. They decided to have Garrick lead them through the woods to make it harder for them to be tracked. While they were traveling they came across a abandoned carriage that had blood all over it. But when Horen got closer to investigate and tried to smash the glass of the door it made a squishie sound and felt more flesh as his trident pierced it and then suddenly the entire carriage turned towards him and out of the front a large tongue came out and attached to Horen. The group quickly rushed to his side attacking it and the diamond curse trying to cut it off but wasn't able to to pierce it completely. Luckily Horen was able to fey step out of it's grasp as Garrick sent down a powerful beam down from Catha the largest of the two Exandrian moons which caused the creature to loose it's shapeshifting form. They were able to defeat it with Horen and Garrick teaming up to finish it off. After collecting 5 platinum they moved on and got to the Turst Fields.   Arriving to Turst Fields the group quickly noticed that the town was inhabited by both humanoids and gnolls. The group was surprised but soon met a gnoll named Zeek Ashknuckle who was selling weird bobbles and some magic items. Garrick ended up buying a magic grass carpet that can grow plants out of it and he made it into his own poncho. They then found themselves a Inn and slept for the night.   The next morning at breakfast Horen has a conversation with the inn keep who appeared to be half Eladrin. As they were talking Waldo walked in and told the group that he was unable to leave town today because he was going to stay and help out one of the local temples while their healers were awaybut didn't want to hold up the party so he said that he'd catch up.   Once again the group decided to travel off road into the wilderness with Garrick leading but Hygar did help as well. The group was making great time when a group of wild horses ran past their path. The group was curious of what caused them to be spooked so they sent The Diamond Curse to investigate. What she found was a large campground filled with orcs and two tied up Dire Wolves. The dire Wolves interested both Horen and Garrick for different reasons and the group decided to travel to the camp together although The Diamond Curse was strongly against this plan. Garrick was satisfied with just seeing the Dire Wolves but Horen wanted to take one so he started to make his way there silently but Hygar decided to follow and immediately tripped a trap wire causing a large hanging log to run into a bell alerting the entire camp. Which ended up being 11 orcs vs 4 of them. After committing what would be considered a war crime and killing everyone at the camp the group took it for themselves and remade an outpost for the Shadow Hunters. Also getting themselves a dire wolf named Bloodshed.
Report Date
14 May 2023


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