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Felderwin is the heart of halfling society in Western Wynandir. The settlement itself is surrounded by fertile farmland—the sprawling Felderwin Tillage that has been cultivated by the halfling community for over seven centuries. In the wake of a sudden and vicious attack from the Kryn Dynasty, the Crownsguard presence has recently increased, and paranoia has gripped the citizens of Felderwin. Taverns and shops are filled with hushed whispers about the fate of the empire.


58% halflings, 21% humans, 6% dragonborn, 15% other


The locally elected starosta, Theanor Whisperthin, works with the Crown-appointed lawmaster to organize and distribute the harvests.


A sizable regiment of Crownsguard is now bolstered by a patrolling legion of Righteous Brand soldiers, while guildmasters keep personal bodyguards.

Industry & Trade

Basic supplies and general goods are produced locally.

Guilds and Factions

The farming families and guilds aren't independent, but are operated directly by the Crown.

Points of interest

Shrines to the Dawn Father bless the outer fields, while most worship takes place in homesteads within the city.


Humble rooms and amenities are available to travelers.

Natural Resources

Some of the most fertile farmland in the empire.
Owning Organization