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Library of the Cobalt Soul

The Cobalt Soul is a monastic order dedicated to the search for and preservation of knowledge, making it as accessible to the public as possible, for the betterment of the Dwendalian Empire and its people.  While their archives are available to everyone, the curators of the Soul privately determine what knowledge is too dangerous to be included — typically, information magical in nature or secrets that may be used towards unseemly ends.   The work of the Soul is guided by the light of Ioun, the Knowing Mentor. Though most members of the Cobalt Soul do not consider themselves Ioun's zealous worshipers, but still pay homage to her in some form.   The Soul has an official seat on King Dwendel's council, and they have historically found themselves at odds with their rivals, the Cerberus Assembly, though the two have found enough common ground to move forward together in awkward lockstep, most of the time.  Many people feel that this informal system of each organization checking the other's power has served the Empire well.  Rumours abound that the Cobalt Soul has another, less public role in the affairs of state as well, with some noting that the sworn testimony of the Library's Expositors has been critical in bringing to justice corrupt members of the Empire's sprawling bureaucracy.


Each archive is led by a High Curator. There are usually a number of important librarians known as Archivists. Expositors are the Soul's highly trained operatives in the field.

Public Agenda

To preserve knowledge for the betterment of all; to lock away and protect that which is too dangerous to know.


The Cobalt Soul operates several libraries across Wildemount, including: the main archive in Rexxentrum, the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul in Zadash, and another archive in Port Damali.   The Cobalt Soul also has a satellite archive in the Marquesian city of Ank'Harel and a more extensive libary known as the Cobalt Reserve, in the city of Emon on Tal'Dorei.


The Library of the Cobalt Soul was founded in the heart of Wildemount centuries ago, before any of the nations that currently contest the land were born. Its archivists have stood strong against conflict, propaganda, and upheaval during all this time in their dogged hunt for truth. Their mission has spread across Exandria, with advocates in various locales defying local governments in the pursuit of the truth.


Low-key followers of Ioun, the Knowing Mentor.

"Reason. Knowledge. Truth."

Founding Date
Educational, Library
Alternative Names
The Cobalt Soul, The Soul
Ruling Organization


Officially, both the Library and the Assembly are organs of the Dwendalian State and thus allies in furthering the Empire's interests. The truth is more complicated.