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Session 1: A Boom in the Night

Thunsheer 27, evening

General Summary

On a cool spring evening, five near-total strangers found themselves in the Ironlot Streets of the city of Hupperdook, in the Dwendalian Empire, just as a prison break from the nearby Gearhold Prison got thunderously underway. It seems that a particularly brutal Xhorhassian commander, Sken Zabriss, the "Butcher of Ashguard," had escaped custody with assistance of some self-destructing kobolds.   After a short skirmish in which Auby Shudderstone was knocked unconscious and Sken escaped into the night, our esteemed adventurers were detained as witnesses and brought before Watchmaster Bram Gulchswattle to explain themselves. Then, surprisingly perhaps, he revealed that with the night's events unfolding as they had, his Watch would be hard pressed just to keep the peace, even with the assistance of the local Crownsguard. And so, he offered to immediately deputize our heroes if they would track down and return Sken Zabriss, the convicted war criminal.   Some more willingly than others, our strange strangers at least felt that the gold on offer lightened this burden, which they thusly agreed to take on.   The newly-formed investigative team explored the now-shattered-and-smoldering prison cell of the Butcher, and were disappointed to find another bounty hunter, Yinra Emberwind, already hard at work. After a brief but frank exchange of views, she wished her competition well and set about her own exploration of the problem.   WIthin the cell itself, our heroes identified that an explosive charge had been detonated from within and that it had likely been delivered by a vox seeker, a crab-like automaton. At the Busty Centaur Tavern and Inn, Cleff Tinkertop further relayed that this particular vox seeker seemed to be an inferior copy of one of his own designs, and that it bore the hallmarks of the inventor Huron Stahlmast. Stahlmast was a prodigious designer of military hardware during the War of Ash and Light, whose unethical methods and inclination to duplicate the work of others had led to him being chased out of town in disgrace. He has not been seen or heard from in the years since.   With these feats accomplished and the complex Meat Pie 1000 oven system now fully repaired and operational at the Busty Centaur, our strange posse of crack investigators took a much deserved rest.

Rewards Granted

250 gold pieces, baby


For more on the: Ashguard Garrison.