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The War of Ash and Light

Military: War


The last open conflict between the Dwendalian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty. The war proper took place between 835-836 PD and lasted for eight months and seven days.

Although the Ashkeeper Peaks formed a natural boundary between the two, the Kryn viewed the continuous expansion by the Empire with suspicion, while the Empire saw the Kryn as bestial remnants of a land devastated by the Calamity. Tensions grew between the two countries, with continuing skirmishes and sometimes open battles occurring starting around 815 PD.   Provocations continued on each side, including the capture and torture of each others' spies, the presence of Kryn missionaries in Empire lands, the continued expansion of Imperial territory and riches, and further skirmishes along the border.  The war proper erupted in 835 PD, with a Kryn raid on Zadash in response to the theft of one of their prized Beacons.   Peace was negotiated under the watchful eyes of the The Clovis Concord, with an exchange of prisoners and religious artifacts of import to the Kryn. Tensions between the two nations have remained elevated, however, as they continue to compete to excavate and recover the remnants of pre-Calamity civilizations all over Wildemount.

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