Port Damali


51% Human 16% Halfling 15% Elf 18% Other


The city is helmed by Marquis Olesya Lapidus, who works with local guildmasters and nobles, bolstered by the distant support of the other Clovis Concord members.


Port Damali maintains a sizable army alongside the many Zhelezo who guard the city. Nobles and wealthy merchants keep bodyguards.

Industry & Trade

Nearly any sort of goods or services can be found here, legal and otherwise. The high volume of travelers means that there are plentiful inns, taverns, underground markets, and rare auctions.


The largest city on the western coast of Wildemount, the resplendent seaside metropolis of Port Damali is nestled against the Tyodan River where it meets the Lucidian Ocean. The city is built atop a cluster of leveled hills, and slight changes of elevation physically mark the variation between wards. Past the farmsteads, beyond the tents and ramshackle homes that mark the boundaries of the city, lies the Prism Path, a series of connecting main roads made of smooth, multicolored stones reclaimed from the ocean shores. These roads carve through the interior wards: the Tumbledowns, the Beaded Alley, the Crescents, the Gilded Esplanade, and the Larboard Light.   The Tumbledowns. Within the Tumbledowns, the majority of citizens live in cramped structures of varied shape and design, from clay domes to thatched huts to warped wooden shacks. The architecture resembles a mishmash of cultures from all over Exandria, which, along with the Prism Path, creates a pleasant patchwork atmosphere even in the more run-down regions. A number of small temples are also situated in the Tumbledowns.   The Beaded Alley. The Beaded Alley is the center of general commerce and trade within Port Damali, named for the decorative cords that hang over each intersection bearing all manner of streamers and dangling beads. Businesses both young and old all mingle here, competing for the attention of anyone with coin. Many bards and performers bring an air of lively irreverence to the bustling atmosphere.   The Crescents. The ward known as the Crescents was named in reference to the seven large, moon-shaped statues that were a gift from the Alkamar family when the city was founded. This affluent area houses competing guild families and well-connected nobles who wish to live near the politics of the city or the delights of the port. The beautiful Pearl Shrine temple to Avandra and the Sunfall Sanctuary temple to Pelor reside within the Crescents.   The Gilded Esplanade. The Gilded Esplanade is definitely the most extravagant locale within Port Damali. Each street is lined with the most lauded of artists and performers, with markets lush with expensive wares and high-end imports from around the world. Home to the Auction House and venues for recurring festivities, as well as the spire-like skyport, the Esplanade is known to be the sparkling locale that comes to mind whenever people mention Port Damali.   The Larboard Light. The massive harbor that forms the southern edge of the city is known as the Larboard Light. This upscale dockside region is as lavish as docks come. Dozens of ships come into port every day, carrying goods and gold from all over, and many visitors coming to briefly live like a king with the many amusements the city has to offer. The office of the marquis is located on the northern end of this ward.
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