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5. Ambush at Palma Flora

The winds favor the characters on their return journey, and they arrive at the sunken ruins of Flora Isle at dawn on the third day of travel. When the characters arrive at Palma Flora and the Sharkfeather Abyss, read:  
Heidi Axebeard shouts out from the helm. “Sharkfeather Abyss! We’ve arrived!”
The crew moves to the starboard side of the ship to look across the waves as the first light of dawn creeps over the horizon. Along the distant coast, you can make out the mainland section of Palma Flora, which is intact but appears deserted, its residents presumably having fled in case of another Sahuagin attack. The waters around the ship are murky and marked by only a few stray scraps of driftwood bobbing lazily on the surface.   If any of the characters have a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher, also read:  
You spot movement out of the corner of your eye. Something is climbing aboard the ship from the port side—a small party of Sahuagin! Close behind them are two hulking, shark-headed humanoids.
These monsters attack at once. If no one notices the eight Sahuagin and two sharkbody abominations (see “Sharkbody Abomination”) as they clamber aboard Wavechaser, they surprise the characters and the crew. As with the previous encounter, you can streamline this encounter by having some of the Sahuagin engage the crew of Wavechaser one-on-one.  

Combat’s End

The Sahuagin leap overboard and flee into the sea when the first of the Abominations is killed. As they flee, Three Earrings emerges from below decks and shouts, “Adventurers! Use the supplies we’ve acquired and follow them into the trench! We’ll deal with the last of these monsters!”   If the characters ignore the order, or if they kill all the Sahuagin before killing the first Abomination, Three Earrings instead congratulates the adventurers after the battle. She laments that there aren’t enough water-breathing tools for her to join them and urges them to bring her the Rod of Retribution from the Sahuagin leader.  

Descent into Sharkfeather Abyss

An earthquake caused by the writhing of Uk'otoa deep beneath the sea has drawn Flora Isle into the trench the Sahuagin call home. The now-ruined island is lodged within a tight corner of the trench one hundred feet below the surface of the sea.   Diving into the depths of the trench is difficult but not impossible for heroic adventurers. Ask each character to make a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check. On a success, the character dives down to the ruins without strain. On a failure, the character makes the dive but gains one level of exhaustion (see appendix A, “Conditions,” in the Player’s Handbook).  

Features of the Ruins

The sunken ruins of Flora Isle have the following general features.  
  • Light - The trench is within the sunlight zone beneath the surface of the water and is brightly lit by day.
  • Water - The deep, turbulent water of the trench makes movement difficult for creatures not used to it. A creature without a swimming speed must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves. Additionally, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check whenever it tries to move or have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. The sahuagin can move normally in the trench.

Showdown with Selachai

Once the characters arrive at the ruins, read:  
What remains of the sunken island is wedged precariously in the undersea trench. The skeletal frames of its houses still stand, and the gruesome remains of villagers are strewn about.   Five Sahuagin flanked by several of the Shark-like Abominations you fought earlier kneel within the ruins before a Sahuagin wearing a magnificent headdress. This figure is chanting something in an unknown language and holds aloft a gleaming scepter tipped with a glowing amber eye.
  Two Sharkbody Abominations  and five Sahuagin are gathered around Selachai, the Sahuagin warlock of Uk’otoa who has channeled the power to destroy the hated surface dwellers. These creatures are all lending Selachai their prayers as she invokes Uk'otoa's power, turning another drowned villager into a Sharkbody Abomination.   As soon as combat begins, Selachai orders her Sahuagin supplicants to protect her. However, none of them move to attack. Instead, they stand 20 feet back from her, still kneeling, intent on giving up their lives to protect her. Selachai orders the Sharkbody Abominations to put the characters out of commission.   Selachai waits until one Sharkbody Abomination is dead before she acts in combat, unless she is attacked first. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check can infer that she is watching as if to measure the characters’ capabilities. Once she enters combat, Selachai fights to incapacitate the characters, not to kill them. If any character is reduced to 0 hit points by a melee attack, that character is knocked unconscious rather than being killed. An unconscious character is stable and doesn’t need to make death saving throws.
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