
Bazzoxan was once a dark temple instrumental in the machinations of the Betrayer Gods during the Calamity, but the remaining ruin was left to gather dust like many relics of those terrible times. After Ghor Dranas was claimed by the Kryn, settlers roamed north through the Barbed Fields to discover this site with hopes of renovating it as well. A community began to flourish within the ruins of Bazzoxan over a few generations, building the foundations of a new city around the looming stone structures of the abandoned sanctum—until demonic forces from within the old temple threw the burgeoning society into chaos. Bazzoxan is now perpetually locked in a stalemate between the dynasty's forces and the abyssal incursion from within the temple. This unholy site is the subject of constant research and of growing worry for the dynasty.  

Locations of Significance

Main Gates

The entrance to Bazzoxan is a wide gate that is opened or closed from atop its battlements by operating a series of wheels, chains, and pulleys.


The crematorium is a simple stone building built against the mountainside.


Three buildings on the perimeter of the central square have doors marked with a symbol of a hand alight with magic, identifying them as places of healing. Drow priestess Bautha Dyrr of Xalicas runs this place.  

Gatehold Barracks

The Aurora Watch’s command center is located in the Gatehold Barracks. The complex contains lodgings for Taskhand Verin Thelyss and his senior officers, as well as accommodations for regular soldiers.  

Dilapidated Temple

What was once a flourishing, spiral-shaped temple has fallen into disrepair after those who tended to it were driven away or slain by demons. It has been transformed into an indoor farming plot to grow Xhorhasian vegetables that don’t require sunlight. It is tended by Foghome the Firbolg gardener.  

Wall of the Unforgotten

The Wall of the Unforgotten is a memorial site for the soldiers of the Aurora Watch. The wall is crowded with names, most scratched into the surface with knives. Tended to by ancient drow priest of the Luxon, Kalym Telaarin.  

The Ready Room

The Ready Room is Bazzoxan’s only inn and one of the only structures in town that doesn’t look like a military barracks. It is run by drow couple Delez and Prima Demona.  

Sacrifice Engines

Among the most prominent features of Bazzoxan are the town’s two sacrifice engines, each one a 30-foot-deep pit lined with rows of silver blades. The blades can be made to spin by pulling a lever near the edge of the pit.  


Near the centre of town is the main forge which supplies weapons and armour to the Aurora Watch soldiers stationed here.


  • Bazzoxan
Military, Base
Location under
Included Locations


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