Betrayers' Rise

At the north end of Bazzoxan a steep, winding staircase, wide enough for four humans to walk abreast, leads to a large gate built into the facade of the Betrayers’ Rise. Read or paraphrase the following when the characters come close enough to see the details of the structure:  
The Betrayers’ Rise is both ominous and beautiful. Its black walls are carved with intricate reliefs, many of them depicting scenes of torture. Lifelike grotesques of leering demons perch high above, peering down at you with contempt.   An immense double door forms the entrance. This gate is made of onyx inlaid with copper and silver. Guards of the Aurora Watch stand between you and the demonic fortress.
  The Betrayer Gods used demons to defend this fortress-temple against the Prime Deities. The scenes depicted on the fortress walls depict the Prime Deities being tormented. The outer doors are extremely heavy but well balanced.   The Aurora Watch always has veterans (drow, humans, and orcs) stationed outside the Betrayers’ Rise at any time. These guards ensure that the doors remain closed to prevent demons and other evil creatures from escaping.


  • Betrayers' Rise
Temple / Religious complex
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