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Soltryce Academy

Solstryce Academy Main Floor

The Soltryce Academy, also known as simply "the Academy", is based in Rexxentrum. It is the principal place of magical study within the Dwendalian Empire. It was regarded as a fancy, rigorous, selective school but a wonderful place to learn, with good teachers and bright people.   Rexxentrum is the principal campus of the Academy. It is located in the Shimmer Ward of the city, with rising walkways and towers visible over the Shimmer Ward's yellow walls. The massive, garden-like campus is well-crafted and well-kept with large marble halls and tall windows   Reed Odele      


  Divination- The central and largest tower of the Academy. Here you will find an incredibly quiet lecture hall and surrounding study spaces decorated with a moving image of the stars over exandria. There is a secret entrace to the repurposed dungeons in this Tower that Reed knows about.   Illusion- The Second largest tower, students in this wing are prone to try and trick each other with illusions to improver their skills   Evocation- Loud noises can be heard from outside the tower, multiple Clerics of Pelor can be seen hovering outside the doors waiting for the call to helo heal an injured student. A large dueling hall is found here where students often practice under the supervison of their class Arcanist   Enchantment- This tower is full of plants that give it a tropical atmosphere. most students here are seen nose deep in text books and scoff if you interrupt them   Abjuration-This hall is decorated in the red and white of the empire. The tower itself is fairly empty when class is not in session. Most student spend time in the evokers dueling room putting their spell defense to practical testin   Transmutation- Multiple gold, silver and bronze items line the circular tower. Students are seen exchanging notes with each other across a dozen circular tables. Each holding different materials. Wood, stone, Iron, precious metals etc   Conjuration- Multiple Academy spellguards patrol this tower. The inside of this tower is chaos. students are seen chasing imps, fairies, sprites and all manor of small other worldly creatures. The smell of sulfur and ammonia tinge your senses.

Spirit of Edenmark

Edenmark is a spirit bound to the campus grounds to protect the students and staff. He is a grumpy old man personality and is able to shift and take form of multiple trees across the campus  

Repurposed Dungeon

The students are strictly forbidden under campus grounds. They are told that it is extremely dangerous and anyone caught trying to break in would be expelled if they managed to make it out alive. No exceptions.
Treasure to find:
  • Red Silk gloves of Theivery
  • Staff of Charming
  • Staff of Frost
  • circlet of blasting
  • Rod of Alertness
Trap Ideas
  • Infernal Pipes-The functional components (a series of small silver pipes, like a pan pipe, and a small set of magically animated bellows) can be found with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once they are found, a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check identifies the trap and the correct method of disarming it: a dispel magic spell (DC 17), which deactivates it for 1 hour. Attempts to physically disarm the trap by tampering with the pipes or bellows trigger its music and effects immediately. Touching a trapped chest or object, or the door of a trapped room, triggers the trap. When this occurs, each creature within 10 feet takes 7 (2d6) psychic damage and must make a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s Intelligence and Charisma are decreased by 1d6 each. A creature takes the same psychic damage each round it listens to the piping; plugging one’s ears reduces the damage by half. The effect lasts until the creature finishes a long rest or is targeted by greater restoration or similar magic.
  • Infernal Convocation- The trap is triggered as soon as a creature enters a magic circle, which can be inscribed on the wall or ceiling, or even woven into a carpet or limned on a cavern floor. There’s no limit on the circle’s size; horrific tales of lairs being encircled are told over campfires. The purpose of the circle is deduced with a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check. It can be disarmed with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check or a dispel magic spell (which renders it briefly inactive). If a creature that is not proficient in Arcana gets a failure on either check, the trap is triggered and the fiend is summoned. An uncommon variant of the trap exists in which a wall of force spell traps both the prey and the summoned creature in the same area.
  • Step Softly-When everyone in the party has entered the room, glyphs blaze into view, covering every inch of the floor, appearing to trap the occupants in their spots. A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the glyphs are used with evocation magic. A dispel magic spell dismisses the glyphs and the magic that supports the floor, causing everything on the false floor to fall into the pit beneath the room. A detect magic spell, coupled with a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check, reveals the glyphs glowing with illusion magic and a layer of evocation magic under them.
  • Mimic Pile- A large pile of gold fills the majority of the this chamber, along with gems and different items of all sorts. Touching the gold pile triggers the mimic combat (4?)
Enemies POIs
  • The cloak of Cerlic is suspended in a floating dark blue orb in the center of the room. The image of the cloak seems to fade in and out of this world as its tattered edges freely float in the space. A DC 19 (Dispel Magic) can temporarily dispel the binding magic. A failed check releases a horrible burst of cold that racks the mind. (3d6) psychic damage and 1d6 intelligence damage.
  • This room is very clearly an alchemy laboratory. Flasks, vials beakers and other supplies are neatly set on the workstation. Seemingly mundane notes are on the side of the table. Subjects include: Laboratory Techniques: Practical application of the principles covered in Formula Analysis. Topics include herbalism, alchemical reactions, natural and unnatural metabolism, and basic scientific procedures (all alchemical processes described earlier in this chapter). Spell Theory: How spells function; spell interaction with physical laws. Replicating Ethereal Travel- The notes detail that the Cloak allows one to travel to and from the Ethereal plane. Uses for espionage would be invaluable in the war against the Krynn dynasty. If effects of the item can be manufactured this could give our army the boon it needs to stem the tide of war. An unfinished Oil of Etherealness sits near the notes
Students and Teachers
  • Zivan Margolin-Headmaster
  • Darcey Klein- Professor
  • Ethylyn Thane
  • Dacian Bell
  • Rolf Minaker
College / Academy
Parent Location


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