The Lavish Chateau Building / Landmark in Exandria | World Anvil
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The Lavish Chateau

One of the biggest names in Nicodranas. The Chateau is located in the Opal Archways, Patrons can eat and be entertained by beautiful men and women for a generous fee.
  • Lavorra Bell: Madam of the Courtesans at the Chateau 
  • Tyral: a young human man in his early 20s. He is the front hand of the Chateau.
  • Carlos Remedi: has a thick mustache and a comb-over. He is the bartender downstairs
  • Bluud: a massive, dull-horned minotaur. He is Lysanne Poxy personal bodyguard.
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners


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