Surrounding the southern edges of the Expanse lies a cluster of broken ponds and lakes that ever draw fresh water from the Stormcrest Mountains to the east, along with saltwater from the Ozmit Sea to the west. The strange mix of habitats across this somewhat marshy grassland has led to unusual ecosystems and odd, dangerous denizens, which in turn has drawn the attention of many fishermen from the Rifenmist region, and of Syngornian hunters from within the Verdant Expanse.
The clay and silt gathered along the shores of the saltwater lakes can be refined into fine ceramics and simple constructs that fetch fair prices in northern Tal'Dorei. Syngornian tradition speaks of an oracle's spirit that is bound to the lakes, and who, when given sufficient offering and respect, will emerge to grant sufficiently reverent supplicants a cryptic prophecy.
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