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based on the town designed by Troy McConnell
The rocky mountain road passes through pine trees to reveal a village of stone cottages. A central well is surrounded by homes, workshops, and what appears to be a single inn, its metal sign releasing a shrill, echoing creak with every gust of wind. Encircling the town is a crown of jagged cliffs and mountain peaks. Townsfolk bustle around the square, dressed in thick, hardy furs to stave off the freezing chill in the air, almost camouflaged in the lightless grey cast down by perpetual cloud cover. And beyond the town, perched on a raised ledge like the gargoyles that decorate it, is an imposing, shadowy manor.
  Harrowcrest is a mountain town that boasts all the trappings of the darkest fairy tales. It sits in the valley between a ring of mountain peaks, subject to the thin, frigid air of its altitude. These same mountains deprive Harrowcrest of light. What little sunlight that could reach the town in the middle of the day is dimmed by overcast skies, draining the atmosphere of color and warmth. Afternoons bring the creeping shadow of Harrowcrest Manor, a gothic mansion that looms over the town. And inside that manor are Harrowcrest’s beloved leaders: Lord Etriel the incubus; the vampiress Lady Esmerelda Calvus; and the lady's half-brother, Lord Maximus Harrowcrest.


The town is ruled by the benevolent vampiress Lady Esmerelda Calvus and her doting husband, Lord Etriel Calvus, an incubus. They firmly believe that the best leaders know all their subjects by name, and as a result the two are active members of the community. When a dispute arises between members of the town, Lord and Lady Calvus have a thorough enough understanding of the participants to pass fair judgement. In return, their citizens are usually understanding and respectful of the lord and lady's rulings. The couple is advised by Lady Calvus' half-brother, Lord Maximus Harrowcrest.   In everyday matters, however, the town is governed by Mayor Maisie Calloway, an overworked halfling woman who has long been considered a daughter of the entire town. She loves her community dearly and would do anything to keep it running smoothly—a commitment that often leaves her frazzled and overworked.


In early 835 PD, a rogue member of the Slayer's Take bounty hunting guild in Vasselheim began hunting traditionally monstrous creatures outside the bounds of contracts—creatures that posed no threat to innocent people. This hunter, Abram van Sloan, eventually took up a vendetta against Lady Calvus, who at the time was preparing to wed her incubus fiancé, Etriel. Though Lady Calvus could have taken care of the problem herself, she was so busy preparing for her wedding that she instead hired an adventuring party from the Slayer's Take to take care of it for her. The Take was only too happy to clear their reputation, and within two days of the hunters' arrival in Harrowcrest Abram van Sloan was defeated.
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