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Jrusar is the capital city of the Oderan Wilds in northwestern Marquet. The city is marked by five reddish rocky spires rising hundreds of feet above the jungle around and between them. It is theorized that the five spires were once one mountain that was destroyed by an unknown force during the Calamity. The spires are connected, in part, by wire gondolas, which are available for public use for a fee of 1 silver piece and which are controlled in part by stone automatons. The only rigid bridge connecting any of the spires is the Fatewalk, a wide stone bridge hundreds of feet long that connects the Core Spire and the Lantern Spire.   Outcasts and people who wish to be free of the city's business structure typically live near the steps at the base of Jrusar.


Because Jrusar's skyship port, like Ank'Harel's, is considered "open" instead of the more closed-off ones elsewhere on the continent, Jrusar is a cultural mixing pot, borrowing rites from many traditions.   People of many races commingle in Jrusar, to a greater degree than typically seen in Exandria: humans, dark elves, dragonborn, dwarves, eisfuura, elves, gnomes, goblins, goliaths, halflings, katari, ogres, orcs, pachydans, half-elves, and half-orcs, among others. The city is also home to uniya, people who are both half-orc and half-elf.


Aerie Spire

The Aerie Spire is the tallest of the five spires but is thinner than the Core Spire, and most of the construction on it is toward its top.
  • Starpoint Conservatory: One of the two famous universities in the city.
  • Ascension's Rise: The other famous university.
  • A skyport for skyships.

Core Spire

The Core Spire is the largest, but not the tallest, of the spires.
  • The Chandei Chambers is the well-guarded meeting place of the Chandei Quorum atop the Core Spire.
  • The Dayal Hall is a private school serving people of all economic backgrounds.
  • Fownsee Hollow, in the center of the Spire, is hundreds of feet of climbable space with a network of ladders, walkways, cables, ropes, and rafters; numerous tunnels lead out from the unsupervised, ramshackle hovels to the streets. It is "where people go to disappear."
  • The Krook House, where Ashton and FCG live in the Fownsee Hollow.
  • The Mirror Towers, a guild district of four towers located near the top of the spire.
  • Moon Tower
  • The Windowed Wall (Viduun-Devaar), a residential neighborhood on the outside of the Spire near the base, with hundreds of homes featuring porches that offer a view.
  • The Vertical Gardens, a garden within the Windowed Wall.
  • Eshteross Manor (formerly the Prudaj Estate), home of the reclusive Lord Ariks Eshteross.
  • The Prism Emporium, a general store on the main road high on the Spire.
  • The Spire by Fire Inn, a six-story tavern built into the rock on the edge of the Spire.
  • Dreamscape Theater, an ostentatious theater owned by Stuvan Idrio.

Lantern Spire

Those entering the city on foot do so through the Lantern Spire, which has a thriving market in travel and tourist goods.
  • The Prakash Pyre, the namesake of the Lantern Spire, surrounded by the Dawnfather Temple.
  • The Weary Way Tavern, a tavern on the spire
  • Prudaj Textiles, a warehouse
  • Elder's Post, a large cavern and grey market in the interior of the spire reached by a network of subterranean residential tunnels.
Notable locations within Elder's Post include:
  • Advik's Wandering Curiosities and Collections
  • The Root Trader, an apothecary and secret safehouse of the Hubatt Corsairs.
  • The Trove of Marwa, a general goods shop
  • Yohaurag Smithy

Lucent Spire

The Lucent Spire is home to many wealthy denizens of Jrusar.  
  • Hexum Manor: Home of Jiana Hexum.

Smolder Spire

To the northwest of the Core Spire, the smallest spire serves as the industrial area of the city. It is full of factories belching colored smoke, and there is a lot of mining of metal, fuel, and gems. There are also some residential portions.  
  • Factories
  • The Granite Hold, a prison
  • The Soot and Swill Tavern, a drinking establishment
  • The Take It or Leave It, possibly a drinking establishment

Guilds and Factions

  • Guro Coterie
  • The Chandei Quorum oversees and controls the larger populace of the region.
  • The Wardens, colloquially known as "Wilders", are the guards and law enforcement of the city working for the Quorum. Some of them are simurgh riders, called Sky Wardens.
  • The Ivory Syndicate, a criminal organization which seems to operate unchecked in Jrusar and across the Honored Trails.
  • The Hubatt Corsairs, an up-and-coming criminal organization that robs the corrupt rich and gives their takings to the poor. In frequent conflict with the Syndicate.


There are several noble houses in the Oderan Wilds, known as the Mahaan houses, and many of them live in Jrusar, benefiting from their position. However, others are genuinely benign and try their best to improve the city.   Some of the noble houses are as follows:  
  • House Lumas
  • House Treshi: as of 843 PD, oversees official constructions in the part of the Core Spire.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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