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Many Hosts of Igrathad

South of the Sorrowseep Waters, where the fields are more fertile, lies a scattered network of seven villages with robust communities of goblinkin, orcs, and giants, known as the Many Hosts of Igrathad. The seven villages are Kranad, Broonbobah, Aruuth, Oshinik-Ka, Wrathfall, Unyeethi, and Dodafir.   All seven villages were built on a central battleground where the factions of this region feuded and warred over resources and glory. The Kryn Dynasty reached out to the village leaders nearly a century ago and managed to broker a peace to halt the bloodshed. This disparate community is a uniquely powerful, if quarrelsome, ally to the dynasty.  

A Warrior Culture

Over the generations of fighting each other as well as the roving clans of nomads that wander the Iothia Moorland, the many people of Igrathad have come to prize displays of combat prowess and hunting skills. Children are trained with arms from an early age, and the Many Hosts are respected as the finest warriors in the region, making them feared soldiers within the dynasty’s military forces.  

Tentatively United

While the villages of Igrathad have enjoyed the fruits of a somewhat collaborative society under the guidance of the dynasty, the centuries of turmoil have not been forgotten. Neighbors argue over territory, and youths challenge each other for social dominance. The people take pride in the unique history of their own village, and that pride can win out over the dynasty's message of unity. Interactions between the villages often grow tense when the Kryn aren’t around to keep the peace. This isn’t helped by the fact that a record number of able-bodied villagers from Igrathad have been sent north to fight on the front lines of the war. The center of the Kryn’s government is far away from Igrathad, and many of the Dens are concerned that the tenuous union between the Many Hosts is crumbling.


41% goblinkin, 19% orcs, 15% humanoids, 25% other races


A local leader governs independently alongside a Kryn representative in each of the seven villages. The village leaders occasionally convene as a council.


A small force of Aurora Watch soldiers weave through the villages, and each village maintains its own army of warriors.  


Some Aurora Watch soldiers keep the peace and manage the day-to-day quarrels within Igrathad. However, the majority of the Hosts’ people are expertly trained warriors, so they both handle their own problems and make it difficult to enforce any laws on them. The idea of attempting to punish or incapacitate a criminal ogre or angered giant keeps all but the strongest from taking a post in Igrathad.

Industry & Trade

Most goods or services can be found within the villages, though it might take some searching, and strange or rare commodities are occasionally available from merchants or scavengers. Inns and taverns are scattered throughout the villages.

Guilds and Factions

Small shrines and temples can be found in each village, and they each maintain their own marketplace and merchant unions. The Children of Malice have begun to infiltrate many of the villages.


The seven villages are connected by muddy paths that cut through the rocky grassland. Each village has its own culture, complete with distinct customs and religious practices:   Kranad began as a bugbear clan of the same name and is made up of wooden shanties built around stands of trees. Broonbobah is a village of goblins, where clusters of huts and rickety wood structures climb high to oversee the surrounding plains.   Broonbobah is a village of goblins, where clusters of huts and rickety wood structures climb high to oversee the surrounding plains.   Aruuth is home to the enduring orc people of the Aruuth-Uk clan, once the dominant clan of the area. The stone village is built around a prominent, deep-set vein of iron that provides ore to the villages.   Oshinik-Ka is a village of the hobgoblin folk, who reside in stone bunkers behind barricades that markedly push the militant air of life within.   Wrathfall is the village of humanoid outlanders who never joined with the Odarami or the clans of the Iothia Moorland. It is little more than a few scattered clusters of yurts.   Unyeethi is home to the gnoll clan of the same name. It is the least social of the villages. The gnolls live in primitive huts made from bark, furs, and bones.   Dodafir is the fortress village of hill giants that marks the southernmost borough of Igrathad. The fortress is made of great logs crudely fitted together, with roofs made of bark tiles and thatch.
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