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The Vanguard

The Vanguard has a roster which changes frequently below is a list of all members, past and present.

Current Members

Darren Fernand - Leader
Agent 451 (AKA Daniella Hunt)
Paradigm (AKA Alistair Mathews)

Past Members

None so far


The Knights of the Round Table(2017-Present)
The Bureau
The Enhanced Containment Unit
Elon Musk


  King Midas (AKA DR. Stephen Aurelian) - Incarcerated

Public Agenda

The vanguard seeks to protect the world from extaordinary threats, both human and alien. The team is particularly equiped to deal with scientific issues. They also aid the Bureau in it's endeavors.


The Vanguard are based out of Darren Fernand's Lab, an old SciSystems R&D facility, which Darren Fernand procured from them when he left the company. The facility possesses a large warehouse space which has been turned into a hangar by the team, as well as several laboratory spaces, a large garage, living quarters and holding cells.

The Vanguard possess a fleet of cars, supplied by Darren, featuring several high end sport cars alongside more practical vehicles like vans. Daniella Hunt possesses a Bureau modified Ducati Monster, which is equipped with a variety of gadgets. The vehicle used most frequently by the team is a custom built sub-orbital jet constructed by Crowley known as the Excalibur.

The team is funded by Darren, who also provides funds to the Bureau. They each possess their own equipment, including Darren's gravity manipulating gauntlets and Crowley's solar knuckles.


The Vanguard were formed after the Siege of London when Mordred Pendragon proposed to split The Knights of the Round Table into two seperate groups. Mordred's part were to tackle more magically inclined threats whilst Darren Fernand's would handle non-magical threats, particularly those related to science.

The Vanguard's first outing was to stop the villain King Midas from reeping his revenge on members of Callister Technologies
Founding Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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