
Dwarves, the stalwart denizens of Tharûdrim, are a hardy and industrious folk with a rich cultural heritage forged in the crucible of their mountainous realm. Known for their exceptional craftsmanship, robust constitution, and fierce determination, dwarves have weathered the storms of history, standing as a testament to resilience and tenacity.   Physical Traits: Dwarves typically stand shorter than humans, but their compact frames belie incredible strength. Their skin tones range from fair to ruddy, often reflecting the minerals endemic to their mountain homes. Dwarven facial hair, whether majestic beards or intricate braids, holds cultural significance, signifying lineage, achievements, and personal style.   Culture and Society: Dwarven society places immense value on kin, craftsmanship, and honor. Each dwarf is raised with a deep appreciation for the ancestral skills passed down through generations, whether in forging weapons, crafting intricate jewelry, or shaping the very stone of their subterranean halls.   Tharûdrim: Tharûdrim, the subterranean kingdom carved into the heart of the mountains, serves as the epicenter of dwarven culture. A labyrinth of grand halls, ornate chambers, and bustling forges, Tharûdrim is a testament to dwarven craftsmanship. The city is governed by a council of elder clans, each responsible for different facets of dwarven life.   Mining and Metallurgy: Dwarves excel in mining and metallurgy, extracting precious gems and metals from the depths of the earth. Their weapons, armor, and artifacts are renowned for their durability and craftsmanship. Dwarven smiths, often working alongside skilled engineers, contribute to the ongoing technological advancements within Tharûdrim.   Warrior Tradition: Dwarves have a proud martial tradition, and many train in the arts of war from a young age. Their armies are disciplined and formidable, capable of holding their ground against overwhelming odds. Dwarven mercenaries are rare, few venture beyond Tharûdrim to seek fortune and glory, but the few that do exist are sought for their combat prowess and tenacity.   Isolationist Stance: Despite their resilience, dwarves are wary of the world beyond their mountain homes. Tharûdrim's isolationist stance stems from historical conflicts with the Dreadborn and other external threats. While trading partners with neighboring realms, particularly Austland, dwarves guard the secrets of their realm fiercely.   Religious Beliefs: Dwarven spirituality centers on ancestral veneration. Dwarven clans often build elaborate shrines to honor their forebears and seek their guidance.   Dwarves, the architects of grand underground cities and masterful artifacts, remain a proud and enduring race, their cultural legacy echoing through the hallowed halls of Tharûdrim.

Game Information

  Languages: You know Aeritainan and Dwarven.   Racial Ability: Start with +2 HP. Roll hit points each level with advantage.


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