Sir Arthur Voulten

Sir Arthur Voulten stands as a testament to the valor that can elevate even a common-born man to knighthood. His rise to prominence occurred during the intense conflict in Flouren, where his bravery on the battlefield earned him recognition and respect. A humble soul, Sir Arthur wears his knightly title with a quiet grace, never forgetting the bonds forged in the crucible of war.   His stern demeanor is softened by a deep sense of honesty and fairness. Despite the accolades and the chivalric status bestowed upon him, Sir Arthur remains grounded, always mindful of the sacrifices made during the war. His humility contrasts with the prowess he displays as a great warrior, embodying the ideal of a Knight who values duty over personal glory.   Known for his unwavering commitment to justice and integrity, Sir Arthur carries himself with a quiet strength. His experiences in the war have left him with a profound understanding of the harsh realities of conflict, and he often seeks ways to use his Skills and position for the betterment of the realm.   His camaraderie with the men who has has served with runs deep. Among these people is Sir Jacob Roland with whom the bonds of brotherhood were forged in the crucible of battle in Flouren.


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