Session 4: Round 2 Fight! Report

General Summary



7th of Nariza Nightfall

  With the Preliminaries behind them, the Travelers found that the city of Arnknoka was now bursting with night life. With the hotter temperatures during the day the city had become a bustling night bazaar. After seeing what the Bazaar had to offer or snatch.... the Travelers choose to return to Tobias' Cook Wagon when some of them were approached by some strange cloaked Humes, looking for a small winged creature baring a striking image of the Traveler known as Drexla Goldsprocket.  
Arriving back to the Outer Rings of Arnknoka, where the Travelers have been staying thanks to the generosity of the Leonin Tobias Shadowmane, They found that all the other carts open and selling their various wares as well. Tobias not wishing to miss another opportunity to make some extra gold, rushed into his cart to begin preparing items for sell with the help of Luna wishing to return of favor of his care. The rest of the Travelers began to setup camp for some rest and recovery after the first rounds of competition. BogBean recounted to Drexla of the Humes that had been searching for her assuring her that "Bogbean said nothing". Drexla sharing the story of one of her inventions, not quite working the way the client expected, had gotten her into some hot oil with the clients group and now they had been after her after killing her adoptive parents, but she thought she would have more time before they would find her on the MyrRin Continent. Besides the issues troubling Drexla, some of the other Travelers spoke about seeing a Shadow Bricky causing chaos in the Bazaar as well. It was now that the Travelers noticed that Bricky was in fact not casting a shadow himself at all. Wishing to experiment more with this phenomenon Drexla started to take Bricky closer to the campfire....  
Seeing extreme images of those burned before him, Bricky could not help himself, as his fear over took him, sending him running full speed away from the source of his fears. Bounding out of the campsite crashing into other individuals on the road has Bricky ran and fast and as far as his body could take him. Shock at seeing her friend scared like this Bogbean quickly followed after Bricky dodging the Chaos and confusion left in Brickys wake. After calming down with the help of Bogbean, the two decided to go on a walk and see if they could spot the lost Miguel or Shadow Bricky.
  While out of their walk, Bogbean discovered a campsite that looked vaguely like the one she spent time with Hebe in. While exploring the area Bogbean & Bricky found some small Tabaxi kits playing catch. Mistakenly throwing the ball too hard AT one of the children, Bricky was suddenly struck down by a mysterious hidden creature. The tabaxi child named Ella, let the frantic Bogbean know that it was her friend Mr. Peepers who attacked in her defense. With the attempted aid from the Grand Chieftain of the Tabaxi Hunzah, who seemed to be capable of healing magics, found nothing to work to heal Bricky. Not knowing what to do, Bogbean picked up Bricky's body and began running straight through the city to reach the other Travelers back at camp. While running at her full speed while carrying Bricky, Bogbean had to avoid various obstacles and an attempted attack by Shadow Bricky. She managed to get Bricky to the others before it was too late.  
  Hearing the chaos outside Tobias and Luna, having finished preparing food for Tobias to sell, exited the Wagon to find three cloaked individuals asking for some food. After a series of miscommunications, the three introduced themselves. Hamptony Leemax, Constable Grindlethorpe Thistlespine, and Kibana Kubernetes. Members of The Union. They had traveled from the continent of Lamarha to seek the aid of any of the MyrRin tribes to aid in combating the Dragon Invasion. After sharing some food and information, the three Humes set off to speak with the other leaders of the MyrRin Tribes in their hopes to gather aid, Tobias offered for them to return if they wish to purchase more food. Collecting themselves and sharing information amongst themselves, the Travelers choose to follow a few leads hoping to answer a few questions; who or what was is Mr Peepers and how dangerous could this child's friend be? Where was Miguel? Who will the teams fight next?
  The Travelers first visited the Tabaxi Tribe Camp with Tobias wishing to meet with Ella about this Mr Peepers creature and if it was truly deadly or not. With Bogbean retracing her steps, after Tobias continually got lost, the Travelers eventually found the Tabaxi encampment. While searching around the encampment in an attempt to find Ella, Bogbean once again saw the creature with Large Round Eyes and began to make chase though none of her fellow Traveler could see the creature she was following. Losing track of the Mr. Peepers the Travelers combed the encampment for any clues, Bogbean eventually saw the creature leaving the window of one of the buildings covered in blood. Finding that traditional weapons seemed unable to harm the creature, but with Bogbean's help Drexla was able to use her recently procured scroll to blast the creature in a wave of fire temporarily revealing the creatures form. Tobias and the Travelers could do nothing but watch as the creature giggled and seem to fade away into another realm. Trying to investigate what the creature was after Drexla entered the building the Mr. Peepers came out of horrified to find herself standing in the chest cavatity of a slain Tabaxi Woman whos heart seemed ripped out. Reporting what they had found, in order to keep their innocence, to the Tabaxi Chief Hunzah. A unquie connection was discovered between Bogbean and Hunzah, with Hunzah taking interest in The Saturn Sword wishing to know where Bogbean got the weapon and what had happened to its pervious owner. After a awkward exchange and the sun starting to set it was time for the Travelers to prepare for the next set of fights at the arena.  
  The Team of Luna, V, and Drexla were called on first to enter the arena. Through the draw they were beset by a team of Leonin each having a different color fur. These Leonin were extremely skilled in combat and magics, conjuring flames from their bodies to increase those skills. Drexla's smoke bombs were ineffective to one of the Leonin causing the battle to be close, coming down to a shoot out between the last remember members of Drexla & the female Leonin with Drexla coming out on top. One more fight closer to the final rounds and the possibility of their request granted. The Team of Tobias, Bogbean, and Bricky and they prepare for the next round there can be heard and felt the loud crashing of footstomps as the opposing team enters the arena.
Extrayus Campaign
Tobias Shadowmane
Drexla Goldsprocket
Neutral Evil Fairy (Extrayus Artificer)
Artificer 2
18 / 18 HP
Bricky von Wallenstein
Player Journals
The New Journey of Miguel The Magnificent! by Miguel
friendly nightmares & bittersweet memories by Bogbean
Report Date
07 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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