Extrayus Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Extrayus
| Full


  • Hume Continent
    This continent is made up of primarily of human and humanoid people. This includes the Dimin, Thairiniol, Hellscarred, Konon, Skegga, and Stomm. There are smatterings of Myrin, Elemn and very rarely a Ternock/Scalekin.
  • MyrRin Continent
    Lands of the Tribes of the MyrRin People, Creatures that evolved from animals of the Planet.
  • Dragon Isles
    The Scalekin Islands are the main home of the Ternock, which are winged, dragon-looking creatures. There are other scaled creatures welcome on the islands. Anything reptilian is granted passage and asylum on the islands. Non-scaled are hated and scorned by the Ternock and many Scalekin.
Supporting Cast
  • First Mate Golkir Tazzire
  • Quartermaster Sarsoon
    Sarsoon was once a merchant in the island village of Sssarka. Sarsoon and his wife and 6 children were buying supplies in Daggerstrand Landing when Silver-Tongue’s Crew attacked the city. Sarsoon was forced to watch his family be slaughtered in front of him, only able to just barely escape with his own life. Sarsoon stowed aboard The Hellish Insanity, looking for a place to die, but as fate would have it, he was found by V and restored to health. He has become Quartermaster of the Lost Souls Pirates, gifted in acquiring items and supplies by any means necessary….

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 15th September 2024 9:00

Session 25: Weighted hearts and renewed Conviction

Having saved the lives of the Children of the Tabaxi people, and securing the support of the Tabaxi, The Travelers now must choose how they will go against the Wyverns Scourge Pirates.

Sessions Archive

14th Jul 2024

Session 23: The Final Challenge

30th Jun 2024

Session 22: The Third Challange

15th Jun 2024

Session 21: The Second Challenge

26th May 2024

Session 20: The First Challenge

With the Travelers arrival at the first Waystation, they are tasked with the most important task, solve the water crisis effecting the Tabaxi.....

11th Dec 2023

Session 15:

5th Nov 2023

Session 13: Its all in the Fine Print

22nd Oct 2023

Session 12: Fort and Fortitude

The Traveler's have finally reached Fort Irragin, some hoping to find more information and more advance equipment. As they wait for the arrival of the Hellish Insanity to come to port, the Travelers must find a way to blend in and gather what they can in that time.

1st Oct 2023

Session 11: Twisted Tales & Twisted Paths

After Spending the Evening in Yook TeeHa, the Travelers must now decide where they should head to next

Read the Report
10th Sep 2023

Session 10: Voiceless Trials

The Travelers have made their way ashore in the search for the Kenku Village of Yook-TeeHa, hoping to find Lady Kree in good health and to gather more information in the aftermath of the Tragedy of Arranoka

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13th Aug 2023

Session 9: Sails & Sandbars

The Travelers have chosen to remain together to find out more about what happened at the Festival. Reuniting with the rest of the Lost Soul Pirates and the Hellish Insanity, the Travelers decided to head to the Village of Yook Teeha to hopefully to find Lady Kree safe and maybe some answers to their questions.

23rd Jul 2023

Session 8: Those who Travel on....

In the aftermath of the Dark Ritual in Arnknoka, the Travelers flee with their lives and the dying Luna and Lincoln.

2nd Jul 2023

Session 7: Sacrifice.....

Travel. Move. End. Sacrifice.

25th Jun 2023

Session 6: Vanishing Dreams

With a Traveler gone missing, and the Young Ella's Friend, "Mr Peepers" on the loose killing anyone in defense of the young girl. The Rest of the Travelers must rush and search for clues to what has happened before the next match...But tonight the Festival starts!

28th May 2023

Session 5: Thundering Hooves and Thundering Skies

With the narrow win by Team B, its time for Team A to enter the arena. The ground begins to shake as the opposing team makes its way in....

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7th May 2023

Session 4: Round 2 Fight!

The Traveler's once again seek the same the direction. With the Festival's tournament preliminary fights beginning at Sundown. Taking the day to gather supplies and weapons , the Traveler's separated into two groups of threes hoping to better the chances of them receiving the reward. The preliminaries are over and now the teams move forward in the tournament, with another day to prepare for the next round will the Traveler's be ready for the next challenge....

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16th Apr 2023

Session 3: Stepping into the Ring

The Traveler's have arrived in the Scared City of Arnkonka. With the Festival beginning in a few days time, the Traveler's rest up and learn more about themselves and the area around them. The Festival of Umanyano will begin in 3 days......

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19th Mar 2023

Session 2: The Journey to the Sacred Clearing

Our Group of Travelers are headed to the Sacred Clearing, some to attend the Festival of Umanyano, others to collect a debt on some cargo, and others along just for the ride.....

Read the Report
26th Feb 2023

Session 1: Welcome to Extrayus

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Tobias Shadowmane


Drexla Goldsprocket

Neutral Evil Fairy (Extrayus Artificer)
Artificer 2
18 / 18 HP

Bricky von Wallenstein
