Tobias Shadowmane

Tobias Shadowmane

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and muscled.

Facial Features

White fur around his lips and up to his nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Burn scars on his hands up to his elbows.

Special abilities

when casting his magic, it often looks like stars and nebula.

Apparel & Accessories

Chainmail under a black tunic with white lining, a black hooded cloak, and a simple leather belt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Trained with his father and the rest of the warriors in the village to fight and learn survival skills. In the evenings his mother taught him how to heal and cook. He grew up closely with his three cousins Tove, Torvas, and Torman, playing games and sparing with each other.


Runs his own food wagon.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to save his family.

Mental Trauma

Personally blames himself for the death of his family.


Prefers not to drink and distains drunks.


Contacts & Relations

Sodia of the Mastadori Trade caravan.

Family Ties

Nephew to the current leader of the leonin Tulius, as well as his cousins Tove, Torvas, Torman. Tulius is a towering man with a harsh scowled man, but is extreamly kind and was always laughing. Tove was always the strongest, Torvas was always a bit of a jerk but still likeable despite his best efforts, and Torman was definitely the smartest and the only one who took to books with an interest.

Religious Views

follower of the twilight mother




Vaguely eastern European accent


Tove Shadowmane


Towards Tobias Shadowmane


Tobias Shadowmane


Towards Tove Shadowmane


Torvas Shadowmane


Towards Tobias Shadowmane


Tobias Shadowmane


Towards Torvas Shadowmane


Torman Shadowmane


Towards Tobias Shadowmane


Tobias Shadowmane


Towards Torman Shadowmane


Tobias Shadowmane


Towards Tullius Shadowmane


Tullius Shadowmane

Uncle (Important)

Towards Tobias Shadowmane



A scared leonin cleric in search of answers and justice. Working in service of his goddess he stands in the night snuffing out evil where it creeps.

View Character Profile
Known Languages
Common, Leonin, Common sign language.

The battle of Fort Irrigan

The last week or so since leaving lady Kree and the rest of the Kenku have been a complete blur that has left me questing myself and those around me. Arriving at the fort and seeing its lush fields of crops surrounding the walled city was nothing like what I had expected of so called scarred lands that were said not to be futile, but the others speculate that may be because of these pillars which radiate odd power scattered about. Along with the pillars odd metal machines were fluttering around tending to crops and moving back and forth beyond the wall. As we neared the entrance we lined up with the rest and as were being let in they stopped Bricky for some odd reason saying they needed to ask more questions, as we argued the point an alarm was sounded, as from the tree lines ran a large group of those dog like monsters and we all sprung into action. I brought out my bubble to help the civilians and the guards near me, they took a second to convince my magic meant them no harm. we made through them with very few casualties on our side though i wish i could have done more. The Capitan there recommended, that if we were willing to help more, we go see the garrison commanders and commander general to see if they need anything.   we entered deeper into the city and it was truly a marvel, never had I seen this many Humes or Dimen and had never seen a Hellscaared before, but they were everywhere here. As always we collected plenty of stares as we made our way through the city finding a message board covered in requests from the citizens of the city, one specifically called out to me about a boy who hasent slept in days and his mother worries.

Demon dogs and revelations in the rock dome.

As the cart ambled on down a road that shook the cart awfully. I chatted with Luna at the front of the cart as she held onto the kenku egg we found making sure nothing happens to it like Miguel whom I thought was just skulking but was proven wrong when Bricky and Bogbean informed me that he slipped away leaving behind an illusion of himself, after stopping to look around we couldn't find him but did find that he took another weeks worth of rations. the little thing irritated me to no end but I hope no harm finds him on the road and that the Twilight Mother will watch over him. We continued on the path that snaked its way through the forest passing huge boulders that looked like they had crashed from the sky trees being leveled around the great stones. We continued on till we reached the end of the forest and could see the base of the mountain, before that a few hundred feet away were a few crumbling ancient buildings with smoke rising from inside. Luna sent the little lion Jinx in and after a few minutes reported back that more of those demon dogs feasting on some fresh kill. Ill wipe these horrible ravenous things away from our lands.   We left the cart and Trovas a little further back and stealthily made our way toward the camp. As we approached we were spotted and the beasts howled alerting their friends as we all went to work. We've gotten much better working together everyone doing there support and doing there part. Bogbean transformed into her more savage form and ran forward into the heart of the beasts cleaving her blade through the lot of them. Bricky did his usual thing sapping the vitality from the monsters. V hid himself in the shadows and threw his dagger striking one dead but being struck by lightning himself. Luna called lightning down striking multiple enemies. I brought my bubble out shielding those around me and I healed Bogbean as she faced a torrent of blows. We quickly whittled them down soon only one was left which attempted to flee but was stopped by Bricky.   As the dust settled luna with the help of bogbean and myself inspected the bodies hoping to learn more about these strange creatures. We peeled away the layers of flesh looking closer and made a startling discovery, the feathers of a kenku twisted and meld together under this top layer of putrid flesh. The other bodies had similar underlying skins of different kinds. some had feathers, furs that could only have come from tabaxi or leonin. we pondered what this meant as we cleaned the blood from our hands and prepared to get on the road again. At this time V had been walking around the ruins when he spotted a dancing figure of lady kree made of dirt pointing of onto a path. After he informed the rest of the group we headed off to look for the village. We followed a long line of dancing kree until finally we came into an empty clearing with only one of those dirt statues, suddenly the ground before us opened reveling a path into the depths below.   The city was incredible and though we found ourselves far underground we were not in darkness but under a massive dome with crystals imbedded in the celling letting light flow in illuminating the village. The village reminds me of Amarazz with its squared buildings made of clay although these lack the vibrant colors of my home. Here we met again with Lady Cree and for some the first time. Lady Cree welcomed us to her village and offered shelter as long as we needed. We gave her the egg we found and it turned out to be a kenku egg like we thought. She thanked us for its safe return and for avenging their fallen. She also confirmed our worst fears, the twisted creatures were all miren that had been bitten, infected and morphed into these mindless monsters.   Lady Kree introduced us to her granddaughter, telling us she would lead us to the temple where she would later join us after she completed a few things. We made our way there speaking to pip who like her grandmother could control the earth around her though not nearly as strong which she says is because she is not the leader of the kenku . we eventually arrived at a massive temple that had intricate carvings of two missive figures standing in front of an even more missive tree. The two figures were of a leonin and kenku shaking hands. I stood staring at the statue and Luna seemed to glaze over, lady kree arose from the ground and we began talking about the problem with the monsters running through the land and infecting the miren. We discussed how to go about bringing all miren together, like my great grandfather before. The same leonin represented shaking hands with the kenku who was apparently also Lady krees great grandmother and apparently the first kenku to have gained power over earth.   While we spoke Luna apparently had visions of her missing past, memories off the two who were depicted in front of us, and that she saw something buried in the wall behind the tree. Lady kree moved the earth away reveling a spherical object and what looked like another piece of the sacred stone. She told us she remembers being here and that her mother made this object, which when interacted with it glowed and showed a constellation. Poor Luna was a mess apparently she was recalling memories that had been lost to her of her mother and the spherical object. After all that's happened I cant imagine what it'd be like to not remember my mothers face, the thought alone feels like an icy blade poking at my heart. Lady kree also wept seeing this new shard of the sacred stone and as she laid her hand apron the stone like the original her handprint stayed on the stone, I followed suit and like her my handprint stayed. I felt an odd wind of hope sweep through me and seemed to do the same for kree as she turned to me and spoke of my great grandfather, the betrayer who long ago brought all the mirin together under one alliance, and how if we are to survive this new threat to all our peoples we must once again work together. she pledged herself and the kankeu to the cause, I offered myself and told her I do not speak for the leonin but that my uncle is a good man and will listen to our cause. As we spoke V went and placed his hand on the stone as well but seemed to have an odd reaction.   After all that had occurred today we decided to rest tonight at the home Lady Kree had prepared for us before we start planing where to go and how to get there.   We walked slowly through the city slowly and silently, I pondered what was to come and what the return of the alliance would mean for all the miren. The thought, of trying to convince some of the more proud races to join our cause, alone is enough to give me a headache. Luna still seemed a bit dazed and lost in herself, Drexla continued to stow herself away silently, V and his crewmate continued to brood in the back, Bricky was as stoic and hard to read as always and Bogbean, well I am quite invious of how she can always seem to be so happy and carefree, I strive to find that in myself.   We arrived at the house and began to disperse and unwind a bit, most of us going into some of our rooms with Bogbean joining bricky and Luna asked me along to her room for some type of ritual, but v seemed not to have a room of his own so he seemed to linger before going to join Bricky and Bogbean. The ritual Luna had me help her with took us about an hour of sitting together and bonding and she tells me that this will alow us to give each other parts of magic if the other were to need it. Afterwards I went and found my room and was so happy to again have a bed and bath, I haven't had either since I left Amaraz. I ran a steamy bath and stripped of my armor and clothes, I can't remember the last time I took them off. The water was so warm and there were even little vials of sented soaps and oils, I couldn't help but purr as I soaked my aching hands and pampered my fur.   After I changed into some comfortable clothes left by lady kree I spotted V wandering around looking for a place to stay but knowing Lady Kree I figured what the implications of his missing room meant so I lightly teased him before closing the door and drifting to sleep. In my sleep I found myself before the the Twilight Mother, I knelt before her and when I looked up I saw her silently weeping and my heart twisted into knots. She apologized for all that's happened for not helping more. I don't know how she can think this. All I have, all I've done has only been available through her gifts, I told her as such and swore to do better to work harder and make things right. I asked her for another gift a piece of her cloak so that I may feel a stronger connection to her power, and she took the the edge of her cloak and drew her finger across it cleaving it free and giving me the piece which was a full cloak for me and I could feel the magic in it.   I awoke the next morning still clutching the new star clad cloak. I changed into my newly cleaned armor and went out to eat breakfast with the others who were enjoying a spread of fruits left by lady kree. After breakfast we met with Lady kree and began to discuss the matter of what to do next. We deliberated for quite a while before settling on the plan to send the boat to the other end of the continent the long way and to take a river Lady kree knows of, that passes right under the mountain. We all went out buying supplies and preparing for the journey, I purchased supplies for rations as well as fresh berries and nuts to make an Amarazz styled pastries. After food was prepared nd stored I baked a batch sweet pastries for my new companions as best I could from the memories I have of my mothers baking.   After a quick rest and a few goodbyes we affixed the cart and torvas to the somehow floating rock that Lady kree promised to send us on down the river. We all readied ourselves adored the platform and with a flick of the wrist lady Kree sent us flying down the river at break neck speeds, Gulkear and I tried to steer our ways down the windy rivers path, narrowly avoiding jagged rock shelfs and jutting stalactite. It was a perilous trek through the tunnels and once we were clear the danger didn't stop as there were many turns and a few groupings of those dog beasts along the shores. Near the end of the river we realized we had no way to stop the raft, I tied a rope to the end of my spar and threw it lodging it between a rock and tree, with the strength of myself and my companions we stopped it. we stopped along the shore moving into the woods to hide ourselves and rest for the night, I showed them how to make a type of buried fire that helped to hide both flame and smoke to keep us hidden. I volunteered to take the first watch and as i stood on duty i saw packs of the dog beasts roaming along in odd clumps, luckily avoiding our group through out the night but heading in the same direction we were. as i drifted into a slumber i could not help but think of what comes next and pay the tiglight mother will guide me through the trouble.

Having a whale of a time.

I sat finishing preparations on the cart with with Bogbean, Bricky and Luna as something heavy thumped onto the deck of the ship and I heard a loud roar. I ran around the cart to find Drexla and the first mate confronted by a large red eel folk with a giant hook. He swung at Drexla and the first mate tried to restrain him calling out for the captain and telling us not to hurt him because he's another crew member. Not wanting to kill an apparent crewmate I summoned up my magic in an attempt to lull the beast into a slumber, however this failed and when he hit Drexla I ran forward as the first mate grappled him. I tried to tie him up as V ran up and attempted to persuade him into calming. I attempted to tie him and the bastard bit me, finally V ran over and hit him with the but of his knife and knocked him out.   I somehow find myself unsurprised, unsurprised that V had another crew member he failed to mention and unsurprised that he posed unwarranted danger to everyone around him. Again when questioning V about what happened he continued to avoid answering and seemed offended we'd question his bloodthirsty uncontrolled crew. Not long after V and his crew went below deck to have some sort of discussion and I decided to start turning all of my ingredients into long lasting rations.   As we continued on our journey we had two weeks to ourselves and I decided to focus on my magic thinking that it may help my abilities to heal and maybe get me closer to the Twilight Mother. Luna was nice enough to take a week and show me what she knew about magic, how to shape it and draw it out. I found the week incredibly helpful and managed to spend another week forming my energy into motes of radiant light. Near the end of the second week after I exhausted the last of my magic we began to be pursued by two killer whale. columns of water began to arise from the front of the ship and V narrowly avoiding them, as he did the whales rose up on streams of water crossing over the deck of the ship and coming straight for me as I was nearest them. I've never seen such a creature that can control the water around it and use that to actively hunt ships is quite unheard of as far as I know. They hovered above the deck of the ship and as I readied myself a huge fist of water slammed into me and attempted to grapple me to no avail as I shrugged it off. Bogbean walked through the hand as if it weren't there and leapt on the back of one of the whales and I threw my spear at the other as it...(flew?..swam?) at Torvas looking for a quick meal. The whale that Bogbean rode, rose into the sky rolling over to throw her from its back. As she hit the deck Drexla shot the one that was high up, breaking its concentration and drooping it right on Bricky and Bogbean. Bricky with nary a second to lose, threw Bogbean clear of the whales crash zone, allowing himself to be crushed. One whale died as it hit the deck and the other fell by Torvas an Luna who grabbed its tail and held it in place as we finished it off. The creatures were massive, Bogbean and I were barely strong enough to lift it to allow Luna and Drexla to try and pull Bricky free, unfortunately his arm stayed beneath the monster. Luna, bless her heart, crawled underneath to retrieve his missing limb, The whale was incredibly heavy, Bogbean and I faltered in our strength dropping it on her legs before she could scramble her way from beneath. She shouted in pain and when we lifted the whale once more we found her legs severely injured and she couldn't stand on her own.   Bogbean did her very best to reattach Brickys arm with mild success, whilst I tried to splint Luna's legs and give her a numbing balm. We carried the two below deck so they could try to rest. Eventually Bricky awoke, his body contorting and snapping back into its original form, well as close to as bogbean could manage accidentally attaching it backwards. I will never get over how resilient of a creature he is.   We returned to the deck of the ship and began to plan how to get these huge whales off the deck. we decided that the whales were so big that we would need to secure everything abored and push them off at the same time as to not damage the ship. We discussed for a few minutes and began to make preparations, bricky however decided to ignore all this and test his new abilities and push one of the whales off, causing the entire ship to list drastically from one side to another launching V, Torvas, and myself overboard. V, having captained a ship for a time and being a scale kin was an expert swimmer, easily making his way aboard. I however was wearing my gear and had never really swam in deep waters, neither had Torvas. I tried to hold his reigns and keep up with the ship as they tried getting us abored. by the time I was heaved onto the deck I was exhausted.   The time time I've been traveling since the sky tore open I have not been visited by the twilight mother.   The next morning we decided to make landfall, and uh "docked the ship", we worked to unload the cart with the new crane contraption that Drexla had outfitted to the ship, and with the strength of bogbean we unloaded the cart without issue and torvas as well. I'm always amazed at how strong she is for one so small. Not long after we had been on the path we heard a noise coming from the back of the cart and found Miguel in the back eating a weeks worth of rations, anger had surged in me like I haven't felt in a long time, my father would have flogged any man in his troupe who would do some such action. I took a moment to breath and tried speaking to him rationally. Bogbean had other plans and laid into him good not that he didn't deserve but it was a bit much, especially when bricky dropped him on the ground and picked up bogbean I almost felt bad for him.   Further up the road we came across the aftermath of a massacare, there was bone fragments and blood all around a shredded cart. While investigating the carnage we found a large egg most likely belonging to the kankeu, as we were already on our way to the village we decided to take the youngone to there people, and after burring the remains and saying a prayer we continued onto our path and whatever it may bring.

Picking up the pieces

Time...time slowed to a standstill as Vs blade plunged into Luna as she dove atop Lincoln. What is wrong with these people?! Drexla, so ruthless she'd kill an unconscious man whom we've already defeated no mater how much he'd wronged us. V, who'd follow along and try to kill a man to "speed things up" or so unaware that he'd stab a friend by mistake. Luna who has a kind soul but a rash mind and would throw herself in harms way for a dishonorable man, she has to much life left in her to die in such a way. Poor Bricky who cannot rely on the integrity of his own mind bringing ruin to himself and other, what a tragic creature he is. Bogbean is probably the most normal of the lot and has yet to hassle me. We dragged the two of them into the cart as Bricky and Bogbean took the reins. We took of in a random direction and I got to work healing Luna using the magic I had left to revive her. As she stirred awake the brief moment of relief is washed away as Lincolns body rattled along with the cart. I turned my focus onto him as he lay there staring blankly up with half closed eyes, the fucking fool, sullying the name of the tribe trading in flesh, then stealing from the clan, perhaps I'm the fool trying to save a dishonorable man but the thought of standing over a defeated man and trying to take his life makes me think of what my father would say about how a virtuous man should live, than his final words crash over my being like a tidal wave twisting my stomach into knots, "Sometimes terrible things must be done to protect those you love". I push it all aside and get to work applying pressure and try to examine the wound, the bolt was horribly deep and had torn a lot on its way in, this was gonna be very delicate work. I gently grabbed the haft of the bolt and life chuckled at my attempts at virtue rocking the cart violently causing me to pull the bult free. Red hot crimson sprayed onto my hands, splattering lightly across my face and pooling around him. Drexla was the first to speak "its not my fault....there was nothing you could have done.." her word were drowned out as the rattling of the cart grew louder and louder into a roar eventually turning into a drowning ring that pierced my ears as rage boiled to the top filling my stomach with a burning fire. My mind was coold by the soft brush of the Night Mother's presence bringing me back to reality as I realized I had just been staring at Lincolns corpse. I couldn't stand to see him any longer and grabbed him to throw him off the wagon, as I tried I was stopped by Drexla and V who wanted to loot his body, of course. When they had finished I collected him and pushed him out the back i was saddened as he tumbled away but he'd lost the right to a proper burial long ago.   I sat in silence tending to the last of Luna's wounds, Drexla and V climbed to the top of the cart chatting with sarsoon the snake man crewmate of V. The cart slowed to a crawl and eventually I walked along to the front only to find that Bricky lacks the ability to see in the dark, I touched his forehead and send a mote of the Night Mother's essence to him to help him see. Climbing into the back of the cart I slumped into a corner staring at the now cold crimson pool as it seeped into the wood. Eventually we came to a stop in order to rest, we split up the watches and I found somewhere to sleep in solitude, and prayed the Night Mother would visit me and give some sort of guidance but I was visited only by nightmares. I was awoken by Luna who woke a few others of the others and told us something was approaching camp, out from the woods came a group of tabaxi refugees all of which were injured some far worse than others. I asked for them to wait and alow me to heal there wounds they agreed and I with the help of Luna treated them for the next few hours. As I set bones and wrapped wounds I couldn't help but think about all those who were killed because of us, because of me.   The tabaxi departed into the forests as the rest of the group awoke, I cleaned the blood from my hands and started cooking a meal for our group, just doing whatever I can to help, to be of use. As the group debated back and forth on where our next destination would be I napped but found no rest from my exhaustion. Eventually they decided to return to port to grab V's ship before we go to the kenku village. We made our way sticking to the forest for the next month traveling slowly and I managed to track a large herd of elk through the forest and bring down more than I expected, this spear is great for hunting. I wish to be back with my uncle and cousins tracking game through the sacred grasslands, I wonder what they are doing under the stars tonight. Bricky also proved a great hunter which was a surprise to me give his natural smell. Some of the others didn't fair as well with V and Drexla looking especially disheartened, but perhaps they are just not as accustomed to the wilds. One thing that I noticed no one talked about what happened that night this entire month, like they are all moving on they are already forgetting, but I won't, I can't.   We found ourselves back at Port but it was now a more gaunt and ghastly place no doubt because of the recent tragedies that have come to pass. Luna spoke with a woman who asked if we had seen any other survivors along the road, she seemed disheartened that we had not but not surprised. V seems to have some odd luck, as we stepped into town he was struck by lightning but it was a completely clear day and even more strangely he didn't seem surprised. Further in and V's luck continued as he had a conversation apparently having to pay the back cost of docking his ship, something I seem to recall making mention of. After paying his dues, V lead us to his ship to regroup with his crew and figure out the logistics of moving the cart and Torvas onto the ship. We decided the ships gangplanks were not strong enough to support the weight of the cart or Torvas, as such V and Drexla decided to go haggle with the other nearby ships for their gangplanks. In the meantime I went and prepared the cart as best I can to get on the ship and brought it to the end of the dock. Drexla and V seemed to be getting on well though they seemed not to have realized how heavy the planks were as the struggled to move them, I thought about helping, but thought better of it. I was standing with the others wondering where V and Drexla were when I heard another crack of lightning, a few minutes later the pair returned dragging the final plank at a snails pace, I wonder if it was pride or ignorance that made them try and do it without any help.   After they had arranged the planks on a way that'd reinforce themselves we got to work, first easing Torvas onto the planks, halfway through they planks began to squeak and make the pore fellow skittish but I managed to calm his nerves and coax him abored. He was having trouble getting his legs underneath himself and I realized it was also the first time I'd been on a ship myself, having only been on our small river canoe and rarely that. After getting him to lay down we began the arduous task of loading the cart aboard the ship. It was quite difficult to pull it up luckily bogbean is a little power house and did much of the work on her own. We managed to get it on just as the planks gave way dropping Luna and Bricky into the bay. Before I had time to worry Luna hauled the two of them onto the dock, she's surprisingly strong.   It was finally time to be off after we strapped down the cart and put wood blocks behind its wheels, we departed and I fixed the mess in the kitchen before starting to make a meal. As we sailed along I stared out at the horizon trying to imagine what our adventures will throw at us next......I didn't have to imagine long because whatever drexla and the others were doing at the front of the ship brought a large angry red Fishman onto the deck. What now?

Nightmare and Ruin.

Failure.....Failure...…failure...…I've failed again and again. I could not save my parents, I could not save the child Ella, I was too arrogant , I brought my friends into my nightmare and nearly got them killed, I was again unable to protect people I've began to care for, and worse so, I wanted to throw myself at the beast in a desperate act of cowardice to unburden myself from my responsibilities and was nearly ready to bring Luna along but the teary eyed face of the usually titan strong bogbean pulled me away, how could I possibly bring them along into my own mess??….I could not save my friends from themselves...…even with power beyond my dreams I still prove powerless.....I only wanted to try and bring happiness and understanding between the miren clans, instead I lead someone to destroy our most sacred of landmarks and unleash my nightmare upon innocents lives, besides his own will, again I must watch a good man comit horrible crimes despite himself. to bring an end to my nightmare my new friend Luna threw herself over the unconscious body of Lincoln as drexla sought her revenge and V struck down at the still form of Lincoln , I understand her want for revenge against Lincoln but I cannot stomach someone standing above a defenseless man and killing them....perhaps I am a fool lost in tradition. we run now...further and further away from the screams of those who have fallen because of my weakness...…the sounds will find themselves in my dreams amongst the rest...…

Minotaur, Shadow, and Dreams.

Bogbean, Bricky and I prepared ourselves for our battle as the minotaur combatants stomped their way into the ring, I looked about to see many of the mirian gathered around to watch our group get trampled with glee. We stepped into the ring and I pushed bricky behind me as I stepped behind bogbean. it still feels so odd to hide myself behind one so small, but I'm in no way to proud to acknowledge her strength not only physically but in spirit as well. I started the fight off by summoning up my Twilight Sanctuary to protect my friends as the minotaur positioned themselves around us. Bogbean ,like always was a whirlwind of teeth, blade and furry. I held my sanctuary up as much as possible as the minotaur slammed into bogbean and I. Bricky stood behind me launching his odd magics at them and weekend them greatly. I held my sanctuary as long as possible to shield my friends as I was grappled and slammed into the ground before one of the others buried his axe in me, I thought I would surly be cleaved in twain. When I awoke I was told that bogbean had fallen not long after me, and bricky managed to finish off the last two without suffering a single blow. we were all very excited until we found out we would have to fight each other in the coming round of the tournament. I knew this would happen eventually but I hoped we could save that till the end.   As we walked back to the cart we managed to lose two of our party members amongst the huge crowds. Drexal is always running off on her own but it was unusual for bogbean to disappear. we decided to keep heading to the cart as that's most likely where they'd be headed. Bricky removed his eye and sent it floating out as a scout, to my surprise he managed to find bogbean and lead her back to us along with his shadow. his shadow spoke in sign language to us and apparently v also understood. Shadow told us how angry he was with bricky as he apparently "stole everything from him". we managed to convince him that he'd be better off with bricky as the yd be stronger together and he could make sure he stayed alive, during this it came out that bricky not only knew the man who kidnapped Miguel and bogbean but that he had helped in their capture. Funny enough Luna seemed to be more upset than bogbean was, though bricky seemed to imply that those actions were not his own and he could not physically talk about it. afterwards bogbean understandably seemed a bit distant opting for sleeping closer to Luna that night.   That night i found myself in the sprawling lands of dream standing before the Twilight mother. she asked me what it was that I seek, an odd question I had not yet stopped to ponder, I was here to learn more about whatever evils had consumed my father, to right the wrongs that had happened due to my ineptitude, but most importantly i had heard words my father had spoken to me when I was but a cub, of gaining strength not to wield great and terrible power but to protect those who couldn't do so for themselves. I told her this and she showed me a vision that twisted into a swirling mass of flame before seeing my mother hanging limply on the end of my fathers spear, the fire swirled again and I stood over my father my hands covered in burns and blood, as tears streamed down my face I looked up and my vision cleared and I was once again standing in front of the twilight mother. she asked if I was still afraid, I could only manage to nod as she spoke words that fell against my soul like crushing hammer, the words of my father, of how I must be strong and be ready to do terrible things to protect those I love. showed me how I can manifest things in these lands and taught me a way to bring companions here. she told me here id have to fight Mr. peepers and save the little girl he's attached himself to. before I left she gave me a gift, a spear that looks like it was made in my homeland but the blade was dark as midnight and the plume beneath the blade looked like it was made of the cosmos. when I awoke I was still clutching the spear from my dreams apparently I can take some things from that world to this one.   in the morning as I made breakfast everyone seemed to be on edge, as they finished the last of their food Lincon came by apparently having sold the hum he held captive. I tried being friendly despite my distain for what he does, the others had no such reservations and nearly attacked him after finding out he was the one who attempted to capture Drexal, he left in a huff and I'm glad we didn't have to get into a fight in the town. after our breakfast we decided to go out on a hunt for food and materials. the group inquired finally about the bandages around my arms, perhaps it was only because of the dreams I had the night before but I told them about the night I killed my parents and started on my journey. They seemed perturbed about my story and the spear I had brought forth from my dreams.   As we got back Luna and I began to prepare for tonights diner, she's gotten very skilled at helping me in the kitchen and has made my work much easier, I'm not used to having someone help me with my work. V and Drexal decided to go speak with the leader of the kankeu again despite her.....fondness for V, he's a braver man than I thought. I'm not sure what happened in the few hours that passed but Drexal flew into the camp and told us that her and v were attacked and he had fallen, fearing the worst we all ran as fast as possible following Drexal, whereupon we found a handful of dead hume and V unconscious under a pile of hay. as I worked to revive him the others investigated the scene, with bricky and Bogbean both dragging off a corpse for "harvesting" I shudder to think of those who have to discover that horrid mess. As we gathered ourselves, Bogbean alerted us all in a fright that bricky had gone missing, hopefuly we ca find our stitched friend soon.

Nightmares become reality.

I ended a long day after fighting in the first round of the tournament by preparing food with Luna and she informed me that apparently bricky had lost his shadow, a curious thought. Before we could ask him any questions he and bogbean rushed away as though being chased.   When we finished our preparations we ran into an odd collection of travelers one being a hume prince, a devilscard (tieflings) and a small firemaned inventor. They were very rude and managed to get on my nerves despite my best attempt at self control. I roared loudly at them sending the small one realing and the horned wam drew her blade, I thought I had let my temper pull us all into a fight but the young prince calmed everyone down despite drexla seeming enraged at the site of a hume. The asked for food and I softened a bit and felt guilty, when I heard how long it had been since their last meal I knew I had to help even if it was so small.   As the odd collective finished there food and I packed them a bundle, bogbean flew into camp with bricky slumped across her back. She dumped him on the ground before me like a bundle of bricks and he was still as death as black ichor poured out. I did my best to stitch him up as I've seen my other means of healing don't seem to help him.   As we waited for him to stir from wherever dead men dream, bogbean spoke of a young tabaxi girl who's invisible friend attacked bricky. Finally a real lead on the mission from the maiden in my dreams and confirmation I'm doing the right things.   When bricky awoke we spoke more of what had occurred and what our plans wher for the next day. As our guests left the prince mentioned how he had seen more like bog bean and she was some how related to the inventor. I gave them food for there travels and denied there gild as they were struggling so much in our lands and thos seemed to displease v.   The next day we set out to first look for the loxidon Caravan so that I could smoth things out with Naz and deliver my sweets but I got us lost despite my impeccable sense of direction. Instead we headed to the tabaxi incampment too look for Ella's and her imaginary friend. As we looked for the child bogbean pointed out something we could not see. When we followed what she saw she said it ran at her and I herd it's claws and saw as her sword was gouged as it attacked her. It apparently ran afterwards bogbean swinging her sword through it and doing nothing. Ela came looking for the creature or Mr . Peepers as she called it and told us how it came from her dreams after she wished for a friend to protect her. She said people who were mean to her disappeared.   After the girl left drexla flew off looking for something and we all followed into an alley where bogbean froze and went a pale sickly green and she pointed forward where the creature supposedly was and drexla shot flame from her hands after reading a scroll and we saw the outline of the best. Thin and bent with long claws. I could feel it'd energy leave ad bogbean said it vanished and we all herd a horrific laugh. When we investigated where it had just been drexla found the corpse of a tobaxi woman who had her heart torn out. We decided to find the speaker, a very rude woman, and explaine what brought us here and what we found, though she found my long winded explanation annoying apparently. She seemed to believe us but was dismayed by the sight of bogbeans sword which appears to have belonged to someone she knew.   We decided to hold of on looking for the dream monster as none of us besides bogbean could see it, and instead head to the next round of the tournament. We managed nor to be in the same bracket as the others this time and they went first. The fight started slow with most either taking cover or preparing themselves. As the leonin competitors ran forward and started there attack drexla once again dropped smoke onto the field obstructing most of the area. The fight was neck and neck every blow being answered with one in kind as one leonin slung spells at my companions Luna went down after being struck down by the golden leonin. I thought it was going to be the end of our other teams run bit v and drexla broght it back from the brink knocking them down slowly and getting battered in the process. V went down to the caster barely leaving her standing as drexla finished her off with a blast from her gun. As Luna awoke on the sidelines her and I spoke I checked her over slightly and congratulated her on how well she did. We spoke briefly on our pasts and I told her a little about my bandages and why I wear them.   I saw our next opponents a group of giant minator and I sighed deeply prayimg that my magic will be enough to keep my friends safe and my strength would last.  

The tournament begins.

Captain v and I continued on our way to the hovel of the kankeu elder, she was an odd woman like many of the other kankeu I've met but she seems to have control over the soft earth around her. I inquired about the curse that had befallen her tribe, she spoke of animals acting oddly and one instance if an upright walking dog scaling a wall. Such things seemed to odd to be true but with all ive seen of late I don't doubt it though I'm not sure it is exactly what I'm looking for.   I still need to search for the young girl who's dreams are tormenting her but I'm not sure how to find someone who I don't know a thing about aside from a name but I will still search as I need to find answers.   On our way out of the kankeus hovel she got a bit fresh with v and he seemed very uncomfortable, even swearing me not to share with the others. the old woman is spry but I can't wait to see how he handles the rest of the festival.   When we got back to the cart where the others had begun to set up camp they all seemed very sad and quite. Apparently bogbean and bricky may have a tangled past with one another.   I awoke surprised to find a line forming outside my cart, Apparently word of my delicious food had began to spread but because I failed to prepare the night before I provided poor service and disappointed them. After feeding the rest of the group we began discussing what we would do for the next few days as we waited for the final day of the festival where the party really began.   The party decided they would like to fight in the tournament, an opportunity I didn't think I'd be able to take. It might be a lot to wish for but I hope I can win and hear my wish heard, and succeed where my father failed.   As the tournament consists of teams of three, we decided to split up, drexla, Luna and v in one group and bogbean, bricky and myself in the other, I was very excited to finally see there full abilities as I fell early in our last bout.   Our fight was first and I think either the world is against me or at least the whole of this town, as our first opponents were naze and his group of goons.   Name charged straight at us ahead of his friends and as I prepared to strike bogbean had already pounced onto his throat. She was an angry whirlwind of teeth and steel, bricky seemed to sap some sort of energy from the loxodon and cause them great pain. I used my newly found magic to first bolster my alies than to hurle a ball of burning cosmos at naze knocking him out, an act I'm sure to live to regret. I felt a surge of that same cool soothing energy I feel when the hidden maiden spoke in my dreams, I formed a protective bubble that clung to myself and the others warding of blows from the fierce warriors but it was not enough for bricky wo fell before we could finish off the other two. Bogbean ended the fight by bitting off the only hand the loxodon had, she certainly is a ferocious little one.   I tried to stir bricky from unconsciousness as the next fight began this one with the other half of our party, the fight started strong with steel clashing and magic cast but drexla shot some sort of smoke device onto the field obstructing everyone's view, it was hard to see what was happening at all, only hearing shouts of combat and seeing drexla zip in and out of the cloud but in the end everything seemed to come out alright as the smoke cleared and drexla and Luna were the only ones left standing.   Afterwards bricky awoke literally giving me a shock. I found I am unable to heal him through conventional means I'll have to see if my magic can help him.   Before heading back I tried to source products to restock my cart but I received the usual cold shoulder the vendor even spiking her price to outlandish rates, Luna suggested sending v over as he has no clear ties if not actually despising me. None the less he agreed and quickly returned, his chest puffed up like a young cub coming back from their first hunt. He managed to get the price down although I know he still overcharged me.   Now all that's left is to prepare for tomorrow make my peace offering and see if the mystery woman from my dreams will have any more information for me.

Arriving before the party

Merely two weeks into our travel towards the festival we were attacked by a rabid pack of kobolds who saw fit to try and raid my food stores, most likely finding us an easy target as I'm not allowed to rest close to the caravan. I was happy to take their gold at first as I hoped it would help me in my travels but I failed to realize peoples attitude towards me and leonin in general would affect them so much as well. The scaled one V was the first to awaken the group to the dangers afoot, and I'm told he had nearly as much trouble as I did with those scaled rats. After I dispatched one I was quickly stabbed by another and shot by a spell slung by a bigger one, knocking me from consciousness. In my dreams I found myself in a vast grassland where the sun set on every horizon, here I found myself standing in front of the starry visage of the woman from my first vision, from her first warning. As I sat before her she asked me what I dreamed of, confused by her question I told her of how I wished to defend my cart and the travelers I left by it, which she found a bit funny and perhaps it was. She told me of a little girl who's imaginary friend is putting her in danger. I will not fail her again, I will use the powers she gave me to protect those who can not. I awoke with the fairy buzzing around my head which pounded like had been trampled by the entire caravan, though I suppose it could be worse as V got "fixed up" by bricky who used leather to sew his throat closed. He and the blue woman Luna were pretty banged up so I healed them as best I could while trying to avoid the eyes of the others but I fear I failed at that.   As we arrived in town I separated from the caravan and received payment from captain V, I may have overcharged them but that one seemed to have the money to burn as well as the dangers along the road. Upon entry to the city I was shaken down by two guards who demanded taxation for my entrance, I forgot how terrible the towns can be towards my kind. I felt poorly overcharging my passengers, that was until V decided not to heed my warnings and please and touched the sacred stone, now I'm happy I did.   Along the way i ran into an old family friend, Lincon Goldmane. I was happy to see another leonin after so long and non the less a friend, but I was heartbroken to see he's still in the business of hunting humans. I have not decided what to do yet but I don't know what I can do just yet. He informed me of a kankeu woman who might have information on my father and what befell him. I have to chase any lead I can and this is the first tangible lead I've had. Hopefully she can give me some information, I wont stop until learn what happened.

The Begining

I have not been from home long, yet it is still the longest i've been away from my people, my family. Sodia has been one of the few people along the way who hasn't treated me with a bit of distain but that may only be because of the coin I brings in and the food make. I'm afraid she'd never let me leave if she knew the extent of what I can do.   Sodia bet her boy I could make 10 gold off of a few travelers coming in from sea. unsurprisingly i was able to do better than that, though now I have to drive them to the festival. I'm unsure of them but they scaled one seems to have the coin to burn and I'm already on my way, besides I couldn't let those people wander there and have something bad to happen to them.   They are a very odd group to see together, many of which I've never seen another alike. one is a ferocious looking, small, and green. i have a feeling that ill have to watch the food around her. the tall fellow stinks a little and has stitches all over his body as if he suffered terrible wounds but is very polite. the scaled one seemed to lead the group and was nice enough though he seems the shifty sort. the blue one seem eccentric and a bit guarded, I'm interested in speaking with her more. one of them is very odd she's tiny and talks very fast and often about strange contraptions i don't understand. lastly was a small sad kobold who had some how recently lost his tail, I did all I could to help him.   I'm very excited to make my way to the festival, there will be lots of people there, many opportunities to gain infirmation.


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