The Conclave of Gears

The Conclave of Gears or the COG is the governing body of the Dimmin settlements and cities. A representative of the Conclave is present in every major town with a sizable Dimmin presence. The COG is a group of the most adept and successful Dimmin. They make overall decisions on the governance of Dimmin society such as determining if something is worth researching, resolving inventor credit disputes, and banning technology that is deemed unsafe for Dimmin society.  


  The group consists of 11 members. One of the members is elected every year in a secret election to lead the Conclave and act as mediator or tie breaker should the need arise.   The leader holds the title of Grand Sage is almost always the most adept or successful Dimmin at the time. Although, a few scant times, there were those that gained the title through charm or intimidation. Thankfully, their reigns, were shortly lived thanks to the determination and teamwork of the other Dimmin leaders.   Leadership Structure:    COG is a council of accomplished inventors and engineers, each known as a Grand Engineer. The council is comprised of the most revered and accomplished inventors within the Dminn society, representing a diverse range of technological expertise. There are typically five to seven members on the council, and they are elected to their positions based on their contributions to the kingdom's technological advancements. Council Roles:   The Chairmaster: The Chairmaster is the head of COG, responsible for presiding over council meetings, making final decisions, and serving as the face of the Dminn Cogworks. The Chairmaster typically excels in a particular field and is recognized as the highest authority in the kingdom.   Minister of Innovation: This council member is responsible for promoting and encouraging innovation among the Dminn. They oversee the development of new technologies and inventions, as well as foster a culture of creativity and experimentation. Master of Mechanics: The Master of Mechanics is an expert in machinery, gears, and complex mechanical systems. They oversee the maintenance and improvement of the Dminn's vast machinery, including those used for defense and resource management.   Metallurgical Magistrate: This council member specializes in metallurgy and materials science. They ensure that the kingdom has access to the necessary resources and oversee the mining and processing of valuable minerals and metals. Steamwork Strategist: The Steamwork Strategist focuses on steam-powered technology and infrastructure. They are responsible for maintaining the extensive aqueducts, boilers, and steam engines that power the kingdom's machines.   Clockwork Custodian: This council member oversees the creation and maintenance of clockwork devices, automations, and intricate contraptions. They ensure that the Dminn have access to reliable and precise time-keeping technology.     Decision-Making Process: Decisions within COG are typically reached through consensus, with each member having an equal say in discussions. The Chairmaster serves as a tiebreaker when consensus cannot be reached, and their role is to ensure that the interests of the Dminn as a whole are protected. Importance of COG: COG plays a crucial role in governing the Dminn Cogworks. They guide the kingdom's technological advancements, determine resource allocation, and make decisions regarding trade and diplomacy with neighboring kingdoms. Their leadership is also vital in times of crisis, as they provide strategic direction and coordinate the kingdom's defenses. Challenges and Tensions: While COG is instrumental in advancing the Dminn society, their aversion to magic can sometimes create tensions with other races that practice magic. Additionally, internal conflicts within COG may arise due to differing opinions on the direction of technological research or resource allocation.

Progress and Innovation

The current leader of the Conclave is a woman named Astrid Le Vapeur. Her family had not been well to do but her quick wit and intuitive knowledge of technology helped them rise through the ranks to the top. She is most well known for her development of the indoor bath using brass pipes to distribute heated water from the rain catching devices installed on the roof of a home. It then gets transferred to boiling vats where that water is heated and redistributed to the home.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Notable Members


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