Aeposos, the Brimstone Void

"Imagine a dimension stripped of all life, a realm where the very air is thick with ash and the land is shaped by unending desolation..." - Excerpt, An Explorers Guide to Eyolon
  Imagine a dimension stripped of all life, a realm where the very air is thick with ash and the land is shaped by unending desolation. The sky is a perpetual, roiling gray, choked with clouds of soot and cinders that obscure any hint of light. This, is Aeposos, the Brimstone Void.   The ground is a vast expanse of cracked and charred brimstone, its surface fissured and fragmented by the relentless forces that shaped it. Rivers of molten rock snake through the landscape, their eerie glow casting an otherworldly light upon the surroundings. These rivers emit a palpable heat, warping the air above them and creating a constant, shimmering haze.   Scattered across this barren land are towering obelisks, their surfaces etched with cryptic symbols and runes that seem to pulse with a malevolent energy. These monoliths rise like dark sentinels, their jagged silhouettes stark against the dismal horizon. Some obelisks are shattered, their broken pieces lying like ancient bones, while others stand intact, defying the decay around them.   The air itself is heavy and oppressive, filled with the acrid scent of sulfur and the ever-present taste of ash. Occasional gusts of wind stir up clouds of fine, black dust that swirl and dance before settling once more, only to be disturbed again and again in an endless cycle.   In the distance, mountainous formations loom, their peaks shrouded in perpetual darkness. These mountains are not made of stone but seem to be formed from the same brimstone and ash that covers the land. They appear almost alive, with their surfaces constantly shifting and crumbling, adding to the ever-present pall of ash that hangs in the air.   This is a world where silence reigns, broken only by the distant rumble of the earth or the sporadic crackle of a collapsing obelisk. It is a dimension that speaks of ancient cataclysms and forgotten sorrows, a place where time seems to stand still, suspended in an eternal twilight of ruin and despair.   Legends speak of an impossibly high mountain in the center of a lake of molten rock and ash, its peak obscured by unending clouds of roiling ash and unnatural lightning. It is said that this, is where Emtyus calls home. The legends further claim that this mountain is flanked by a series of obelisks, each crackling with unnatural energy and glowing with a faint purple pallor. No one knows the exact purpose of these obelisks, as few who have ever dared to venture here have ever returned.


Mountainous, rugged terrain of jagged rock. Rock has a charcoal consistency to it. Extremely low visibility and breathability due to ashen clouds that blanket the plane. Only light emanates from pools and rivers of molten lava that flow between and around landmasses. Smaller landmasses are connected to a singular larger landmass in the center. which rises in a spiral shape, culminating in a massive obelisk in the center, which extends above the cloud line. This is the domain of Emtyus. Smaller landmasses have smaller obelisks in the center of them and each island embodies a domain of Emtyus.


Devoid of all life, save for the mythical Dragon of destruction, Emtyus

Localized Phenomena

Seemingly endless, sporadic obelisks dot the landscape, some intact, others decayed and crumbling. Each obelisk is deep black in color, smooth and impossibly dense, with runes and markings of an unknown or forgotten language carved into them.


Acrid, ash filled air chokes and landscape and prevents any hope of light from penetrating the clouds. Areas near rivers or lakes of molten lava are unbearably hot, while areas away from these heat sources are bone-chillingly cold.
Alternative Name(s)
The Void
Dimensional plane
Location under
Characters in Location