Emtyus, Dragon God of Destruction

"...an embodiment of the void itself. Its body is a writhing mass of tentacle-like appendages, each one coiling and uncoiling with a life of its own..." - Excerpt, The Story of Creation
    In the primordial chaos before the dawn of time, when the cosmos was nothing but an endless sea of swirling darkness, there was a being born of pure void: Emtyus, the Dragon God of Destruction. Unlike the other deities who emerged from the chaos, Emtyus was not a creator but a force of utter destruction, designed to consume and annihilate everything in its path.  

Physical Characteristics:

Emtyus is a massive entity, an embodiment of the void itself. Its body is a writhing mass of tentacle-like appendages, each one coiling and uncoiling with a life of its own, vaugely in the shape of a large dragon, with wings of translucent, skin-colored flesh. These appendages are of various shades of purple, dark blue, and black, creating an ever-shifting tapestry of colors that seem to absorb light rather than reflect it. Hollow, white-colored eyes stare out from the head of this mass, devoid of any emotion or mercy. Atop its head are two dark, bony, hollow, spiraled horns, twisted in a way that suggests ancient, malevolent power. A rigid nose plate of similar design juts out, adding to its fearsome visage.  


When the universe was young, Mozaldin and Phelencia convened to shape reality from the chaos. They created stars, planets, and life itself. But they also realized that creation required balance, and so they formed Emtyus to serve as the ultimate destroyer. Emtyus would consume what needed to be undone, making way for new creations and preventing stagnation. This balance was essential to the universe's ongoing cycle of birth and death, creation and destruction.  


Emtyus' purpose is singular and all-encompassing: to destroy and consume everything. It moves through the cosmos, devouring stars, planets, and entire galaxies, leaving nothing but emptiness in its wake. Its tentacles wrap around celestial bodies, crushing them into nothingness, while its hollow eyes remain unblinking, indifferent to the destruction it causes. Emtyus does not discriminate; all things must eventually fall to its insatiable hunger.  

Role Among the Gods:

Among the gods, Emtyus is both feared and respected. It is a necessary evil, a force that ensures the universe does not become overburdened with creation. The other deities understand the necessity of Emtyus' existence, but they also dread the day when it might turn its gaze upon their own realms. As a result, they maintain a delicate balance, constantly creating and recreating to keep Emtyus sated and at bay.  

Legends and Myths:

Mortals, too, have legends of Emtyus. They speak of a great dragon of darkness that will one day come to consume their world, a harbinger of the end times. Some worship Emtyus, believing that by doing so, they might be spared or gain favor in the next life. Others fear it, seeking ways to prolong their existence and fend off the inevitable destruction it brings.   In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, Emtyus is the dark thread, the ever-present reminder that all things must end. It is the shadow lurking at the edge of the universe, waiting, always waiting, to consume and destroy.

Other Aspects:

Divine Domains

Chaos, Destruction, Void

Holy Books & Codes


Emtyus, Dragon God of Destruction


Towards Phelencia, Goddess of Creation


Phelencia, Goddess of Creation


Towards Emtyus, Dragon God of Destruction


Raelith, the Leonin God of Light, Sun, and Justice


Towards Emtyus, Dragon God of Destruction


Emtyus, Dragon God of Destruction


Towards Raelith, the Leonin God of Light, Sun, and Justice


Divine Classification
Current Location
Date of Birth
0, 10000, Before Eras, EA
Circumstances of Birth
Origin of Creation
Pure white, no pupil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Various shades of blue, black, & red
15 tons
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations