
".... and at the center of it all stands Arlio, the crown jewel of Eyolon." - Excerpt, The Explorers Guide to Eyolon


A larger landmass sitting upon a pedestal of rock. The entire surface portion of which is dominated by a massive city of pearlescent white rock accented by golden trim. The city is outlined by a boardwalk of sorts with magical barriers along the rim to prevent accidental falls to the waters below. At three points along this boardwalk, large, similarly colored bridges reach out across the chasm of raging water to smaller islands home to ports of commerce and leisure.   The city itself appears suspended in midair when observing from far, but is in fact held up by a large pedestal of rock which extends deep into the waters that swirl below. Between the port islands, massive waterfalls dump millions of gallons of water into a basin 163ft below, which never seems to fill or empty more than its current level. Not much is known about where this water goes, but it is said that it returns to the celestial plane to be blessed by Uldene herself. Between these waterfalls, the Royal guard of Ario has constructed guard posts, which project magical barriers to the port islands on either side, thus preventing unintended decent of vessels to certain destruction.


As there is very little landmass for animal or plant life to thrive, there is not much in the way of flora and fauna to speak about. However, some birds, fish, and plants do call Arlio home.   Animals Plants
Alternative Name(s)
The Temple City
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species