Cedric Blackthorn

Lord Cedric Blackthorn is a master of deception and manipulation, a leader whose true power lies not in his wealth or status, but in his ability to control and influence from the shadows. His reign over Emberholt is marked by a delicate balance of public benevolence and secret ruthlessness, making him a formidable and enigmatic figure in the world of Elaris.  



Lord Cedric Blackthorn is a striking figure, tall and imposing with a presence that commands attention. He carries himself with an air of confidence and authority, his every movement deliberate and calculated. His hair is dark, neatly combed, and streaked with silver at the temples, giving him a distinguished, almost regal appearance. His eyes are a piercing shade of blue, sharp and observant, missing nothing.


Cedric dresses in the finest garments, favoring rich, dark fabrics adorned with subtle but intricate embroidery. His clothing is always immaculate, reflecting his status and wealth. He often wears a cloak lined with fur, and a signet ring bearing the Blackthorn family crest adorns his left hand, symbolizing his noble lineage and influence.



Cedric is charming and persuasive, with a silver tongue that can sway even the most skeptical of individuals. He is a master of social interaction, able to navigate complex political landscapes with ease.


Beneath his polished exterior lies a ruthless and cunning mind. Cedric is not above using manipulation, bribery, or even violence to achieve his goals. He is a skilled strategist, always several steps ahead of his adversaries.


Despite his public persona, Cedric is incredibly secretive. He guards his true intentions closely, revealing only what he deems necessary. His involvement with the Thieves' Guild is known to only a select few, and he maintains this secrecy with an iron grip.

Role in Emberholt:


As the de facto ruler of Emberholt, Cedric holds significant influence over the city. His wealth and status place him at the top of the social hierarchy, and he uses this position to shape the city's policies and economy to his advantage.

Thieves' Guild:

Unbeknownst to most, Cedric is the clandestine head of the Thieves' Guild, an organization rumored to exist only in whispers. The guild operates in the shadows, orchestrating thefts, smuggling operations, and other illicit activities under Cedric's careful supervision. His dual role allows him to control both the legal and illegal aspects of the city's life.

Influence and Operations:

Public Persona:

To the public, Cedric is a generous and benevolent leader. He funds public works, donates to charities, and hosts lavish events, all while maintaining a facade of integrity and honor. His contributions to the city endear him to the citizens, ensuring their loyalty and support.

Guild Activities:

Behind the scenes, Cedric's Thieves' Guild is a well-organized network of operatives who carry out his directives with precision. The guild is involved in various criminal enterprises, from high-profile heists to discreet extortion schemes. Cedric's leadership ensures that their activities remain undetected by the authorities and rival factions.

Information Network:

One of Cedric's greatest assets is his vast network of informants. He has spies and contacts throughout Emberholt and beyond, providing him with invaluable information on political developments, rival factions, and potential threats. This intelligence allows him to stay ahead of his enemies and manipulate events to his favor.

Legacy and Ambitions:


Cedric's legacy is one of duality. To the public, he is a revered and respected leader who has brought prosperity to Emberholt. To those in the know, he is a feared and enigmatic figure who wields power from the shadows. His ability to maintain this dual existence is a testament to his cunning and strategic prowess.


Cedric's ambitions extend beyond Emberholt. He seeks to expand his influence and control, eyeing neighboring territories and potential alliances that could further his power. His ultimate goal is to create an empire where his rule, both overt and covert, is unchallenged.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations