Blackthorn Keep

Blackthorn Keep is an imposing and enigmatic fortress located on the edge of Emberholt, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. It serves as both the residence of Lord Cedric Blackthorn and the clandestine headquarters of the Veiled Hand, the notorious Thieves' Guild. The keep stands as a symbol of power and secrecy, its very presence commanding respect and fear.  

Architecture and Design:


Blackthorn Keep is a formidable stone structure with high, crenellated walls and towering battlements. The stone is dark gray, almost black, and weathered by time, giving the keep a somber and foreboding appearance. The outer walls are reinforced with iron banding, and the entrance is guarded by a massive, black iron gate adorned with intricate, yet intimidating, engravings of thorns and shadows. This gate is often closed and heavily guarded, with only those who are deemed trustworthy allowed entry.

Towers and Spires:

The keep is dominated by several tall, slender towers that pierce the sky, each topped with sharp, conical roofs. These towers serve as lookout points and contain the guild’s surveillance rooms, where operatives monitor the movements of the city's denizens. The tallest tower, known as the Obsidian Spire, is where Lord Cedric Blackthorn conducts his most important meetings and oversees the guild’s operations. Its upper chambers are said to be filled with arcane and forbidden artifacts, as well as secret passageways.


Within the walls of Blackthorn Keep lies a shadowy courtyard, meticulously maintained yet eerily quiet. The courtyard is paved with dark cobblestones and is surrounded by high stone walls covered in creeping vines and moss. At the center stands a large, black fountain, its waters flowing in an endless loop and shrouded in mist. The courtyard is often used for secretive gatherings and clandestine meetings.


The interior of Blackthorn Keep is as imposing as its exterior. The grand hall, located just beyond the entrance, is decorated with dark, luxurious tapestries and banners bearing the guild’s emblem—a black veil. The hall features a long, ebony table where the Council of Shadows convenes. This room is lit by flickering candlelight and shadowy sconces, creating an atmosphere of intrigue and secrecy.

Secret Chambers:

Hidden within the keep are numerous secret chambers and passageways known only to Lord Blackthorn and his inner circle. These rooms are used for covert operations, safe houses, and storage of sensitive materials. Many of these chambers are accessible only through concealed doors and traps, making the keep virtually impenetrable to outsiders.

Function and Purpose:

Guild Headquarters:

Blackthorn Keep serves as the operational hub for the Veiled Hand. It is here that the guild’s most critical plans are made, and high-stakes decisions are taken. The keep is equipped with extensive surveillance and intelligence-gathering facilities, allowing the guild to keep tabs on both the city's political scene and criminal underworld.

Residence of Lord Cedric Blackthorn:

The keep is also the personal residence of Lord Cedric Blackthorn, who resides in the Obsidian Spire. His quarters are lavishly decorated, with opulent furnishings and priceless artifacts. Despite the luxury, the quarters are heavily fortified, with magical wards and physical defenses to ensure the lord’s safety.

Training Grounds:

The keep includes training areas for the guild’s operatives. These grounds are designed for practicing stealth, combat, and espionage skills. The facilities are equipped with various traps and obstacles, providing operatives with a range of scenarios to hone their abilities.

Armory and Vault:

Blackthorn Keep houses an extensive armory and vault, storing weapons, armor, and stolen treasures. The vault is protected by a combination of physical and magical security measures, making it nearly impossible to breach. Only those with the highest clearance are allowed access to the vault’s contents.

Mystique and Reputation:

Rumored Secrets:

Blackthorn Keep is the subject of numerous rumors and legends. Some say that the keep contains hidden chambers with ancient and powerful relics, while others believe that it is a gateway to hidden realms or that it holds the key to forbidden knowledge. The truth of these rumors remains shrouded in secrecy.

Symbol of Fear:

To the inhabitants of Emberholt, Blackthorn Keep is a symbol of both fear and respect. Its dark, imposing presence serves as a constant reminder of the Veiled Hand's power and influence over the city. The keep's very existence reinforces the notion that Lord Cedric Blackthorn and his guild are an unassailable force, controlling the shadows of Emberholt with an iron grip.
Parent Location
Owning Organization