The Thieves' Guild

The Thieves' Guild of Emberholt, often referred to in hushed tones as "The Veiled Hand," is an elusive and highly secretive organization that operates in the shadows of the fortress city. Its very existence is the subject of rumors and legends, with many dismissing it as a myth—a convenient scapegoat for the city's numerous unsolved crimes and mysterious disappearances. However, for those who know where to look, the guild is very real, and its influence permeates every corner of Emberholt.   The Veiled Hand is more than just a thieves’ guild; it is the hidden engine that drives the shadowy underworld of Emberholt. Its members walk the fine line between crime and survival, loyalty and betrayal, all while serving the interests of their enigmatic leader, Lord Cedric Blackthorn.  

Structure and Organization:


At the top of the guild's hierarchy sits Lord Cedric Blackthorn himself, the ruler of Emberholt. Though his position as the head of the Thieves' Guild is a closely guarded secret, it is through this dual role that Blackthorn maintains his iron grip on the city. His leadership is both ruthless and calculating, ensuring that the guild's activities are coordinated with the city's political and economic interests.

The Council of Shadows:

Beneath Blackthorn is a select group of trusted lieutenants known as the Council of Shadows. These individuals oversee the guild’s various operations, from smuggling and extortion to espionage and assassination. Each member of the council is a master of their craft, commanding their own network of operatives and informants. The identities of the council members are known only to each other and Blackthorn, adding to the guild's air of mystery.


The rank-and-file members of the guild, known as operatives, are highly skilled in various illicit trades. Thieves, assassins, spies, and smugglers make up the bulk of the guild, each sworn to secrecy and bound by a strict code of loyalty. Operatives are trained in the art of stealth, deception, and combat, making them formidable foes to anyone who crosses their path.


New recruits, or initiates, undergo rigorous training and are subjected to a series of tests to prove their worth. Those who fail either disappear or are never heard from again, ensuring that only the most capable rise within the guild's ranks.

Operations and Influence:

Crime and Commerce:

The Veiled Hand is involved in nearly every criminal enterprise in Emberholt. From protection rackets and smuggling rings to high-profile heists and blackmail schemes, the guild's reach extends into every facet of the city's economy. They control the black market, dealing in stolen goods, rare artifacts, and forbidden items that cannot be obtained through legal means.

Espionage and Information:

One of the guild's most powerful tools is its vast network of informants. These spies are embedded in every level of society, from the lowliest beggar to the highest noble. The guild gathers information on political rivals, trade secrets, and personal scandals, selling it to the highest bidder or using it to manipulate events to their advantage.


The Veiled Hand is known for its deadly efficiency in eliminating targets, whether they be political rivals, troublesome officials, or those who have crossed the guild. Assassinations are carried out with precision and often made to look like accidents or natural deaths, ensuring that the guild’s involvement remains hidden.

Corruption and Control:

Through a combination of bribery, blackmail, and intimidation, the guild exerts control over key figures in Emberholt, from city guards to influential merchants. This corruption allows them to operate with impunity, ensuring that any investigation into their activities is quickly quashed.

Secrecy and Myth:

Veils of Deception:

The Veiled Hand goes to great lengths to maintain its secrecy. Guild members wear masks or cloaks when conducting business, and meetings are held in hidden locations deep within the city’s labyrinthine underworld. The guild uses a complex system of codes, symbols, and signals to communicate, making it nearly impossible for outsiders to infiltrate their ranks.

The Shadow Market:

There are whispers of a secret market that only the most trusted and connected individuals can access. This “Shadow Market” is said to be a place where the most dangerous and valuable items are traded, from cursed artifacts to information that could topple kingdoms. The location of the market changes frequently, and only those who are invited can find it.

Rumors and Legends:

The Veiled Hand’s reputation is shrouded in myth and legend. Tales of their exploits are told in taverns and around campfires, often exaggerated to the point of fantasy. Some say that the guild has supernatural powers, or that they can walk through walls and vanish into thin air. Whether these stories are true or simply a means to instill fear in the populace, the guild does little to dispel them.

Symbols and Rituals:

The Veil:

The guild’s symbol is a black veil, representing the secrecy and mystery that surrounds their operations. This symbol is often found at the scene of their crimes, a subtle reminder that the Veiled Hand is always watching.

The Oath of Silence:

Upon joining the guild, every member takes the Oath of Silence, a binding vow that forbids them from revealing any information about the guild’s activities. The penalty for breaking this oath is death, carried out swiftly and without mercy.


The guild holds secret ceremonies to induct new members and to promote operatives to higher ranks. These ceremonies are conducted in dark, hidden chambers, illuminated only by flickering candlelight. The rituals are steeped in tradition and are designed to instill loyalty, fear, and a sense of belonging among the guild members.

Role in Emberholt:

Power Behind the Throne:

While Lord Cedric Blackthorn rules Emberholt openly, it is through the Veiled Hand that he exerts true control over the city. The guild’s operations ensure that any opposition is swiftly dealt with, and their wealth and influence help to maintain Blackthorn’s iron grip on power.

Hidden Hand of Justice:

Despite their criminal activities, the Veiled Hand is sometimes seen as a necessary evil. In a city where the rule of law is often dictated by the strongest, the guild provides a form of order and stability. They enforce their own code of conduct and are known to eliminate those who threaten the delicate balance of power in Emberholt.
Guild, Thieves
Controlled Territories
Notable Members