Church of Ilmara

There are two known churches of Ilmara, The Sanctum of Silver Light in Elaris and The Luminous Sanctuary in Nyxthar. While similar in decor and practice, they differ greatly in construction, mainly due to The Luminous Sanctuary being wholly underground.  

Tenets of Faith for Followers of Ilmara

Embrace the Light of the Moon


Followers of Ilmara are encouraged to seek out the light of the moon, both literally and metaphorically. They often hold nocturnal ceremonies and meditate under the moonlight, drawing strength and clarity from its gentle glow.


The moonlight is seen as a symbol of Ilmara's presence, guiding and comforting those who walk in darkness. Embracing this light helps followers connect with Ilmara and find their own path to redemption.

Champion Compassion and Forgiveness


Compassion and forgiveness are central to Ilmara’s teachings. Her followers are urged to show kindness and understanding, even to those who have wronged them. Acts of mercy and forgiveness are considered sacred and are often performed during communal gatherings.


Redemption is possible for all who seek it, and by showing compassion and forgiveness, followers can help others find their way to the light. This tenet emphasizes the transformative power of love and empathy.

Pursue Personal Resilience


Followers are encouraged to develop their own resilience, both physically and mentally. This includes regular practices of meditation, physical training, and the pursuit of knowledge to strengthen their minds and bodies.


Resilience is a gift from Ilmara, enabling individuals to overcome hardships and emerge stronger. By cultivating their resilience, followers honor Ilmara and prepare themselves to face life’s challenges with grace and determination.

Seek and Offer Redemption


The faithful are encouraged to seek redemption for their own misdeeds and to offer paths of redemption to others. This can involve acts of atonement, counseling, and aiding those who are struggling to find their way.


Everyone has the potential for redemption, no matter how far they have fallen. Ilmara’s followers believe that by helping others find redemption, they bring light to the world and honor their deity’s compassionate nature.

Protect and Nurture the Vulnerable


Protecting and nurturing those who are vulnerable or oppressed is a core tenet. Followers often engage in charitable acts, provide shelter and aid to those in need, and stand against injustice and cruelty.


Ilmara's light shines brightest when it illuminates the lives of the vulnerable. By protecting and nurturing them, followers embody Ilmara’s spirit of compassion and resilience, creating a more just and hopeful world.   These tenets guide the followers of Ilmara in their daily lives, helping them embody the principles of moonlight, redemption, and resilience in all that they do.