Ilmara, the Moonlit Redeemer

Ilmara, known as the Moonlit Redeemer, is a deity revered by those seeking redemption and strength in times of adversity. She embodies the soothing light of the moon, offering guidance, resilience, and hope to her followers. Ilmara is a beacon of compassion and transformation, encouraging her devotees to find strength within themselves and to aid others in their quest for redemption.  


Physical Form:

Ilmara is often depicted as a serene and graceful female figure with an ethereal presence. Her skin is a soft, silvery hue, reminiscent of moonlight.


Her eyes are a deep, radiant blue, filled with wisdom and compassion. They seem to glow softly, reflecting the light of the moon and the hope she brings.


She is usually portrayed wearing flowing robes of white and silver, adorned with symbols of the moon and stars. Her attire shimmers as if woven from the very essence of moonlight.


Ilmara is often shown holding a staff topped with a crescent moon, symbolizing her dominion over the night and her role as a guide through darkness. A small, silver lantern may also be depicted, representing her ability to illuminate the path to redemption.

Domains and Aspects:

Moonlight and Night:

Ilmara is the goddess of the moon and night, bringing light and clarity to the darkness. Her presence is a source of comfort and guidance for those lost or in despair.

Redemption and Compassion:

She is a goddess of redemption, offering second chances and the possibility of a new beginning. Ilmara teaches forgiveness, self-acceptance, and the importance of helping others find their path to redemption.

Resilience and Strength:

Ilmara embodies resilience, encouraging her followers to find inner strength and to persevere through adversity. She is a symbol of hope and unwavering resolve.


  Ilmara is a kind and nurturing deity, deeply compassionate and empathetic towards her followers. She believes in the potential for good in everyone and strives to help them realize their true selves. Her gentle nature is balanced by a fierce determination to support and uplift those in need, making her a powerful and inspiring presence.  

Worship and Rituals:


Worship of Ilmara often includes nocturnal gatherings under the moonlight, where followers sing, dance, and share stories of redemption and resilience. These ceremonies are filled with light and music, celebrating the goddess’s blessings.


Devotees offer beautifully crafted items, poetry, and acts of kindness in Ilmara’s name. Helping others and performing selfless acts are seen as the highest form of worship.


Temples dedicated to Ilmara are open to the sky or built with large windows to let in the moonlight. They are sanctuaries of peace and healing, welcoming all who seek solace and a new beginning.

Legends and Myths:

The Silver Path:

One of the most beloved myths tells of the Silver Path, a trail of moonlight created by Ilmara to guide lost souls back to safety. This myth highlights her role as a guide and protector for those who have strayed from their path.

The Moon’s Embrace:

Another legend speaks of Ilmara embracing a fallen warrior, healing their wounds with her gentle light and granting them the strength to rise again. This story symbolizes her power of redemption and resilience.


Diverse Devotees:

Ilmara’s followers come from all walks of life, united by their desire for redemption and strength. She is especially revered by those who have faced great trials and emerged stronger.


The priestesses of Ilmara, like Lysandra Nightwhisper, are compassionate and wise, serving as healers, counselors, and guides. They lead the faithful in rituals and provide support and encouragement to all who seek the goddess’s blessings.

Divine Domains

Moonlight, Night, Redemption, Compassion, Resilience, inner-Strength



Raelith, the Leonin God of Light, Sun, and Justice


Towards Ilmara, the Moonlit Redeemer


Ilmara, the Moonlit Redeemer


Towards Raelith, the Leonin God of Light, Sun, and Justice


Divine Classification
Goddess of Moonlight