Luminous Sanctuary

The Luminous Sanctuary in Nyxthar is a place where followers of Ilmara can gather to worship, find solace, and seek guidance. It embodies the principles of moonlight, redemption, and resilience, offering a sacred space for both communal and personal spiritual journeys in the heart of the subterranean city.  



Carved into the rock and illuminated by bioluminescent fungi, the church blends seamlessly with its subterranean environment. The facade is adorned with silver inlays that catch the light of glowing plants, giving it a mystical appearance.


The entrance is marked by two crescent-shaped stone pillars, intricately carved with lunar motifs and glowing softly from embedded moonstones. Above the entrance, a depiction of Ilmara welcomes all who seek her light.


Main Hall:

The main hall is an expansive cavern, its natural stone walls polished to a smooth finish and inlaid with veins of luminous minerals. The ceiling is high, with stalactites that have been shaped into delicate, moon-like crescents.

Moonlight Altar:

At the center of the hall stands the Moonlight Altar, a large, raised platform made of luminescent crystal. At its heart is a massive moonstone, glowing with an ethereal light that fills the hall. Offerings of bioluminescent flowers and silver trinkets are placed around it.


The ceiling above the altar is adorned with constellations crafted from glowing fungi and gemstones, creating a starry canopy that shifts subtly with the natural light of the cave. Sacred Spaces:

Moonlit Gardens:

Connected to the main hall by a series of arched doorways is the Moonlit Gardens, an underground oasis filled with bioluminescent flora. Glowing moss carpets the ground, and silver-leaved plants and moonflowers create a tranquil, otherworldly environment. The soft glow from the plants illuminates stone paths that wind through the garden.

Cleansing Pool:

Within the gardens is a crystal-clear pool fed by an underground spring. The water is imbued with natural luminescence, casting a gentle light. This pool is used for cleansing rituals and symbolizes Ilmara's purifying light.

Sanctuary of Silence:

A secluded cavern off the main hall serves as the Sanctuary of Silence. This space is lined with soft, glowing crystals and bioluminescent plants, creating a peaceful, meditative atmosphere for private prayer and reflection.

Community Areas:

Gathering Hall:

A large, communal space adjacent to the main hall serves as the Gathering Hall. Natural stone benches and tables are arranged around the room, with bioluminescent fungi providing a gentle, ambient light. This hall is used for feasts, celebrations, and communal gatherings.

Library of Wisdom:

A small cavern off the main hall houses the Library of Wisdom. Shelves carved into the rock are filled with scrolls and books on Ilmara’s teachings, lunar lore, and stories of redemption. Bioluminescent plants provide ample reading light.

Symbols and Decorations:

Lunar Motifs:

Throughout the church, lunar motifs are carved into the stonework. Crescents, stars, and flowing patterns are prevalent, reinforcing the connection to Ilmara.

Stained Crystal Windows:

Instead of stained glass, the church features thin slices of colored crystals set into the walls. These crystals depict moonlit scenes and figures undergoing acts of redemption. Light passing through them casts colorful, calming patterns on the stone.



The underground church exudes a serene and calming atmosphere. Soft, echoing music from hidden chimes and gentle water flows fills the air, enhancing the sense of peace.


The faint scent of bioluminescent flowers and sacred oils lingers, adding to the feeling of sanctuary and purity.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization