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Session 5 & 6 - Spiders, Elven Circles & Displacer Beasts

"The rumours that Torbera "interfered" with a spider are unconfirmed slander. However, we can say with absolutely certainty that this is exactly what happened."
Saramonus the Pure
  [Excerpt from the writings of Dustinby of the Western Woods, by his own estimation esteemed sorcerer, scholar and adventurer]  

...Day 2, the Quivering Forest

“...I could still feel the river water squelching between my toes as we continue to trudge through these benighted woodlands. There seemed no end to the journey, the light barely penetrating the forest canopy. Alas if only I was not so distracted things may have turned out different but I turned at the sounds of my companions screams too late! All I saw was the shape of Atlendor disappearing fast into the treetops, drawn it seemed on some barely visible strands. Quick as a flash I reacted, scaling the trees just as quick as when I was a boy. It brought back to me- memories of scrumping crab apples from elder Gransthorn orchard and...” [Editors note: this reminiscence continues for some half a page]   “…Eventually my elven companion was able to join me winded, unlike I, no doubt by the events of the last few days. Glancing around I was quickly able to determine we were in the lair of some giant arachnid and we wasted no time in investigating the cocoons scattered about. Imagine our surprise when we uncovered not friend Atlendor but a roughly dressed and coarsely spoken dwarf Torberea?! However there was no time for introductions as we found ourselves beset by giant spiders. The battle was fierce and seemed for a time that my magic would hold the creatures at bay, but with the arrival of some kind of enormous spider matriarch it was clear that force of arms would not prevail here. I attempted to use my silver tongue to affect negotiations but even my quick thinking in producing the mysterious Dragons Tooth could not tame the creatures ire, in fact it strangely seemed to inflame things even further. I of course led the escape and the dwarf for reasons inexplicable took it upon herself attempt to ride one the spiders to freedom, such rash behaviour I will have to watch.   Back on the forest floor where we began the day and no sign of brave Atlendor there seemed to being nothing for it but to forge ahead. Again these accursed woods must have played havoc with our senses as the first arrow seemed to have come out of nowhere. Before thought could draw breadth we were surrounded by the armed and aggressive elven rangers who would escort us forcibly to Leafholm and seemed overly familiar with Illdreth...” [Editors note: there is a long and boresome description of the journey to Leafholm which I will spare you dear reader].  

Out of the frying pan...

The trees barely stir out the outskirts in the forest haven of Leafholm . Step down and hear the distant sound of a gathering crowd. At this time of day? A market perhaps, but no these voices are raised in anger. Quickly now, hurry down the thick branches that make up the main through-fares towards the centre of this community. There, the citizens are coming together no longer individuals but a mob. The focus of their rage? There, emerging now from one of low houses a group of obvious outsiders. A gnome and a dwarf both, with the reek of the city on them, worked stone and metal. Even the elf garbed as a Ranger sticks out here like a thorn in the thumb. Feel the tension in the air rising to a fever pitch as these three step forward and implore the crowd barely held back by the Woodguard, local elven militia. Watch as they petition first one onlooker then another, with no noticeable effect. [Editor: it was believed the protest was led by Sylven Leth & individuals involved associated or members of Cult of Leth.]   The air almost crackles with the barely suppressed anger, no wait, it does crackle and then split, bursting forth three demonic beasts. A panther like face and body, with six legs, two whipping tentacles and then another and another, all tear into the crowd, spilled blood joins the mornings dew. The three outsiders seem frozen and the tableau of death unfolds around them. The elf reacts first, stringing first one arrow then another sending retribution darting at the nearest beast. The battle whips back and forth. One beast grips the dwarf in its jaws, gore sprays and screams fill the air. The gnome summons the elements of nature herself arcing lightening down and then tide seems to turn.   [Editor's Note: It's at this point that Dustinby's notes descend into inanity, musings & barely legible elven erotica. What we can gather from various accountants of eye witnesses and from the knowledge of the Forest itself was that the party fended off the Displacer Beasts, assisting the guards and saving the life of a child before order was eventually restored. However, the Woodguard immediately put them under guard for disturbing the peace and escorted them to the Leafholm's Circle to await judgement.}  

The Circle of Leafholm gives judgement

Taken to the Circle, they were confronted by representatives of the five factions of Leafholm , who had taken session to decide the fate of those who had invaded the Forest and disturbed its peace for purposes unknown.  
  • Gaelina Highsong & the Woodguard, an organised militia of elven warriors, were eventually swayed by the party's arguments if they could resolve the current crisis between Forest & city.
  • Sylven Leth & Cult of Leth - the worshippers of the deity of nature Leth & friend of the Fae folk, blamed the party for the earlier massacre & associated them with the crisis between Phlan & the Forest.
  • Waitlyn "Earthfriend" & the rangers - the loose association of the forest's rangers represented. Initially unsure of the party's intentions, especially given Ildreth's history in Leafholm, Darvis Blackcloth (Ildreth's nemisis) spoke against them. A touching & sincere plea from Ildreth swayed him however & the rangers supported them.
  • Bolden Barkskin & Circle of the Seed - the plant druid's supported the party and were the first to speak in their favour
  • Vassonrich & the Circle of the Moon - the pack of animalistic were-druids cared little for the debate or the politics of outsiders and were swayed by the majority.
  • After various interventions and debate, not least by the Emerald Enclave and Buhrell Cach, the Circle voted 4 to 1 to release them and allow them to continue on their quest to free the Merchant's Alliance captives. However, they explained that Alliance had been trespassing on sacred territory when incident was said to have happened and was in fact the Alliance who had provoked the Forest to attack. The denizens of the Quivering Forest couldn't go within the sacred grove nor would they, but if the party could end the crisis they were free to go. Either way, they have a day's rest before they would be forced to leave Leafholm.  


    • Disturbed a spider nesting ground, Atlender captured and traded away, but remaining party managed to talk their way out and rescue Torbearer, a dwarven artificer, whom is looking for her daughter
    • After atriving in Leafholm and put up by the Emerald Enclave, they are confronted by a protest led by the Cult of Leth, fanatical worshippers of nature & linked to the Fae
    • The protest & the Leth cult attacked by Displacer beasts, controlled by magical collars though no idea as by who. Party held them at bay and saved a child
    • Party given free passage by the Circle of Leafholm to hopefully restore peace between the Forest & Phlan, but warned that the crisis was created by the Merchant's Alliance and that the incident took place on sacred ground that the Forest Denizens would not disturb

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