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History of East Faerun

A history of the eastern states of Faerun, including the states of Thay, Aglarond, Akanul, Chessenta, Tymanthr, Murghom, the Realms of Thesk, and The Horu-Set Empire.

The Crown Wars

12000 BDR 9000 BDR

The Crown Wars were a series of elven wars fought over a period of 3,000 years. The Great Elven Kingdoms participated in five primary conflicts which lead to the near destruction of the elven race.

  • 9800 BDR

    Green Elves Settle in the Yuirwood

    In the aftermath of the Crown Wars Green Elves settle in what will become known as the Yuirwood

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  • 9200 BDR

    9000 BDR

    Fifth Crown War
    Military action

    The fragile peace left in the wake of The Fourth Crown War was shattered in -9200 DR when the Elven Court decreed that the sun elves of The Vyshaantar Empire were responsible for the thousands of years of war. The Vyshaantar Empire declared war on all elven kingdoms in response, and within 200 years of fighting The Vyshaantar Empire was no more.

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The Founding Time

9000 BDR 3000 BDR

The Founding Time was the period just after the end of the Crown Wars when elves and dwarves dominated Faerun. Humanoid races such as elves, dwarves, and the first human tribes expanded and founded several realms across Faerun.

  • 8350 BDR

    The First Raurin Settlements Emerge

    In what is now known as the Raurin Desert, godless humans begin to settle the then-fertile basin od the Raurin Plateau.

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  • 7975 BDR

    The Begining of the Imaskari's Early Dynastic Period
    Era beginning/end

    The first Emperor, Umyatin, heralds the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period with the construction of Bukhara Spires, which held two way portals that would allow the Imaskari to rapidly expand across East Faerun.

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  • 7891 BDR

    6780 BDR

    The Dynastic Conquests
    Military: War

    The Imaskari conquer and annex many kingdoms in Faerun, including the kobold kingdom of Zexthandrim and the Korobojuru dwarves of Shan Nala

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  • 6950 BDR

    Star Elves Migrate to the Yuirwood
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • 6600 BDR

    Founding of the Yuireshanyaar

    The Star and Green elves found the realm of Yuireshanyaar in the Yuirwood

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  • 6422 BDR

    3920 BDR

    The Imaskar Middle Kingdoms Period

    The Middle Kingdoms Period begins after the razing of the capital of Imaskar. The anarchy that followed in its wake caused the Empire of Imaskar to split into Upper and Lower Imaskar.

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  • 4374 BDR

    The Slave Spires
    Military action

    After the devastation of The Silent Death Lower Imaskar builds two new Bukhara Spires, opened to a world with no knowledge of The Art. Through these portals tens of thousands of slaves are brought through. These people would become known as the Mulan, and with them came a large pool of labor and new gods. The Imaskar Wizards created magic barriers and closed their portals after many successful raids, leaving the slaves cut off from their gods.

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  • 4370 BDR

    The Silent Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    A strange necrotic blight named The Silent Death emerged in Lower Imaskari. The Silent Death spread north into the Endless Wastes, but Upper Imaskari seemed untouched by the plague.

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  • 3920 BDR

    The late Period of the Imaskari Empire
    Era beginning/end

    Lord Artificer Omanond Reunifies Upper and Lower Imaskar, beginning what is now knows as The Late Period of the Imaskari Empire.

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  • 3892 BDR

    The Creation of The Imaskarcana
    Technological achievement

    Under orders from Lord Artificer Omanond, Imaskari Artificers create the Imaskarcana, Seven items in which the empires immense magical lore is recorded for all eternity.

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Age of Humanity

3000 BDR 1357 DR

This period began with the decline of the elven and dwarven empires and the flourishing and expansion of the human empires. This age saw the people of Netheril rise and fall, and the founding of most modern human Faerunian countries.

  • The Great Mulani Rebellion
    The Destruction of the Imaskar Empire

    The gods of the Imaskari Empire's enslaved peoples, the Mulani, rise up and shatter the empire. The Untheric and Mulhorandi Pantheons landed upon the Godswatch Mountians where they split into mortal avatars, known as incarnations, and swept down into the fertile plains below to lead their long-lost people against Imaskar. Many of the greatest wizard-lords of the realm battled to the last, until Lord Yuvaraj fell in battle with the god Horus, ending the war and the Imaskar Empire. The energy unleashed in their battle turning the capital and the fertile Raurin basin into a desert.

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  • 2207 BDR

    1205 BDR

    The Golden Age of Netheril
    Era beginning/end

    The Golden Age of Netheril was a period of profound arcane advancements for Netheril, and saw many of the Netherese Enclaves lifted into the sky that would ride air currents around the loosely defined Netherese borders.

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  • 1076 BDR

    1069 BDR

    The Orcgate War
    Military: War

    A forgotten portal linking Toril to a world of Grey Orcs is used to launch an invasion against Mulhorand and Unther. During the war the divine avatars of the Orc, Mulhorand, and Untheric Pantheons faced each other in what would become known as The Battle of the Gods. The Mulhorand god Re was slain by Gruumsh, causing the rival pantheons of Mulhorand and Unther to ally and defeat the Orcs in -1069 DR

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  • 699 BDR

    The Star Elves Leave for Sildëyuir
    Population Migration / Travel

    In The Year of Moon Blades Crashing, the star elves completely abandon the realm of Yuireshanyaar for Sildëyuir. Many of the wild and green elves stay in the Yuirwood

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  • 340 BDR

    Karsus's Folly
    Disaster / Destruction

    Karsus, Archmage of Netheril, in a desperate attempt to gain the power to weld his nation back together from the magic of the Sharn, tried to rest the mantle of divinity from Mystryl using the spell Karsus's Avatar. Mystryl sacrificed herself to prevent the weave from breaking, causing all magic to briefly cease functioning. Without magic the floating cities of Netheril crashed to the ground, and Karsus in the last moments of life in a petrified stone body caught a glimpse of the fall of Netheril, and his heart broke. Mystryl was reborn as Mystra within moments, and recreated the weave of magic in such a way so no one could ever wield such powerful magics ever again.

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  • 922 DR

    The Battle of Thazalhar
    Military: Battle

    The Red Wizards of Mulhorand use dark rituals to elicit the aid of the Demon Lord Etab, overrun the city of Delhumide, and gain independence for the province of Thay. The battle is a decisive victory for the Red Wizards of Thay, and the Mulhorand god-king is defeated.

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Era of Upheaval

1357 DR 1489 DR

Marked by the Time of Troubles, when gods descended and roamed the land as mortals, The Era of Upheaval saw the unraveling of the laws of Realm space and the Spell plague.

  • 1358 DR

    1358 DR


    Time of Troubles - The Arrival
    Era beginning/end

    The Time of Troubles, also known as The Arrival, was a cataclysmic period where deities were forced to walk the earth in mortal form. Many deities died during The Time of Troubles, and many mortals ascended to godhood.

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  • 1375 DR

    1385 DR

    The Zulkir Coup
    Military: War

    Szass Tam leads a coup against his fellow zulkiers, dividing the Red Wizards of Thay into two factions and plunging Thay into a ten year civil war. To defeat his fores, Szass Tam harnessed the devastating power of the Spellplauge, gaining god-like power and ravaged the landscapes of Thay. The rebel zulkirs and their followers were driven from Thay as exiles, and the zulkiers loyal to Szass Tam ruled over Thay.

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  • 1385 DR

    1395 DR

    Disaster / Destruction

    The Spellplague, known also as the Blue Breath of Change, was a cataclysmic disaster that struck Realmspace and even the planes themselves, caused by the assassination of Mystra at the hands of Cyric and Shar. It continued for a decade, in which arcane magic ceased to function.   The most popular and widely accepted theory was that the event had been caused by the death of Mystra, however some scholars point out that two earlier incarnations of Mystra had died only to be reborn and The Weave would hold it's power for the duration of her deaths. In truth no moral may ever know the truth, and perhaps not even the gods themselves will know the truth.

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  • 1482 DR

    1487 DR

    Second Sundering
    Era beginning/end

    The Second Sundering, also known as the Sundering of Toril and Abier, started when Ao The Hidden One began to write the new Tablets of Fate. The gods, trying to gather as much power as possible to be in high of divine ranking as possible before the tablets were finalized, created many Chosen among mortals. Chosen who were granted power often would have no idea why, or given little direction or reason for their power. For some these powers were a curse, as many were captured and had their power harvested from them, The practice being most common in Thay and Tanthul.

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  • The Second Miracle of Mulhurond
    The Mulhorandi Rebellion
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods of the Mulhorandi Pantheon, channeled through the chosen of the Mulani people, return to Faerun. The Mulhorandi Pantheon, joined by the wizard Nezram the World-Walker, swiftly railed the Mulani and once again overthrew the High Imasker. The Empire of High Imasker was disolved, and those who survived fled into the Plains of Purple Dust or to extraplanar safe holds.

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Present Era

1489 DR and beyond

With the closing of the Era of Upheaval and the lands of Toril returned to their pre-upheaval state. Peoples across Toril still continue to recover from the scars of the upheaval, as new ideas and peoples continue to emerge to the present day.

  • 1521 DR

    The Silence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Gods all fall silent across the material plane, no longer exacting as much influence on the plane as they once did. Their ability to discern character in clerics seems to diminish as churches fracture as new lines of religious questioning pit worshipers against each other. Scholars theorize many reasons for this silence, perhaps they wish to leave to plane to its own devices, or the Overseer Ao had set a divine law that limited the influence of gods. Gods still seem to communicate, perhaps in more esoteric and subtle ways, but its clear the full effects of this silence are still to be seen.

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  • 1521 DR

    7 /3

    Mulhorand becomes The Horu-Set Empire
    Political event

    Without a Reincarnation of Horus-Re to rule Mulhorand the priesthoods take control of the Empire. The priests of Nephthys, Horus-Re, Set, and Isis create the Council of Helio to guide the nation into the future.

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  • The Yellow Scythe
    Yellow Lung
    Plague / Epidemic

    A disease from the jungles of Chult characterized by its sudden onslaught of symptoms in normal looking individuals and by the yellow fluid that would fill the lungs of patients. Priests were unprepared for the disease, as the traditional magical healing could not rid patients of the buildup of yellow fluid. It’s spread was fast and devastating across the peninsula of Chult, the Western Heartlands and Eastern Faerun. It would sweep through nations, killing both rich and poor, and as quickly as it came would vanish in a matter of weeks. It’s traumatic influence is seen in the many superstitions that communities who survived the disease latch onto.

  • 1541 DR

    1543 DR


    The Shattered States of Thesk
    Military: War

    The Red Wizards of Thay invade north into the nation of Thesk, overwhelming the forces of the Theskian Military with speed and might. As the Thesk saw a string of defeats the mercenary's they relied upon to defend its major strongholds began to flee the lost cause of Thesk, leading to the abolition of Thesk in 1543 and the creation of the Thay Client States in its place.

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  • The Lightning War
    The War for the Southern Shore
    Military: War

    Thay invades into Aglaronds southern coast, seizing upon a moment of weakness and strife in the Aglarond Archmages.

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