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History of Toril

A history of the planet Toril from its creation to the countries of the present era.

Days of Thunder

... 30000 BDR

The Days of Thunder began when the glaciers of Abeir-Toril's oceans cooled, revealing a supercontinent that would eventually be named Merrouroboros. Life would bloom on this landmass, and form The Creator Races and the ape-like ancestors of humans.

  • -35000 BDR

    -33500 BDR

    Time of the Sarrukh
    Era beginning/end

    Empires of the Sarrukh are the first race to create realms across Faerun, The empire of Mhairshaulk would dominate most of Faerun until it's decline in -33500 DR when the yuan-ti became prominent on the mainland.

    More reading
  • The Origin of the Nether Scrolls
    The Golden Skins of the World Serpent are Created
    Scientific achievement

    The Ba'etith, a sarrukh organization that studied magic from across the planet, consolidated all magical knowledge into golden scrolls that would become known as the Nether Scrolls.

  • -33500 BDR

    -31500 BDR

    Time of the Batrachi
    Era beginning/end

    More reading
  • The Sundering
    The Tearfall
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Batrachi, lossing a war against the Titans, summon and free the ancient Primordials imprisoned by the gods. The gods quickly reacted, and the material plane bacame their battleground. Asgorath the World-Shaper, a powerful primordial, threw an ice moon at the planet, creating the Sea of Fallen Stars. Lord Ao, in order to save the planet from complete destruction, seperated the planet into two, Toril and Abeir. The gods kept Toril while the Primordials were given Abeir. Scholars theorize if this ice moon that was the creation event that spawned the dragons, as many dragons would revere Asgorath as the creator of dragons.

  • -31000 BDR

    First Dragons Hatch

    A rain of meteors brought the first dragons to Toril, numbering in the tens of thousands.

  • -31000 BDR

    -30000 BDR

    Founding of Ostoria

    Annam the All-Father founds Ostoria and splits the kingdom between each of his favored sons.

  • -30700 BDR

    -30400 BDR

    Time of the Aearee
    Era beginning/end

    The Aearee Empires rise and fall.

    More reading
  • Rage of Dragons
    The First Flight of Dragons
    Disaster / Destruction

    For the first time in Toril large groups of dragons are thrown into a collective senseless rampage, destroying the Nations of the Aearee. Giant-kind is forced to retreat Northward as dragons come to own large swaths of territory.

Dawn Era

30000 BDR 24000 BDR

The Dawn age was a period of time when the empires of the creator races were destroyed by devastating dragon attacks, and were replaced by giants and dragons far more ferocious then those known to the present era.

  • Rage of Dragons
    The First Flight of Dragons
    Disaster / Destruction

    For the first time in Toril large groups of dragons are thrown into a collective senseless rampage, destroying the Nations of the Aearee. Giant-kind is forced to retreat Northward as dragons come to own large swaths of territory.

  • -28000 BDR

    The Great Age / Reign of Giants
    Era beginning/end

    Ostoria reaches the peak of its power, constructing immense floating cities amongst the clouds and cities of adamantine and mithril all featuring the greatest works of giant kind.

  • -27000 BDR

    The First Elves Immigrate to Toril
    Population Migration / Travel

    In a larger plan to undermine dragon rule, Fey open planar gates allowing the first elves to immigrate to Toril.

  • -24500 BDR

    The Dracorage Mythal is Created
    Construction beginning/end

    Elven High Mages create the Dracorage Mythal, enchanting the King-Killer Star so that whenever the star was visible in the sky dragons minds would be muddles, and would eventually become little more than raging beasts.

  • The End of the Dragons
    The Defence of the Dracorage Mythal
    Era beginning/end

    Dragons amass in the north and attack the Capstone of the Rage to stop the Rage of Dragons. Elves successfully defend the Capstone. Most of the avariel, winged elves who were among the first to migrate to Faerun, died in the defence of the capstone, and faded into myth and legend. The dragons failure meant that The Rage of Dragons would continue and that dragons would never again be able to rule Faerun.

First Flowering

24000 BDR 12000 BDR

The First Flowering began with the establishment of the five major elf realms, and the End of the Time of Dragons. The First Flowering also saw the end of last winged elven race, who are believed to of left Faerun.

  • The End of the Dragons
    The Defence of the Dracorage Mythal
    Era beginning/end

    Dragons amass in the north and attack the Capstone of the Rage to stop the Rage of Dragons. Elves successfully defend the Capstone. Most of the avariel, winged elves who were among the first to migrate to Faerun, died in the defence of the capstone, and faded into myth and legend. The dragons failure meant that The Rage of Dragons would continue and that dragons would never again be able to rule Faerun.

  • -17600 BDR

    Formation of the Moonshae Isles

    The supercontinent Merrouroboros was fractured by the First Sundering. The Moonshaes were formed after a continental plate shifted to the west. During this time, the Moonshaes were little more than a collection of hundreds of islands formed by volcanic peaks

  • -15000 BDR

    Fey Settle in the Moonshaes
    Population Migration / Travel

  • -12000 BDR

    Eleasis 8
    -11800 BDR

    First Crown War
    Military action

    The Aryvandaar kingdom invade and occupy Miyeritar, spurring the elven kingdoms to war.

Crown Wars

12000 BDR 9000 BDR

The Crown Wars were a series of elven wars fought over a period of 3,000 years. The Great Elven Kingdoms participated in five primary conflicts which lead to the near destruction of the elven race.

  • -12000 BDR

    Eleasis 8
    -11800 BDR

    First Crown War
    Military action

    The Aryvandaar kingdom invade and occupy Miyeritar, spurring the elven kingdoms to war.

  • -11700 BDR

    -10500 BDR

    The Second Crown War
    Military action

    In support of their Miyeritar allies, Ilythiir attacks the moon elf kingdom of Orishaar. The conflict escalated to encompass Thearnytaar, Eillur, and Syorpiir, who were all brutally destroyed. The brutality of these attacks lead to the epithet dhaerow, meaning "traitor", to describe the dark elves of Ilythiir.

  • -10900 BDR

    -10600 BDR

    Third Crown War
    Military action

    The Kingdom of Aryvandaar reforms as the Vyshaantar Empire and invades the sun and moon elf kingdom of Shantel Othreier. After 300 years Shantel Othreier surrendered after the death of their coronal.

  • -10500 BDR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Sarifal

    The Moonshaes began forming into their modern shape and the Korinn Archipelago was formed. The LeShay founded the kingdom of Sarifal, constructing the city of Karador on an island in the center of the lake within Myrloch Vale,

  • -10500 BDR

    -10000 BDR

    Fourth Crown War
    Military action

    The Dark Disaster, caused by the destructive magics of the Vyshaantar Empire, turns the Miyeritar into a wasteland now known as the High Moor. Enraged at the destruction, Ilythiiri wages war against the Vyshaantar Empire. The Ilythiiri begin to openly worship evil gods and commit such acts of atrocities that the remaining elven kingdoms expel the dark elves from the grace of Corellon Larethian corrupting the dark elves and driving them underground, and the epithet dhaerow would eventually change to Drow

  • -9800 BDR

    Green Elves Settle in the Yuirwood

    In the aftermath of the Crown Wars Green Elves settle in what will become known as the Yuirwood

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  • -9800 BDR

    Elves Settle in the Moonshaes
    Population Migration / Travel

    Llewyrr refugees began arriving on the islands and were welcomed by the LeShay. The refugees settled in the mountains and formed the kingdom of Synnoria.

  • -9200 BDR

    -9000 BDR

    Fifth Crown War
    Military action

    The fragile peace left in the wake of The Fourth Crown War was shattered in -9200 DR when the Elven Court decreed that the sun elves of The Vyshaantar Empire were responsible for the thousands of years of war. The Vyshaantar Empire declared war on all elven kingdoms in response, and within 200 years of fighting The Vyshaantar Empire was no more.

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The Founding Time

9000 BDR 3000 BDR

The Founding Time was the period just after the end of the Crown Wars when elves and dwarves dominated Faerun. Humanoid races such as elves, dwarves, and the first human tribes expanded and founded several realms across Faerun.

  • -8350 BDR

    The First Raurin Settlements Emerge

    In what is now known as the Raurin Desert, godless humans begin to settle the then-fertile basin od the Raurin Plateau.

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  • -7975 BDR

    The Begining of the Imaskari's Early Dynastic Period
    Era beginning/end

    The first Emperor, Umyatin, heralds the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period with the construction of Bukhara Spires, which held two way portals that would allow the Imaskari to rapidly expand across East Faerun.

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  • -7891 BDR

    -6780 BDR

    The Dynastic Conquests
    Military: War

    The Imaskari conquer and annex many kingdoms in Faerun, including the kobold kingdom of Zexthandrim and the Korobojuru dwarves of Shan Nala

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  • -6950 BDR

    Star Elves Migrate to the Yuirwood
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • -6600 BDR

    Founding of the Yuireshanyaar

    The Star and Green elves found the realm of Yuireshanyaar in the Yuirwood

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  • -6422 BDR

    -3920 BDR

    The Imaskar Middle Kingdoms Period

    The Middle Kingdoms Period begins after the razing of the capital of Imaskar. The anarchy that followed in its wake caused the Empire of Imaskar to split into Upper and Lower Imaskar.

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  • -6000 BDR

    Grond's Gathering
    Population Migration / Travel

    Grond Peaksmasher arrived in the Moonshaes, accompanied by a tribe of giants. They settled on Norland in the Jotunhammer Mountains. Grond is the son of Hiatea, the giant goddess of hunters, and his father was a demigod. He is worshipped by the firbolgs, who claim he sculpted them from stone.

  • -5000 BDR

    War of the Bald Dwarf
    Military: War

    The Dwarves of Highhome send their prince as a messenger to Grond Peaksmasher, demanding tribute in exchange for permission to live in the Jotunspine Mountains, which the Dwarves lay claim over. Grond is insulted, and shaves the prince of all his hair, including his beard. This is seen as an attack against Dwarves as a whole. Highhome declares war, calling on their allies in Mithral Hall and Gauntlgrym, who answer the call to defend Dwarven honor. Grond Peaksmasher is imprisoned beneath Highhome. Without the guidance of their god, the firbolgs of the Moonshaes become uncivilized, returning to the ways of nature.

  • -4500 BDR

    The Seven Citadels' War
    Military action

    Sometimes referred to as the Sixth Crown War, The Seven Citadels' War was a set of skirmishes between the remaining elven elite forces of the nations that survived the Crown Wars. This war saw a weakening of the remaining elven nations and the end of House Dlardrageth.

  • -4374 BDR

    The Slave Spires
    Military action

    After the devastation of The Silent Death Lower Imaskar builds two new Bukhara Spires, opened to a world with no knowledge of The Art. Through these portals tens of thousands of slaves are brought through. These people would become known as the Mulan, and with them came a large pool of labor and new gods. The Imaskar Wizards created magic barriers and closed their portals after many successful raids, leaving the slaves cut off from their gods.

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  • -4370 BDR

    The Silent Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    A strange necrotic blight named The Silent Death emerged in Lower Imaskari. The Silent Death spread north into the Endless Wastes, but Upper Imaskari seemed untouched by the plague.

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  • -3920 BDR

    The late Period of the Imaskari Empire
    Era beginning/end

    Lord Artificer Omanond Reunifies Upper and Lower Imaskar, beginning what is now knows as The Late Period of the Imaskari Empire.

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  • -3892 BDR

    The Creation of The Imaskarcana
    Technological achievement

    Under orders from Lord Artificer Omanond, Imaskari Artificers create the Imaskarcana, Seven items in which the empires immense magical lore is recorded for all eternity.

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  • -3830 BDR

    The Netheril Alliance

    The Alliance of Seventon is renamed to Netheril by Nether the Elder along the Narrow Sea.

  • -3533 BDR

    -3315 BDR

    The Nether Age
    Cultural event

    The Nether Scrolls are first discovered within the ruins of Aryvandaar, providing a huge leap forward in Netherese spell craft.

  • -3462 BDR

    Invention of the Ioun Stone
    Discovery, Scientific

    Congenio Ioun at age 33 creates the first Ioun Stone

  • -3014 BDR

    Invention of the first Mythallar
    Discovery, Scientific

    Ioulaum, one of Netheril's greatest arcanists, changes the understanding of magic with the invention of the first Mythallar and quasi-magical items able to be powered through a Mythallar rather than the weave.

Age of Humanity

3000 BDR 1357 DR

This period began with the decline of the elven and dwarven empires and the flourishing and expansion of the human empires. This age saw the people of Netheril rise and fall, and the founding of most modern human Faerunian countries.

  • -2550 BDR

    -2475 BDR

    The Waning Years / Fall of Ostoria

    The death of the god Ulutiu caused a great freezing of the north, which led Ostoria to be slowly swallowed by The Great Glacier. Ostoria ceased to exist 75 years after the disaster, with the death of most of Annam's sons. A great deal of knowledge was lost in the fall of Ostoria, and Annam would disown the giants, swearing to never again regard them until they had return Ostoria to the prominence it once had.

  • The Great Mulani Rebellion
    The Destruction of the Imaskar Empire

    The gods of the Imaskari Empire's enslaved peoples, the Mulani, rise up and shatter the empire. The Untheric and Mulhorandi Pantheons landed upon the Godswatch Mountians where they split into mortal avatars, known as incarnations, and swept down into the fertile plains below to lead their long-lost people against Imaskar. Many of the greatest wizard-lords of the realm battled to the last, until Lord Yuvaraj fell in battle with the god Horus, ending the war and the Imaskar Empire. The energy unleashed in their battle turning the capital and the fertile Raurin basin into a desert.

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  • -2207 BDR

    -1205 BDR

    The Golden Age of Netheril
    Era beginning/end

    The Golden Age of Netheril was a period of profound arcane advancements for Netheril, and saw many of the Netherese Enclaves lifted into the sky that would ride air currents around the loosely defined Netherese borders.

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  • -2207 BDR

    The Foundation of Chronomancy
    Discovery, Scientific

    Jeriah Chronos founds the school of chronomancy.

  • -2000 BDR

    The Beastlord's Gambit
    Military: War

    Malar, the god of hunting and savagery, unleashes Kazgoroth upon the Moonshaes. Kazgoroth is a balor afflicted with a majorly altered form of lycanthropy, allowing the powerful demon to shapeshift into nearly any form at will. Typically he took the form of a wyvern or a tyrannosaurus, if not his true form, that being a massive obsidian skinned balor. While this made him more powerful, it also cursed him, forcing the creature to only be capable of attacking on full moons.   Kazgoroth wreaks havoc on the Moonshaes. The Dwarves, Llewyrr Elves, and firbolgs unite together to fight against Kazgoroth, who summons an army of fomorians from the Feywild to serve him. The fomorians conquer the firbolgs and enslave them, but are held back by the Dwarves and Elves. Kazgoroth descends into savage madness, and disappears after nearing victor, his mind dominated by something more powerful than Malar.

  • -1207 BDR

    Discovery of Chardalyn
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first instance of Chardalyn is recorded in the Plain of Standing Stones, discovery of these magic absorbing minerals lead to experimentation in gem magic.

  • -1076 BDR

    -1069 BDR

    The Orcgate War
    Military: War

    A forgotten portal linking Toril to a world of Grey Orcs is used to launch an invasion against Mulhorand and Unther. During the war the divine avatars of the Orc, Mulhorand, and Untheric Pantheons faced each other in what would become known as The Battle of the Gods. The Mulhorand god Re was slain by Gruumsh, causing the rival pantheons of Mulhorand and Unther to ally and defeat the Orcs in -1069 DR

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  • -699 BDR

    The Star Elves Leave for Sildëyuir
    Population Migration / Travel

    In The Year of Moon Blades Crashing, the star elves completely abandon the realm of Yuireshanyaar for Sildëyuir. Many of the wild and green elves stay in the Yuirwood

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  • -500 BDR

    Fey Abandon the Moonshaes
    Population Migration / Travel

    Most of the fey, including the fomorians, abandoned their domains in the Moonshaes and retreated back into the Feywild. The kingdom of Sarifal was abandoned and the city of Karador sank into the Myrloch. The firbolgs secure their freedom from the remaining fomorians, forcing their great enemy into hiding and isolation. It appears the fomorian menace is defeated. Humanoid settlement of the islands increases immensely without Fey resistance.

  • -461 BDR

    329 BDR

    The Phaerimm Scourge
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Phaerimm, awakened by Netherese magic, begin to fight back against Faerun by draining life and magic from the world. While the Phaerimm fought against all of Faerun it's most fearsome foe was the Sharn, strange aberrations who worked to protect the weave, whos clashes with the Phaerimm would level mountians and drain lakes. In 329, the Year of the Closed Scroll, the Phaerimms were sealed behind the Sharn Wall beneath Anauroch.

  • -340 BDR

    Karsus's Folly
    Disaster / Destruction

    Karsus, Archmage of Netheril, in a desperate attempt to gain the power to weld his nation back together from the magic of the Sharn, tried to rest the mantle of divinity from Mystryl using the spell Karsus's Avatar. Mystryl sacrificed herself to prevent the weave from breaking, causing all magic to briefly cease functioning. Without magic the floating cities of Netheril crashed to the ground, and Karsus in the last moments of life in a petrified stone body caught a glimpse of the fall of Netheril, and his heart broke. Mystryl was reborn as Mystra within moments, and recreated the weave of magic in such a way so no one could ever wield such powerful magics ever again.

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  • 1 BDR

    The Year of Sunrise

    The Standing Stones are erected as a symbol of unity between Cormanthyr and the Dalelands. It also marked the beginning of the Dale Reckoning calendar which gained widespread use across Faerun.

  • 140 BDR

    Rise of the Ffolk
    Population Migration / Travel

    Human and halfling refugees fleeing from the persecution of the Shadowking crossed the Sea of Swords and settled in the Moonshaes on the island of Gwynneth, beginning the race of the Ffolk.

  • 149 BDR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Gwynneth

    The human settlements of Gwynneth are united under the semi-mythical folk hero "Corwell Strong" or "Corwell the Lion". The tales say he was strong enough to lift an ox and wielded a magical glaive forged from the swords of each of the great chieftains of Gwynneth. Under his reign, the city of Caer Corwell is built and made the capital of Gwynneth. Indeed, Corwell was popular enough that many referred to the kingdom as "The Kingdom of Corwell" at the time, and even in modern times when referring to that historical period.

  • 154 BDR

    Treaty of the Valleys
    Gathering / Conference

    Corwell Strong signs a peace treaty with the Elves of Synnoria, bringing an end to raids from the tribes of Gwynneth into Elven lands. Many Ffolk are displeased by this, as much of their economy relied on Elven slaves and goods. Ffolk begin moving away from their warrior culture, building farms and pastures. The wearing of woad(blue war paint) becomes an uncommon ritual.

  • 156 BDR

    177 BDR

    War of the Six Tribes
    Military: War

    Corwell Strong and his family are murdered after being invited to a party hosted by their rivals, House Dunaid. Iain Dunaid lays claim to the throne, seeking to bring back Gwynneth's warrior culture and raiding tradition. Several other chiefs rise up, shattering Gwynneth into the pre-unification petty kingdoms of Fenn, Horstall, Adammar, Kimball, Dultann, and the new kingdom of Corwell.

  • 176 BDR

    Rise of Cymrych Hugh
    Life, Organisation Association

    Cymrych Hugh, the son of the new chieftain of Corwell, is forced to take up his father's throne after his father is slain by Iain Dunaid in battle. The civil war for Gwynneth has taken its toll, and many are dead. The young Cymrych marries Alisynn, the princess of Synnoria, and manages to ally himself to the human inhabitants of the isle of Alaron.

  • 177 BDR

    Alturiak 2

    Battle of Red Woad
    Military: Battle

    With a united force of remaining soldiers from Corwell, Ffolk from Alaron, and Elven knights from Synnoria, Cymrych Hugh defeats most of the other claimants to Gwynneth. Iain Dunaid challenges him to a duel. The winner is given the claim to Gwynneth, while the loser must publicly denounce their own claim.   Cymrych enters the duel wearing red woad. Woad is typically blue, to ward off attacks, while red woad supposedly guides blades to the bearer of the warpaint. Despite this, Cymrych easily defeats Iain, and the legends spread of Cymrych being the greatest duelist in all the Moonshaes. Rather than killing or exiling Iain Dunaid, Cymrych publicly forgives him, and allows his family to retain their lands.

  • 177 BDR

    Kythorn 6

    Reunification of Gwynneth

    With his rivals defeated, Cymrych Hugh is named King of Gwynneth. He allows the descendants of the old chieftains to retain their lands. House Dunnaid is allowed to continue the old practices of Gwynneth, except for raiding, which they are only allowed to do during wartime unlike the other chieftains who are forbidden from raiding whatsoever. Ian Dunnaid becomes Cymrych's most loyal vassal despite having been his worst enemy just months ago.

  • 201 BDR

    The Demon and the King
    Military: Battle

    Bhaal, the Lord of Murder, takes control of Kazgoroth. The return of the great demon is met with fierce resistance by the Ffolk, especially Cymrych Hugh. The beast does not have nearly as many fomorian followers as it once did, seeming made dull and confused by its domination by Bhaal, lacking its former power. Despite this, the beast still is a considerable threat to the Isles. Cymrych Hugh leads of coalition of Elves, Dwarves, Firbolgs, and Ffolk agains the demon. Kazgoroth is defeated in single combat with the king.

  • 201 BDR

    Tarsakh 4

    Founding of the High Kingdom of the Isles

    "With this crown, crafted by the fair folk of Synnoria, I pledge to lead with wisdom and justice. With this sword, forged by the dwarves of Highhome, I pledge to remain stalwart and true. And with this ring, a gift from my cherished wife Allisynn, I pledge to lead with compassion and love."   Cymrych Hugh is named the first High King of all the Isles. His wife Alisynn was slain in battle. After the battle against Kazgoroth, the Dwarven King of Highome, the Elven King of Synnoria, and the chieftains of Alaron, Moray, and Snowdown knelt before Cymrych, naming him High King.   He built Caer Alisynn and buried his wife there so she could "enjoy the sunlight once more", submerging it beneath the waves with druidic magic. Caer Callidyrr in Alaron was built to be his capital. Eventually the name "Cymrych" would become a common noble last name. The crowning of Cymrych marks the first year of the Moonshavian calendar, and the story of the "King and the Demon" is portrayed in plays and songs more often than any other tale in the Moonshaes.

  • 250 BDR

    Year of the Storm Crown

    At nearly the age of 85, Cymrych Hugh passes away. His crown, a magical stone circlet encased in mithral and forged with lightning, is buried with him as he leaves no heir with a strong claim to the throne. Each of his children either died or were too young for much responsibility. His eldest son takes up the throne at the age of 13, but cannot keep the kingdoms united. The Isles collapse into disarray once more, and Gwynneth becomes independent of Alaron, which remains under the rule of House Cymrych, while squabbling chieftains take back control in Gwynneth.

  • 256 BDR

    The Northmen Cometh
    Population Migration / Travel

    Northlander sailors from Tuern, Gundarlun, and Ruathym arrive in the Moonshaes to find the kingdoms at each other's throats. This begins centuries of raids against the weakened Ffolk by the Northmen. Their raids begin with the sacking of Lendrisfen, a druid glade dedicated to the Earthmother

  • 289 BDR

    Reign of the Skull-King
    Military: War

    High King Gwylloch Cymrych, the son of Cymrych Hugh, reclaims Gwynneth by conquering it from the south. He builds the Castle of Skulls from the skulls of his enemies, and constructs a mighty palace hidden within the Llyrath Forest. He begins a series of counter raids against the Northlanders. Those who are captured are brought to the Circus Bizzare, a gladiatorial arena in which they are killed.

  • 324 BDR

    Founding of the Harpers

    The Harpers at Twilight are formed in secret deep in the Elven Court woods by Dathlue Mistwinter, the Lady Steel

  • 467 BDR

    Tethyrian "Invasion"
    Population Migration / Travel

    A large group of Tethyrian immigrants arrive in the Moonshaes. Many are directed to the underpopulated lands of Gwynneth. Their religious beliefs spread, but most Ffolk keep their faith in the Earthmother. Architects and engineers from Tethyr  share their knowledge with the Ffolk, allowing them to construct improved defensive fortifications. Northlander raids become less common, as more effort is required to sack Ffolk settlements. Alaron's already slipping grasp fails to keep a hold on Gwynneth. The Kingdom of Gwynneth rises once more, independent, and ruled by a king elected by the Witten, a group of the most powerful nobles in Gwynneth who chose a new king after the death of the old one.

  • 504 BDR

    Rise of House Kendrick

    House Kendrick is born when Tyran Kendrick is elected as the lord of Kimball. He was the son of a Tethyrian engineer and a powerful Ffolk druid. Tyran is later elected king, becoming known as Tyran the Scholar. The king's reign is so incredibly peaceful and prosperous that the people name House Kendrick as the ruling house of Gwynneth, making the Witten into nothing more than a council for the king. There would be several points in history where the Witten would make moves to increase their own power, but never would House Kendrick truly lose the throne. During his reign, Tyran sought immortality above all else, even following a circulating rumor that merely glimpsing upon the distant Elven realm of Evermeet could increase one's lifespan. He built Aklevon in hopes of glimpsing the city. He died peering into the west with an eyeglass in his hands, never having set his eyes on Corellons realm.

  • 720 BDR

    27 Kythorn 6

    The First Harper Reformation / The Gathering of the Gods
    Gathering / Conference

    A congregation of elves, priests, and dryads gather in High Dale. The Harpers at Twilight expand influence and establish an effective information network

  • 852 BDR

    The Northman Invasion
    Military: War

    A Northlander fleet of longships invade the Moonshaes. High King Dolan Cymrych is killed when his fleet of coracles is destroyed in Whitefish Bay, near the Isle of Whispers. The Ffolk are forced to surrender the northern Isles to the invaders.

  • 922 BDR

    The Battle of Thazalhar
    Military: Battle

    The Red Wizards of Mulhorand use dark rituals to elicit the aid of the Demon Lord Etab, overrun the city of Delhumide, and gain independence for the province of Thay. The battle is a decisive victory for the Red Wizards of Thay, and the Mulhorand god-king is defeated.

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  • 1022 BDR

    The Second Harper Reformation
    Gathering / Conference

    After the loss of many members the Harpers Elminster and Khelben Arunsun begin the process of revitalizing the Harpers by adding additional recruits.

  • 1311 BDR

    Founding of The Arcane Brotherhood

    Arklem Greeth forms the Arcane Brotherhood in Luskan

  • 1329 BDR

    Nasher Alagondar Becomes Lord of Neverwinter
    Political event

  • 1345 BDR

    1371 BDR

    Darkwalker War
    Military: War

    Grunnarch the Red brought his host of longships to Thelgaar Ironhand's Iron Keep on Oman's Isle to prepare an attack on the southern Moonshaes. In the first council of northern Kings and Captains, Thelgaar announced his intention of making long-lasting peace with the Ffolk and starting a prosperous trading relationship. But most of the warriors present disagreed and decided to go along with the plan to raid and pillage the cities of Caer Corwell and Caer Callidyrr and the rest of the Ffolk lands. That same night, Thelgar was slain by Kazgoroth, who took the identity of the king and supported the attack on Caer Corwell. En route to Caer Corwell, Kazgaroth, in Thelgaar's shape, challenged and killed the Leviathan, one of the children of the goddess Earthmother. Around the town and fortress of Caer Corwell, the Northmen were halted by the combined forces of Prince Tristan Kendrick and his companions.

  • 1357 BDR

    The Third Harper Reformation
    Gathering / Conference

    Under the new leadership of Khelben the Harpers of Twilight Hall acted against the Zhentarim and Amnian interests, brining hostility from the Zhentarim and new volunteers to the Harpers.

Era of Upheaval

1358 DR 1489 DR

Marked by the Time of Troubles, when gods descended and roamed the land as mortals, The Era of Upheaval saw the unraveling of the laws of Realm space and the Spell plague.

  • 1358 DR

    Kythorn 6
    1358 DR

    Marpenoth 10

    Time of Troubles - The Arrival
    Era beginning/end

    The Time of Troubles, also known as The Arrival, was a cataclysmic period where deities were forced to walk the earth in mortal form. Many deities died during The Time of Troubles, and many mortals ascended to godhood.

    Additional timelines
  • 1365 DR

    Stormlord's Wroth
    Military: War

    Robyn Kendrick, mother of Queen Alicia Kendrick, sensed the imminent return of the Earthmother to the Moonshaes. Angered by her return, the god Talos attempted to throw the islands into chaos by turning the Ffolk and Northlanders against each other again. To achieve this goal, Talos recruited an army of pirates, sahuagin from Kressilacc ,and even a dracolich named Gotha. Princess Deirdre Kendrick aided in the release of the avatar of Grond Peaksmasher. She was corrupted by Talos and was later killed by her sister Alicia Kendrick.   Alicia Kendrick was crowned Queen after King Tristan Kendrick abdicated his claim to the throne to be with his wife, Queen Robyn. She had left the capital to live in Myrloch Vale in order to commune with the Earthmother.

  • 1368 DR

    1372 DR

    Return of the Fey
    Population Migration / Travel

    The wardens in the druids of Myrloch Vale began to go missing. Robyn and Tristan Kendrick, High Queen Alicia's parents, found that the druids had gone missing near the moonwells and decided to enter one only to find it led to the Feywild. In 1370, Fey began travelling through the moonwells, settling primarily in their old lands of Myrloch Vale and the Winterglen Forests. By 1372, violent encounters with the Fey became common enough that all human settlements in Myrloch Vale were abandoned. High Queen Alicia Kendrick favored the Fey in almost all negotiations, giving back the land to its "original inhabitants".

  • 1368 DR

    Eleasis 8
    1369 DR

    The Iron Crisis
    Criminal Activity

    The Iron Throne poisons the major iron mines in The Sword Coast, steal untainted iron from along the coast and drive rival trading companies into financial ruin. This was to ensure they would have a monopoly on the iron trade, with the last major iron mine in their possession. Their plans were ruined by a group of adventurers and the Bhaalspawn, who restored the poisoned mines and ended the Iron Throne organization.

    Additional timelines
  • 1370 DR

    Founding of the Silver Marches

    The cities of Lururar form a confederation under Alustriel's leadership.

  • 1371 DR

    The Oaken Throne

    The conflict between the Northlanders and the Ffolk waned with the hard work of King Tristan Kendrick and later through his daughter, Queen Alicia Kendrick. In the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR, Northlander kings swore fealty to Alicia, creating the United Moonshae Isles. This marked the first time that Ffolk and Northlanders were truly united. The Northlander kings adopted the title of Jarl and continued to rule their kingdoms. The other islands soon followed suit, with Alaron begrudgingly giving up the title of "High Queen" to Alicia Kendrick.   In Caer Corwell the new High Queen gave greater power to the Witten, allowing them to govern their respective islands. Her throne was grown from an oak tree using druidic magic, and much of her fortress was defended by ents, dryads, and other woodland beings.

  • 1372 DR

    The Year of Wild Magic / The Wailing Death
    Plague / Epidemic

  • The Final Rage of Dragons
    The Capstone of the Rage is Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sammaster, a powerful lich, bound his phylactery to the Capstone of the Rage, ushering in an unending Rage of Dragons powered by The Abyss's energy. Sammaster took the alias of the Witch-King reborn, and raised an army of orcs and giants that stormed the Bloodstone gates and flooded into Damara. The wizards of Thentia, the Talons of Justice, and a force of dragons broke into the heart of the Rage and destroyed Sammaster and the Capstone of the Rage, ending the ancient Mythals curse on dragon-kind.

  • 1375 DR

    1385 DR

    The Zulkir Coup
    Military: War

    Szass Tam leads a coup against his fellow zulkiers, dividing the Red Wizards of Thay into two factions and plunging Thay into a ten year civil war. To defeat his fores, Szass Tam harnessed the devastating power of the Spellplauge, gaining god-like power and ravaged the landscapes of Thay. The rebel zulkirs and their followers were driven from Thay as exiles, and the zulkiers loyal to Szass Tam ruled over Thay.

    Additional timelines
  • 1375 DR

    Eladrin Domination of Gwynneth
    Political event

    The Fey city of Karador rose again from the waters of Myrloch on the island of Gwynneth. The leShay High Lady Ordalf proclaimed herself queen of the island, renaming the entirety of Gwynneth to Sarifal. The ancient capital of Gwynneth, Caer Corwell, was abandoned and given back to the Fey by High Queen Alicia Kendrick. The city fell into ruins.

  • 1376 DR

    1540 DR

    The Witten Rule of Gwynneth
    Political event

    With the High Queen seemingly unphased by the slow loss of land to the Fey, the Witten of Gwynneth declare her incapable of ruling. The druid-queen, fearing another civil war, grants the Witten rule over Gwynneth in exchange for their repeal of this proclamation. The High Queen instead rules from Caer Calidyrr as the first High King once did. However the lord of Alaron see this as an invasion of their homelands. Alicia Kendrick is nicknamed "Robber Queen" by the denizens of Alaron, for "stealing" the throne of their true king.   The Witten dig in deep, building their own standing armies and acting vaguely similar to the old petty kingdoms of the region. With relative ease, they retake Caer Corwell, but cannot agree on who shall hold it. The city remains a ruin. However, the borders of Gwynneth remain secure against Eladrin incursions.

  • 1385 DR

    1395 DR

    Disaster / Destruction

    The Spellplague, known also as the Blue Breath of Change, was a cataclysmic disaster that struck Realmspace and even the planes themselves, caused by the assassination of Mystra at the hands of Cyric and Shar. It continued for a decade, in which arcane magic ceased to function.   The most popular and widely accepted theory was that the event had been caused by the death of Mystra, however some scholars point out that two earlier incarnations of Mystra had died only to be reborn and The Weave would hold it's power for the duration of her deaths. In truth no moral may ever know the truth, and perhaps not even the gods themselves will know the truth.

    Additional timelines
  • 1466 DR

    New Neverwinter
    Political event

    Dagult Neverwinter begins "New Neverwinter", openly naming himself lord of Neverwinter and its protector. Neverember covers up any evidence that the Alagondar line still exists.

  • 1479 DR

    Mystra's Return
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Mystra, through a surviving vestige of Mystra, returns to the Forgotten Realms. This new Mystra was both the memories of Midnight/Mystra and Mystryl, all memories drawn from the Weave rather than personal experience.

  • 1482 DR

    1487 DR

    Second Sundering
    Era beginning/end

    The Second Sundering, also known as the Sundering of Toril and Abier, started when Ao The Hidden One began to write the new Tablets of Fate. The gods, trying to gather as much power as possible to be in high of divine ranking as possible before the tablets were finalized, created many Chosen among mortals. Chosen who were granted power often would have no idea why, or given little direction or reason for their power. For some these powers were a curse, as many were captured and had their power harvested from them, The practice being most common in Thay and Tanthul.

    Additional timelines
  • 1482 DR

    Return of Bhaal
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Bhaal, god of murder, is reborn in Baldur's gate

  • 1484 DR

    1485 DR

    War of the Silver Marches
    Military action

    Orc Hordes along with a large army of drow descend upon the Silver Marches, sacking Sundabar and besieging the dwarfholds in the area. Bruenor Batllehammer united the dwarven forces and fought back, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Silver Marches

  • 1484 DR

    Primordials return to Abeir
    Population Migration / Travel

    Most of the Primordials living in Toril, along with Akadi, leave for their original world of Abeir.

  • 1484 DR

    1485 DR

    The Great Rain
    Geological / environmental event

    The Great Rain caused the waters to rise around the Sea of Fallen Stars to grow and consume much of its surrounding land in 1485 DR.

  • 1485 DR

    The Arcane Brotherhood Returns to Power
    Political event

    The Arcane Brotherhood return to Luskan and re-establish control of the Host Tower of The Arcane

  • The Second Miracle of Mulhurond
    The Mulhorandi Rebellion
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods of the Mulhorandi Pantheon, channeled through the chosen of the Mulani people, return to Faerun. The Mulhorandi Pantheon, joined by the wizard Nezram the World-Walker, swiftly railed the Mulani and once again overthrew the High Imasker. The Empire of High Imasker was disolved, and those who survived fled into the Plains of Purple Dust or to extraplanar safe holds.

    Additional timelines
  • 1486 DR

    Earthmotes Fall
    Geological / environmental event

  • 1488 DR

    Fall of the Silver Marches

    The League of Silver Marches disbands due to failure in the War of Silver Marches. Sundabar and Mithral hall withdraw from the Lords Alliance.

Present Era

1489 DR and beyond

With the closing of the Era of Upheaval and the lands of Toril returned to their pre-upheaval state. Peoples across Toril still continue to recover from the scars of the upheaval, as new ideas and peoples continue to emerge to the present day.

  • 1494 DR

    Flamerule 7

    Descent of Elturel
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 1494 Elturel, Capital of Elturgard , descended into Avernus, the first layer of hell. The circumstances of the cities return are now legend, and the The Hero's of Elturgard all went their separate ways, some quietly drifting into legend while others continued to influence Faerun.

  • 1501 DR

    The Three Lords Alliance

    Three Lords from the Sword Coast leave and begin a theocracy dedicated to each of their respective gods in the city of Yartar.

  • 1510 DR

    Founding of the Daro Republic

    Merchant families and powerful nobles found The Danaro Republic  in Iriaebor.

  • 1516 DR

    12 Tarsakh 4

    The City of Rei is Founded

    The territories surrounding Nashkel are officially placed under the Autocrat of Rei, Reina Arvinva.

    Additional timelines
  • 1520 DR

    The First Experimental Skyway is Created
    Technological achievement

    Experiments in travel between the plane of air and and the material plane to shorten travel duration for airships sees its first success as a small airship travels from one side of Rei to the other through two portals.

    Additional timelines
  • 1521 DR

    The Silence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Gods all fall silent across the material plane, no longer exacting as much influence on the plane as they once did. Their ability to discern character in clerics seems to diminish as churches fracture as new lines of religious questioning pit worshipers against each other. Scholars theorize many reasons for this silence, perhaps they wish to leave to plane to its own devices, or the Overseer Ao had set a divine law that limited the influence of gods. Gods still seem to communicate, perhaps in more esoteric and subtle ways, but its clear the full effects of this silence are still to be seen.

    Additional timelines
  • 1521 DR

    Alturiak 2

    The Red Flame Heresy
    Religious event

    With the silence of the gods, the people of Gwynneth lose faith. Respect for the Earthmother wanes as her blessing over farms fail, and crops become blighted. It seems the land has become one of storms and wildfires. Coastal villages begin worshiping Talos, pirates begin worshipping Umberlee, and many Ffolk turn to worship of Kossuth. The Church of the Red Flame spreads across Gwynneth like a wildifre, within a year several members of the Witten publicly declare loyalty to Kossuth. Their powerbase extends over most of eastern Gwynneth under High Priestess Aemyrra Tsaan, a powerful cleric from the far east.   Among their worshippers are many tieflings, who are hailed as "Chosen of Kossuth" for being resistant to fire. The worshippers of Kossuth care not for the blood running in someone's veins, but being resistant to flame shows the favor of the Fire-Lord.

  • 1521 DR

    7 Ches 3

    Mulhorand becomes The Horu-Set Empire
    Political event

    Without a Reincarnation of Horus-Re to rule Mulhorand the priesthoods take control of the Empire. The priests of Nephthys, Horus-Re, Set, and Isis create the Council of Helio to guide the nation into the future.

    Additional timelines
  • 1522 DR

    Tarsakh 4
    1529 DR

    Marpenoth 10

    The Cormanthyrian War
    Military action

    The Cormanthyrian War was fought between Archendale and The Cormanthyrian Allied forces. The early years of the war saw Archendale destroy and annex much of its northern neighbor as it won a string of victories on their campaign. However as the elves retreated inward their tactics changes as well, the surviving disjointed Cormanthyrian forces fought an aggressive guerilla campaign against Archendale, which drove the conflict until 1529 when the last of the Cormanthyrian resistance was executed.

  • 1523 DR

    The City of Mages, Ceayln, is founded.

    Fellwreak Nailo, after years of archeological studies in the deserts of Anauroch, converts Netherese ruins into what would become Ceayln, the City of Mages.

  • 1526 DR

    The Iconocite Schism

    The Iconocites are slaughtered in Ardeep, officially beginning The Iconocite Schism within The Church of Lathander.

    Additional timelines
  • 1530 DR

    Hard Metal Currency Economic Inflation
    Financial Event

    Influxes of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Electrum, and Copper from dragon hoards, new metal mines, and other economic factors increase the amount of hard currency in the global economy. The prices of goods in comparison to twenty years ago doubles or triples across most areas of Faerun over the coming years. Individual Countries introduce different monetary and fiscal policies to control inflation, many introduce paper currencies to better control national economies.

    Additional timelines
  • 1530 DR

    The Devoured Princess
    Life, Death

    Princess Robyn Kendrick, named after her great grandmother, is sent by her mother the queen to discuss a dispute with the Elves of Synnoria. On the way, she is captured by a hag. Her headless, limbless, organless torso is sent back to the Queen. The Queen is heartbroken to have her heir die in such a cruel manner,  but cannot capture the hag without breaking the Treaty of the Valley. Her grandson, Edward, becomes the prince. The once happy and adventurous boy becomes reclusive and seemingly taken by a dark mood. After openly calling the Queen a coward during a council meeting, the boy is sent off to be a squire for one of the members of the Witten.

  • 1536 DR

    12 Eleasis 8
    1536 DR

    20 Eleasis 8

    The Eight Days of Fire

    For eight long days fire ensnares Waterdeep as workers riot against the noble houses of Waterdeep, resulting in the unmasking and deaths of 8 of the Lord's Helm and the disappearance of The Blackstaff of Waterdeep.

  • 1539 DR

    Alturiak 2

    The Missing Queen
    Political event

    High Queen Alicia Kendrick goes missing at the age of 199. Due to her position as an Archdruid, her powers allowed her to extend her life to a ridiculous degree, appearing to only be about 20 even when she went missing, so death by age has been ruled out. Without her unifying presence, the Norheim Isles declare independence, followed shortly after by Alaron and the rest of the Isles.

  • 1539 DR

    Flamerule 7

    The Lion King of Gwynneth
    Political event

    Several months after the Queen's disappearance, she is assumed dead. Edward Kendrick ascends the throne of Gwynneth. He seems far more focused on Gwynneth than his predecessors, wishing for the region to be powerful as it was in the days of Corwell Strong. His hatred for Alaron, the Northlanders, and especially Fey is well known. Although his reign is prosperous, it owes this to his slavery policies.

  • 1540 DR

    The Witten Breaks
    Political event

    King Edward dissolves the powers of the Witten, outright bribing several members and executing others. The Witten is degraded into being nothing more than an honorary position, with the King's council being official members of the Witten who can be dismissed with the wave of a hand.

  • 1540 DR

    Ches 3

    Mass Conversion of Gwynneth
    Religious event

    At the decree of King Edward, Gwynneth converts from their worship of the Earthmother to the Church of the Red Flame. Kossuth's worshipers extract heavy tithes from "heretic" peasants, and those that cannot pay are burn at the stake. Kossuthite zealots immigrate to Gwynneth, bolstering the army with powerful mages, clerics, and zealous warriors. High Priestess Aemyrra Tsaan becomes the right hand of King Edward.   Tieflings go from being second class citizens to being viewed as better than humans in many regards. The "Chosen of Kossuth" are granted tax cuts, and prestigious jobs.

  • 1541 DR

    The Ravaging of Pendryc
    Military: War

    King Edward orders a full out assault on the Llewyr Forest. The Elves that are not killed are forced into labor camps, and made into "indentured servants". Subjugated Elves are segregated, forced to live in the poorest and filthiest parts of the cities. While not slaves in name, they work for no pay, and are forced to live in terrible conditions. Worship of Elven gods is outlawed, as is speaking the Elvish language.   The now empty Llewyr Forest descends into the rule of evil Fey spirits, and is now known as the Dark Forest of Pendryc, a name quite literally meaning "evil wood".

  • 1541 DR

    Hammer 1
    1543 DR

    Ches 3

    The Shattered States of Thesk
    Military: War

    The Red Wizards of Thay invade north into the nation of Thesk, overwhelming the forces of the Theskian Military with speed and might. As the Thesk saw a string of defeats the mercenary's they relied upon to defend its major strongholds began to flee the lost cause of Thesk, leading to the abolition of Thesk in 1543 and the creation of the Thay Client States in its place.

    Additional timelines
  • 1541 DR

    Eleasis 8

    King Edward's Gift
    Military: War

    A second military campaign is fought in the north of Gwynneth, forcing the firbolgs of Earthbone to abandon the lush fields surrounding the free human settlement of Caervu. Caervu and its surrounding lands are granted to Felmhor, the leader of the fomorian remnants in the Moonshaes. Teyrfomor, the Kingdom of Fomorians, rises as a client state of Gwynneth. Loyal fomorians are bred en masse here, with the use of foul magics accelerating their lifespans. Caervu is a city of horrors ruled by evil giant-kin and built at the hands of Elven slaves.

  • 1542 DR

    The Everlasting Rime Begins
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Auril the Frostmaiden casts her spell over Icewind Dale for the first time, preventing the sun from rising in Icewind Dlae. The Ten Townsfolk call the event the Everlasting Rime

  • 1542 DR

    The Free Trade City of Creban

    The city of Creban is gifted to the powerful pirate lord Ulvor Ironhook. The city is given the rights of a "Free Trade City" making it an almost utterly lawless city. Pirates anchor their ships here, and all types of foul folk can be found wandering its streets.

  • 1542 DR

    1543 DR

    The War of Ten Mounds
    Military action

    The War of Ten Mounds fought by The Three Lords Alliance and the Sword Coast Federation over holy lands in the Sword Coast. The Three Lords Alliance was humiliated in the fight, due in part to the wizards of the Arcane Brotherhood who fought in the war.

    More reading
    War of Ten Mounds
  • 1543 DR

    Magic is Chaos Act

    King Edward releases a decree deeming "unorthodox" magic  as being worthy of death. This is used as an excuse to round up many dissentful magic users and burn them at the stake.

  • 1544 DR

    The Tribute Kings
    Political event

    King Edward negotiates with Amn, purchasing the colony of New Athkatla (once the island of Snowdown) in exchange for a hefty supply of Elven magical artifacts taken from the Llewyr Elves. Through threats and deft diplomacy, the island of Moray is propped up as a tributary kingdom, and outposts are settled on the old mage island of Flamsterd.

  • 1544 DR

    20 Hammer 1

    The Everlasting Rime Ends
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Eternal Winter encompassing Icewind Dale is dispelled. The Remnants of the Ten Towns say a hero had ventured to the goddess Auril and sacrificed themselves to end the cursed winter, however the exact events that saw the end of this strange event are unknown to the world at large.

  • 1544 DR

    Ches 3

    Formation of the North-Sea Pact
    Diplomatic action

    Lord Dagult Neverember announces a marriage between his granddaughter and the Jarl of the island of Ruathym, Ragnar Ravencrown. An alliance is sealed between the two nations, and Ragnar Ravencrown utilizes the new political situation to name himself king of all Northlanders.

  • The Ice Citadel Decends
    The Fall of the Arcane Brotherhood
    Disaster / Destruction

    An icy storm descends upon the city of Luskan, in it lies the Citadel of Ice, and the city is the target of its wrath. The Arcane Brotherhoods power was no match for the Citadel, The Hosttower of the Arcane held out for six hours as the city around it was reduced to rubble before its magical barriers were rendered useless. Luskan was destroyed, and The Arcane Brotherhood was destroyed, its remnants scattered across Faerun. Rumors are abound as to the purpose of this destruction, was this the act of Auril's wrath? Angered over the dispelling of the eternal winter over Icewind Dale? Or is the truth of this Citadel of Ice something far darker than most imagine?

  • 1544 DR

    Tarsakh 4

    The Falling Alliance

    Dagult Neverember declares the official withdrawal of Neverwinter from the Lord's Alliance. Immediately afterward, Neverember expands on his "New Neverwinter" plan, claiming that Neverwinter needs resources and land from Luskan and Waterdeep- and that force will be used to acquire these things if necessary.

  • 1544 DR

    Tarsakh 4

    Gwynneth Industrializes
    Technological achievement

    After visiting the city of Rei, King Edward becomes jealous of their efficiency. Crude factories are built in mimicry of Rei, pumping out swords, shields, and armor faster than any blacksmith could. Following this, General Decree No.1 is passed, allowing children to be put to work in factories. The factories are well known for being incredibly dangerous, with no regard for the safety of workers. Orcish, goblinoid, and fomorian slave-drivers make the workers perform as efficiently as possible, even when the workers include members of their own kin. The worst of these factories are the Magma Pits, in which Dwarves are put to work utilizing the heat of lava to forge weapons and armor. Many die from heat exhaustion.

  • The Lightning War
    The War for the Southern Shore
    Military: War

    Thay invades into Aglaronds southern coast, seizing upon a moment of weakness and strife in the Aglarond Archmages.

    Additional timelines
  • 1544 DR

    14 Kythorn 6

    War of Black Sails
    Military action

    War breaks out between the North-Sea Pact and the Lord's Alliance. Neverwinter assembles a massive armada of pirates from Mintarn and raiders from Ruathym, a fleet that dwarfs Waterdeep's navy. In response, Waterdeep hires the infamous pirate captain Benedict Brooks to lead an armada of privateers against the forces of Neverwinter.

  • 1544 DR

    19 Eleasis 8

    Battle of the Serpent

    A massive naval battle is fought between the fleets of Neverwinter and Waterdeep. It appeared Waterdeep was winning quite easily, until a titanic white dragon arose from the depths mounted by Ragnar Ravencrown. With the aid of the dragon, the forces of Neverwinter won the day. Benedict Brooks took what was left of his armada and fled through various river passages to the Sea of Fallen Stars.

  • 1544 DR

    Uktar 11

    The Waterdeep Accords

    After a six month long siege and the loss of most of their navy and army, Waterdeep surrenders to Neverwinter. The Waterdeep Accords are signed, greatly reducing the size of Waterdeeps borders and forbidding the construction of a navy even half the size of that of Neverwinter. With Waterdeep neutered, the Lord's Alliance begins to crumble.

  • 1545 DR

    New Neverwinter
    Civil action

    Never have the borders of Neverwinter been this large, nor has the nation ever had such power. The rebuilding of Neverwinter is hastened with the introduction of new resources and lands. There is still unrest in the nation's lands, and some even whisper that Dagult Neverember has grown tired of being called Lord-Protector and aims to convene a council to elect him as king.   In addition, a Skyway is opened between Rei and Neverwinter, aiding trade and greatly reducing travel times. Rei is granted association status with the North-Sea Pact, with a lingering possibility of an alliance ever present.

    Additional timelines