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Siladar Hallwinter

Knight of the Order of the Gauntlet Siladar Hallwinter

Sildar Hallwinter is a retired knight from Neverwinter. Sildar was said to be kind-hearted and sincere, although lacking in confidence and charisma. He was generally risk-averse, although still willing to enter into potentially dangerous situations when no one else dared. He was a fan of "quaint" inns. In his younger days, Sildar was a soldier and earned himself a place of honor among the Griffon Cavalry of Waterdeep. After retiring from the Griffon Cavalry of Waterdeep he served as an agent for the Lord's Alliance and worked with several independent adventuring parties. He set off to Phandalin from Neverwinter to escort Gundren Rockseeker, who had recently rediscovered the Wave Echo Cave. Sildar had his own reasons for visiting Phandalin and wished to find out what was happening with his fellow agent of the Lord's Alliance, Iarno Albrek. He also wanted to help Gundren and his brothers re-open the mine, as well as establish Phandalin as a place of prosperity, as it once was. However, on the way, he was ambushed and captured by the Cragmaw tribe and he was taken to the Cragmaw Hideout but eventually rescued by a band of adventurers.

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Current Status
On a quest with the party
Middle age
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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