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x-Harbin Wester's House

Outside Description: Harbin Wester's house is a modest log cabin located in Phandalin. Constructed from thick logs, the cabin stands with a simple and rustic charm. The logs have a weathered appearance, showing the passage of time. The roof is made of wooden shingles, providing protection against the elements. A stone chimney rises from one side of the cabin, hinting at a cozy hearth inside. The windows are small and fitted with shutters, allowing for privacy and security. Surrounding the cabin is a small garden with a few well-tended plants, adding a touch of color to the scene. Overall, the house exudes a humble and welcoming atmosphere.   Inside Description: Stepping inside Harbin Wester's log cabin, you find yourself in a cozy and inviting space. The interior is adorned with wooden beams and walls, creating a warm and rustic ambiance. The main living area features a crackling fireplace, its flickering flames casting a comforting glow across the room. The furniture is modest but sturdy, reflecting Harbin's practical nature. A worn but well-maintained wooden table sits in the center, surrounded by a few mismatched chairs. Shelves line the walls, displaying a collection of books and various curiosities, hinting at Harbin's interest in history and exploration. The air carries a faint scent of wood and hearth, adding to the comforting atmosphere. Overall, the interior of Harbin's house is a reflection of his simple and unpretentious lifestyle, providing a welcoming retreat from the outside world.  
Question Answer
Can you describe the interior of Harbin Wester's house? Inside Harbin's house, you find a cozy living room with a fireplace, a simple dining area, a small study filled with books, and a bedroom upstairs.
Are there any notable decorations or furnishings in the house? The house is furnished with sturdy wooden furniture, including a large dining table, comfortable chairs, and bookshelves filled with various volumes.
Does Harbin have any personal belongings or mementos? Harbin's personal belongings include a desk with ledgers and financial documents, family portraits hanging on the walls, and a collection of antique coins.
Are there any hidden compartments or secret rooms in the house? No, the house doesn't have any hidden compartments or secret rooms. It is a simple, straightforward dwelling.
Is there anything unusual or peculiar about the house? The house, while not extravagant, exudes an air of modest comfort. It is well-maintained, and you notice a few framed certificates hanging on the walls.
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