Isle of Alaron Geographic Location in Faerun | World Anvil

Isle of Alaron

The mightiest and oldest kingdom of the Ffolk, Callidyrr occupies most of the island of Alaron. The Palace of the High King, Caer Callidyrr, is easily the grandest structure on the isles. This is the center of magic, for here the council of sorcerers holds the ear of the High King. And this is the center of artisanship, source of the finest steel weapons anywhere along the Sword Coast. The northern border of Callidyrr lies along the Fairheight Mountains. This is a relatively low, but very rugged range that separates the kingdom from the northmen realm of Gnarhelm. Callidyrr is easily the most prosperous and civilized kingdom on the Moonshaes. The land is rich and natural resources such as timber and iron are abundant. Even gold, silver, and other precious metals have been excavated from the foothills of the Fairheight Range.   Callidyrr receives more visitors from the Sword Coast and beyond than any other realm of the isles, and consequently it has a more integrated populace. It is not uncommon, in the streets of the capital city, to encounter Calishite merchants, mercenaries of Tethyr, shipbuilders of Mintarn, and many others among the tradesmen and fishermen of the Ffolk. Much of Callidyrr is gently rolling open country. Several good roads cross the land, stretching north and south from the capital. Many other roads have fallen into disrepair. The largest forest in the land, Dernall Forest, is home to several roving bands of outlaws and cutthroats. Even the militia of the High King fears to enter this wild reach, except in great numbers. But the most fabled part of the kingdom, and one of the wonders of the Moonshaes, sprawls on the hilltops above the islands' most populous city. Caer Callidyrr lords over the city of the same name. The Palace of the High King is a wonder of architecture. Its tall spires can be seen, piercing the clouds, as ships sail through the placid waters of Whitefish Bay. Amid the winding ways of the castle, the elite troops of the High King train and the council of sorcerers meets to advise their liege. The High King himself rarely leaves his castle or receives visitors. In splendid isolation he rules his land and his people.
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