Moonshae Isles Geographic Location in Faerun | World Anvil

Moonshae Isles

The Moonshae Islands are a large collection of islands well to the west of the Sword Coast, and ruled by a collection of more than a dozen small kingdoms. Those kingdoms in the southern parts of the island are held by the Ffolk: farmers and fishermen who were the original human inhabitants of the islands. The kingdoms of the northern regions of the Moonshae are held by the descendents of Northmen raiders. The Moonshaes are blanketed with many forests of oak, hickory, birch, yew, and pines. Much of the land is mountainous and rocky, or low, flat bog. The coastlines are primarily rocky, and brutal winter storms sweep the islands during the winter months.


  • Moonshae Isles
    From "Moonshaes, FR2" copyright 1987 TSR, Inc.
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