The Trackless Sea Geographic Location in Faerun | World Anvil

The Trackless Sea

The northern extent of the Trackless Sea is cold, gray, bleak and unforgiving to those who venture across its depths.  Yet the people on the islands must live with the sea. It gives them life, and in unpredictable moments, takes life violently away.   The Trackless Sea crosses both the arctic and subarctic climate zones. North of Luskan, arctic conditions prevail, while subarctic climate holds as far south as the Moonshaes. Raging storms are common, and anything less than a stiff breeze quite uncommon, though the storms reach their peak in winter (making sea travel quite impossible). A warm ocean current flows northward along the Sword Coast, warming coastal areas and giving them a milder climate than inland regions. This current turns west along the Cold Run and deposits its last dregs of warmth on the shores of Tuern.  Due to this, icebergs are uncommon in coastal shipping lanes and a serious threat to travel between Tuern and other islands.
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