Brenna Fint

Captain Brenna Melani Fint

Brenna Fint is a legendary naval captain who lived 21-64 PU. Like many in the military, Brenna worshiped Bahamut but apparently took the god's decree of 'fair war' to its extremes. When Brenna was 20, she was conscripted into The Spice War by her native city of Calimport, which had the entire Shining Sea and surrounding cities fighting over rights to the wealth of spices found growing on the Chultan Peninsula. She rapidly climbed the ranks and became a naval captain at 22. However, as she aged and studied the God of War, Brenna became frustrated with the obvious power imbalance between the technologically advanced northern cities and the natives of Chult. After becoming Captain, she stole her ship and turned on her city, becoming a rogue pirate who would destroy her own former naval ships in order to 'balance the odds' and give the native Chultans a fair fight. Because of this, Chult became an independent nation.