Chultan Peninsula

Chult is a large peninsula located just south of the border between The Civilized West and The Wild South. Due to its dense, hostile tropical forests it remains one of the least explored regions of Faerun-- at least to the West. Chult's jungles are known to contain several incredibly ancient endemic species which cannot be found elsewhere, and therefore boasts a thriving export of rare spices as well as exotic creatures sold as pets.   Chult does not have a recognizable form of government and instead supports several tribes of a reptilian sentient species known as yuan-ti. It has only one major city, Port Zi'teli, which is controlled not by locals but by a military contingent belonging to Calimport; a remnant of The Spice War. In this war, Calimport attempted to annex Chult but failed due to the legendary actions of Brenna Fint. The Spice War was the only known invasion attempt of Chult, likely because of its inhospitable environment.   The Ban'chi Tribe is known to reside in the heart of the Chultan Peninsula; this is a tribe of an endemic form of yuan-ti in which individuals are about half the size of those in other tribes or regions.